Example 4: Using a real dataset (HSC)

Fit halo mass to shear profile using HSC data

*the LSST-DESC CLMM team*

This notebook can be run on NERSC.

Here we demonstrate how to run CLMM on real observational datasets. As
an example, we use the data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic
Program (HSC SSP) public releases (Aihara+2018ab, 2019;
Mandelbaum+2018ab) (Credit: NAOJ / HSC Collaboration), which have
similar observation conditions and data formats to the Rubin LSST.

The steps in this notebook includes: - `Setting things up <#Setup>`__ -
`Selecting a cluster <#Selecting_a_cluster>`__ - `Downloading the
published catalog at the cluster field <#Downloading_the_catalog>`__ -
`Loading the catalog into CLMM <#Loading_the_catalog>`__ - `Running CLMM
on the dataset <#Running_CLMM>`__


The data access of the HSC SSP Public Data Release:

Shape catalog:

FAQ: https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/doc/index.php/faq\__pdr3/

Photometric redshifts:

Cluster catalog:

## 1. Setup

We import packages.

.. code:: ipython3

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # %matplotlib inline
    from astropy.table import Table
    import pickle as pkl
    from pathlib import Path

## 2. Selecting a cluster

We use the HSC SSP publications
(https://hsc.mtk.nao.ac.jp/ssp/publications/) to select a list of
reported massive galaxy clusters that have been measured by weak
lensing. In the table below, the coordinates are for lensing peaks
unless otherwise specified, and we assume h=0.7.

| Name    | ..      | RA      | DEC     | WL Mass | Re      | Note    |
|         |  math:: | (deg)   | (deg)   |         | ference |         |
|         |  z_{cl} |         |         |         |         |         |
| HWL     | 0.592   | 2       | 0.1689  | 15.3,   | `Ha     | CAMIRA  |
| 16a-094 |         | 23.0801 |         | 7.8     | mana+20 | ID      |
|         |         |         |         |         | 20 <htt | 1417;   |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui | Miyaza  |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs | ki+2018 |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar | rank 34 |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2020 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 72...78 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | H/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| HWL     | 0.424   | 1       | 1.6473  | 8.7,    | `Ha     | –       |
| 16a-026 |         | 30.5895 |         | 4.7     | mana+20 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 20 <htt |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2020 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 72...78 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | H/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| HWL     | 0.315   | 1       | −0.3966 | 8.1,    | `Ha     | Abell   |
| 16a-034 |         | 39.0387 |         | 5.6     | mana+20 | 776;    |
|         |         |         |         |         | 20 <htt | MACS    |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui | J0916.  |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs | 1−0023; |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar | Miyaza  |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a | ki+2018 |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2020 | rank 8; |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... | see     |
|         |         |         |         |         | 72...78 | also    |
|         |         |         |         |         | H/abstr | M       |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ | edezins |
|         |         |         |         |         |         | ki+2018 |
| Rank 9  | 0.312   | 37.3951 | −3.6099 | –, 5.9  | `Miya   | –       |
|         |         |         |         |         | zaki+20 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 18 <htt |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2018 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 70S..27 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | M/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| Rank 48 | 0.529   | 2       | 1.0509  | –, 10.4 | `Miya   | –       |
|         |         | 20.7900 |         |         | zaki+20 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 18 <htt |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2018 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 70S..27 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | M/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| Rank 62 | 0.592   | 2       | 0.7982  | –, 10.2 | `Miya   | –       |
|         |         | 16.6510 |         |         | zaki+20 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 18 <htt |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2018 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | PASJ... |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 70S..27 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | M/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| MaxBCG  | 0.2701  | 14      | 3.77820 | 44.3,   | `Me     | BCG     |
| J140.   |         | 0.54565 |         | 25.1    | dezinsk | center  |
| 53188+0 |         |         |         |         | i+2018  | (close  |
| 3.76632 |         |         |         |         | <https: | to the  |
|         |         |         |         |         | //ui.ad | X-ray   |
|         |         |         |         |         | sabs.ha | c       |
|         |         |         |         |         | rvard.e | enter); |
|         |         |         |         |         | du/abs/ | PSZ2    |
|         |         |         |         |         | 2018PAS | G228.50 |
|         |         |         |         |         | J...70S | +34.95; |
|         |         |         |         |         | ..28M%2 | double  |
|         |         |         |         |         | F/abstr | BCGs    |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |
| X       | 0.429   | 35.439  | −3.772  | 9.6,    | `Um     | X-ray   |
| LSSC006 |         |         |         | 5.6     | etsu+20 | center  |
|         |         |         |         |         | 20 <htt |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ps://ui |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .adsabs |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | .harvar |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | d.edu/a |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | bs/2020 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | ApJ...8 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | 90..148 |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | U/abstr |         |
|         |         |         |         |         | act>`__ |         |

## 3. Downloading the catalog at the cluster field

The 3 most massive cluster-candidates are MaxBCG.J140.53188+03.76632 (in
the GAMA09H field), Miyazaki+2018 (M18 hearafter) rank 48 and 62 (in the
GAMA15H field). We consider MaxBCG.J140.53188+03.76632 first. The
webpage for HSC SSP data access is here
`link <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/doc/index.php/data-access__pdr3/>`__.
To download the catalogs, we need to first register for a user account
(`link <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/datasearch/new_user/new>`__).
Then we log into the system, query and download the catalogs at `CAS
Search <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/datasearch/helps/sql_search>`__;
we use ``object_id`` to cross match the shape catalog, photo-z catalog,
and photometry catalog. Since the clusters are at redshift about 0.4, a
radius of 10 arcmin would be about 3 Mpc. However, we make a query for
the whole field to save time. The final catalog includes shape info,
photo-z, and photometry. Here is an example of the query SQL command
(thank Calum Murray; `example
command <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/doc/index.php/s16a-shape-catalog-pdr2/>`__;
`schema <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/schema/>`__); the query could
take 1 hour and the size of the catalog could be 400 MB (.csv.gz). If
you would like to test it, please copy from “select” to “–LIMIT 5”. Also
select “PDR1” or press “Guess release from your SQL” at the `CAS
Search <https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/datasearch/helps/sql_search>`__
webpage. To unpress the file “.gz”, use “gunzip” or “gzip -d”.


    c.ira, c.idec, 
    a.ishape_hsm_regauss_e1, a.ishape_hsm_regauss_e2, 
    a.ishape_hsm_regauss_resolution, a.ishape_hsm_regauss_sigma, 
    d1.photoz_best as ephor_ab_photoz_best, d1.photoz_risk_best as ephor_ab_photoz_risk_best, 
    d2.photoz_best as frankenz_photoz_best, d2.photoz_risk_best as frankenz_photoz_risk_best, 
    d3.photoz_best as nnpz_photoz_best, d3.photoz_risk_best as nnpz_photoz_risk_best, 
    e.icmodel_mag, e.icmodel_mag_err, 
    e.icmodel_flux, e.icmodel_flux_err, 
    s16a_wide.meas2 a
    inner join s16a_wide.weaklensing_hsm_regauss b using (object_id)
    inner join s16a_wide.meas c using (object_id)
    -- inner join s16a_wide.photoz_demp d using (object_id)
    -- inner join s16a_wide.photoz_ephor d using (object_id)
     inner join s16a_wide.photoz_ephor_ab d1 using (object_id)
     inner join s16a_wide.photoz_frankenz d2 using (object_id)
    -- inner join s16a_wide.photoz_mizuki d using (object_id)
    -- inner join s16a_wide.photoz_mlz d using (object_id)
     inner join s16a_wide.photoz_nnpz d3 using (object_id)
     inner join s16a_wide.forced e using (object_id)
   -- Uncomment the specific lines depending upon the field to be used
    -- where s16a_wide.search_xmm(c.skymap_id)
    -- where s16a_wide.search_wide01h(c.skymap_id)
    -- where s16a_wide.search_vvds(c.skymap_id)
    -- where s16a_wide.search_hectomap(c.skymap_id)
    -- where s16a_wide.search_gama15h(c.skymap_id)
    where s16a_wide.search_gama09h(c.skymap_id)
    --AND e.detect_is_primary
    --AND conesearch(c.icoord, 140.54565, 3.77820, 600) 
    --AND NOT e.icmodel_flux_flags
    --AND e.iclassification_extendedness>0.5
    --LIMIT 5

## 4. Loading the catalog into CLMM

Once we have the catalog, we read in the catalog, make cuts on the
catalog, and adjust column names to prepare for the analysis in CLMM.

.. code:: ipython3

    # Assume the downloaded catalog is at this path:
    filename = "197376_GAMMA09H.csv"
    catalog = filename.replace(".csv", ".pkl")
    if not Path(catalog).is_file():
        data_0 = Table.read(filename, format="ascii.csv")
        pkl.dump(data_0, open(catalog, "wb"))
        data_0 = pkl.load(open(catalog, "rb"))

.. parsed-literal::

    CPU times: user 141 ms, sys: 738 ms, total: 879 ms
    Wall time: 886 ms

.. code:: ipython3


.. parsed-literal::

    ['# object_id', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shape_weight', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_m', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_c1', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_c2', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_sigma_e', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_rms_e', 'ira', 'idec', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_e1', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_e2', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_resolution', 'ishape_hsm_regauss_sigma', 'ephor_ab_photoz_best', 'ephor_ab_photoz_risk_best', 'frankenz_photoz_best', 'frankenz_photoz_risk_best', 'nnpz_photoz_best', 'nnpz_photoz_risk_best', 'icmodel_mag', 'icmodel_mag_err', 'detect_is_primary', 'iclassification_extendedness', 'icmodel_flux_flags', 'icmodel_flux', 'icmodel_flux_err', 'iblendedness_abs_flux']

.. code:: ipython3

    # We select "frankenz" for the test, but there are other methods available.
    photoz_type = "frankenz"
    # photoz_type = "nnpz"
    # photoz_type = "ephor_ab"

.. code:: ipython3

    # Cuts
    def make_cuts(catalog_in):
        # We consider some cuts in Mandelbaum et al. 2018 (HSC SSP Y1 shear catalog).
        select = catalog_in["detect_is_primary"] == "True"
        select &= catalog_in["icmodel_flux_flags"] == "False"
        select &= catalog_in["iclassification_extendedness"] > 0.5
        select &= catalog_in["icmodel_mag_err"] <= 2.5 / np.log(10.0) / 10.0
        select &= (
            catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_e1"] ** 2 + catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_e2"] ** 2 < 4.0
        select &= catalog_in["icmodel_mag"] <= 24.5
        select &= catalog_in["iblendedness_abs_flux"] < (10 ** (-0.375))
        select &= catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_resolution"] >= 0.3  # similar to extendedness
        select &= catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_sigma"] <= 0.4
        # Note "zbest" minimizes the risk of the photo-z point estimate being far away from the true value.
        # Details: https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/doc/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/pdr1_photoz_release_note.pdf
        select &= catalog_in["%s_photoz_risk_best" % photoz_type] < 0.5
        catalog_out = catalog_in[select]
        return catalog_out
    data_1 = make_cuts(data_0)
    print(len(data_0), len(data_1), len(data_1) * 1.0 / len(data_0))

.. parsed-literal::

    2678766 2514470 0.9386672818753112

.. code:: ipython3

    # Reference: Mandelbaum et al. 2018 "The first-year shear catalog of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Survey".
    # Section A.3.2: "per-object galaxy shear estimate".
    def apply_shear_calibration(catalog_in):
        e1_0 = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_e1"]
        e2_0 = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_e2"]
        e_rms = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_rms_e"]
        m = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_m"]
        c1 = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_c1"]
        c2 = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shear_bias_c2"]
        # Note: in the mass fit we have not implemented the weight yet.
        weight = catalog_in["ishape_hsm_regauss_derived_shape_weight"]
        R = 1.0 - np.sum(weight * e_rms**2.0) / np.sum(weight)
        m_mean = np.sum(weight * m) / np.sum(weight)
        c1_mean = np.sum(weight * c1) / np.sum(weight)
        c2_mean = np.sum(weight * c2) / np.sum(weight)
        print("R, m_mean, c1_mean, c2_mean: ", R, m_mean, c1_mean, c2_mean)
        g1 = (e1_0 / (2.0 * R) - c1) / (1.0 + m_mean)
        g2 = (e2_0 / (2.0 * R) - c2) / (1.0 + m_mean)
        return g1, g2

.. code:: ipython3

    # Adjust column names.
    def adjust_column_names(catalog_in):
        # We consider a map between new and old column names.
        # Note we have considered shear calibration here.
        column_name_map = {
            "ra": "ira",
            "dec": "idec",
            "z": "%s_photoz_best" % photoz_type,
            "id": "# object_id",
        catalog_out = Table()
        for i in column_name_map:
            catalog_out[i] = catalog_in[column_name_map[i]]
        g1, g2 = apply_shear_calibration(catalog_in)
        # CLMM uses "epsilon shape" rather than "chi shape".
        catalog_out["e1"] = g1
        catalog_out["e2"] = g2
        return catalog_out
    data_2 = adjust_column_names(data_1)

.. parsed-literal::

    R, m_mean, c1_mean, c2_mean:  0.840031677829739 -0.10973213380132621 -0.0001494161260923776 1.7902495719644782e-05

.. code:: ipython3

    # Make some figures for visualization.
    def make_plots(catalog_in):
        # Scatter plot
        plt.scatter(catalog_in["ra"], catalog_in["dec"], c=catalog_in["z"], s=1.0, alpha=0.2)
        # Histogram
        plt.hist(catalog_in["z"], bins=20)
        # Relation
        plt.plot(catalog_in["e1"], catalog_in["e2"], ",")
    # make_plots(data_2)

## 5. Running CLMM on the dataset We use the functions similar to

.. code:: ipython3

    from clmm import Cosmology
    cosmo = Cosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.27 - 0.045, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0)
    # We consider MaxBCG J140.53188+03.76632
    cluster_z = 0.2701  # Cluster redshift
    cluster_ra = 140.54565  # Cluster Ra in deg
    cluster_dec = 3.77820  # Cluster Dec in deg
    obs_galaxies = data_2
    obs_galaxies = obs_galaxies[(obs_galaxies["z"] > (cluster_z + 0.1))]
    # Area cut: the query is made for the whole field and this can simplify the processing.
    select = obs_galaxies["ra"] < cluster_ra + 12.0 / 60.0 / np.cos(cluster_dec / 180.0 * np.pi)
    select &= obs_galaxies["ra"] > cluster_ra - 12.0 / 60.0 / np.cos(cluster_dec / 180.0 * np.pi)
    select &= obs_galaxies["dec"] < cluster_dec + 12.0 / 60.0
    select &= obs_galaxies["dec"] > cluster_dec - 12.0 / 60.0
    obs_galaxies = obs_galaxies[select]
    obs_galaxies["id"] = np.arange(len(obs_galaxies))
    # Put galaxy values on arrays.
    gal_ra = obs_galaxies["ra"]  # Galaxies Ra in deg
    gal_dec = obs_galaxies["dec"]  # Galaxies Dec in deg
    gal_e1 = obs_galaxies["e1"]  # Galaxies elipticipy 1
    gal_e2 = obs_galaxies["e2"]  # Galaxies elipticipy 2
    gal_z = obs_galaxies["z"]  # Galaxies observed redshift
    gal_id = obs_galaxies["id"]  # Galaxies ID

.. code:: ipython3

    # Using the GalaxyCluster object.
    import clmm
    import clmm.dataops as da
    from clmm.utils import convert_units
    # Create a GCData with the galaxies.
    galaxies = clmm.GCData(
        [gal_ra, gal_dec, gal_e1, gal_e2, gal_z, gal_id], names=["ra", "dec", "e1", "e2", "z", "id"]
    # Create a GalaxyCluster.
    cluster = clmm.GalaxyCluster("Name of cluster", cluster_ra, cluster_dec, cluster_z, galaxies)
    # Convert elipticities into shears for the members.
    # Measure profile and add profile table to the cluster.
    seps = convert_units(cluster.galcat["theta"], "radians", "Mpc", cluster.z, cosmo)
        bins=da.make_bins(0.3, 3.0, 15, method="evenlog10width"),

.. parsed-literal::

    ['ra', 'dec', 'e1', 'e2', 'z', 'id', 'theta', 'et', 'ex']
    ['radius_min', 'radius', 'radius_max', 'gt', 'gt_err', 'gx', 'gx_err', 'z', 'z_err', 'n_src', 'W_l', 'gal_id']

.. code:: ipython3

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
    ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1))
    errorbar_kwargs = dict(linestyle="", marker="o", markersize=1, elinewidth=0.5, capthick=0.5)
    ax.set_xlabel("r [Mpc]", fontsize=10)
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$g_t$", fontsize=10)
    ax.grid(which="minor", lw=0.1)

.. image:: Example4_Fit_Halo_mass_to_HSC_data_files/Example4_Fit_Halo_mass_to_HSC_data_16_0.png

.. code:: ipython3

    # Theoretical predictions
    # Model relying on the overall redshift distribution of the sources (WtG III Applegate et al. 2014).
    # Note the concentration of MaxBCG J140.53188+03.76632 was not reported.
    # The value from the stacked sample in the paper is ~7.
    # For the mass scale, a typical c-M relation (e.g. Child et al. 2018) would give c~3 though.
    # And we have not considered a c-M relation in the fitting.
    z_inf = 1000
    concentration = 4.0
    bs_mean = np.mean(clmm.utils.compute_beta_s(cluster.galcat["z"], cluster_z, z_inf, cosmo))
    bs2_mean = np.mean(clmm.utils.compute_beta_s(cluster.galcat["z"], cluster_z, z_inf, cosmo) ** 2)
    def predict_reduced_tangential_shear_redshift_distribution(profile, logm):
        gt = clmm.compute_reduced_tangential_shear(
            r_proj=profile["radius"],  # Radial component of the profile
            mdelta=10**logm,  # Mass of the cluster [M_sun]
            cdelta=concentration,  # Concentration of the cluster
            z_cluster=cluster_z,  # Redshift of the cluster
            z_src=(bs_mean, bs2_mean),  # tuple of (bs_mean, bs2_mean)
        return gt
    # Model using individual redshift and radial information, to compute the averaged shear in each radial bin, based on the galaxies actually present in that bin.
    cluster.galcat["theta_mpc"] = convert_units(
        cluster.galcat["theta"], "radians", "mpc", cluster.z, cosmo
    def predict_reduced_tangential_shear_individual_redshift(profile, logm):
        return np.array(
                        # Radial component of each source galaxy inside the radial bin
                        mdelta=10**logm,  # Mass of the cluster [M_sun]
                        cdelta=concentration,  # Concentration of the cluster
                        z_cluster=cluster_z,  # Redshift of the cluster
                        # Redshift value of each source galaxy inside the radial bin
                for radial_bin in profile

.. code:: ipython3

    # Mass fitting
    mask_for_fit = cluster.profile["n_src"] > 2
    data_for_fit = cluster.profile[mask_for_fit]
    from clmm.support.sampler import fitters
    def fit_mass(predict_function):
        popt, pcov = fitters["curve_fit"](
            bounds=[10.0, 17.0],
        logm, logm_err = popt[0], np.sqrt(pcov[0][0])
        return {
            "logm": logm,
            "logm_err": logm_err,
            "m": 10**logm,
            "m_err": (10**logm) * logm_err * np.log(10),

.. code:: ipython3

    # In the paper, the measured mass is 44.3 {+ 30.3} {- 19.9} * 10^14 Msun (M200c,WL).
    # For convenience, we consider a mean value for the errorbar.
    # We build a dictionary based on that result.
    m_paper = 44.3e14
    m_err_paper = 25.1e14
    logm_paper = np.log10(m_paper)
    logm_err_paper = m_err_paper / (10**logm_paper) / np.log(10)
    paper_value = {
        "logm": logm_paper,
        "logm_err": logm_err_paper,
        "m": 10**logm_paper,
        "m_err": (10**logm_paper) * logm_err_paper * np.log(10),

.. code:: ipython3

    fit_redshift_distribution = fit_mass(predict_reduced_tangential_shear_redshift_distribution)
    fit_individual_redshift = fit_mass(predict_reduced_tangential_shear_individual_redshift)

.. parsed-literal::

    CPU times: user 332 ms, sys: 2.91 ms, total: 335 ms
    Wall time: 333 ms

.. code:: ipython3

        f'Best fit mass for N(z) model                     = {fit_redshift_distribution["m"]:.3e} +/- {fit_redshift_distribution["m_err"]:.3e} Msun'
        f'Best fit mass for individual redshift and radius = {fit_individual_redshift["m"]:.3e} +/- {fit_individual_redshift["m_err"]:.3e} Msun'

.. parsed-literal::

    Best fit mass for N(z) model                     = 2.137e+15 +/- 4.397e+14 Msun
    Best fit mass for individual redshift and radius = 2.358e+15 +/- 4.764e+14 Msun

.. code:: ipython3

    # Visualization of the results.
    def get_predicted_shear(predict_function, fit_values):
        gt_est = predict_function(data_for_fit, fit_values["logm"])
        gt_est_err = [
            predict_function(data_for_fit, fit_values["logm"] + i * fit_values["logm_err"])
            for i in (-3, 3)
        return gt_est, gt_est_err
    gt_redshift_distribution, gt_err_redshift_distribution = get_predicted_shear(
        predict_reduced_tangential_shear_redshift_distribution, fit_redshift_distribution
    gt_individual_redshift, gt_err_individual_redshift = get_predicted_shear(
        predict_reduced_tangential_shear_individual_redshift, fit_individual_redshift
    gt_paper1, gt_err_paper1 = get_predicted_shear(
        predict_reduced_tangential_shear_redshift_distribution, paper_value
    gt_paper2, gt_err_paper2 = get_predicted_shear(
        predict_reduced_tangential_shear_individual_redshift, paper_value

.. code:: ipython3

    chi2_redshift_distribution_dof = np.sum(
        (gt_redshift_distribution - data_for_fit["gt"]) ** 2 / (data_for_fit["gt_err"]) ** 2
    ) / (len(data_for_fit) - 1)
    chi2_individual_redshift_dof = np.sum(
        (gt_individual_redshift - data_for_fit["gt"]) ** 2 / (data_for_fit["gt_err"]) ** 2
    ) / (len(data_for_fit) - 1)
    print(f"Reduced chi2 (N(z) model) = {chi2_redshift_distribution_dof}")
    print(f"Reduced chi2 (individual (R,z) model) = {chi2_individual_redshift_dof}")

.. parsed-literal::

    Reduced chi2 (N(z) model) = 2.4805403526932412
    Reduced chi2 (individual (R,z) model) = 2.6209850216324857

.. code:: ipython3

    from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    gt_ax = fig.add_axes((0.25, 0.42, 0.7, 0.55))
        data_for_fit["radius"], data_for_fit["gt"], data_for_fit["gt_err"], c="k", **errorbar_kwargs
    # Points in grey have not been used for the fit.
    pow10 = 15
    mlabel = lambda name, fits: (
        rf"$M_{{fit}}^{{{name}}} = "
        rf"\times 10^{{{pow10}}} M_\odot$"
    # The model for the 1st method.
        label=mlabel("N(z)", fit_redshift_distribution),
        data_for_fit["radius"], *gt_err_redshift_distribution, lw=0, color="C1", alpha=0.2
    # The model for the 2nd method.
        label=mlabel("z,R", fit_individual_redshift),
    gt_ax.fill_between(data_for_fit["radius"], *gt_err_individual_redshift, lw=0, color="C2", alpha=0.2)
    # The value in the reference paper.
        data_for_fit["radius"], gt_paper1, "-C3", label=mlabel("paper; N(z)", paper_value), lw=0.5
    gt_ax.fill_between(data_for_fit["radius"], *gt_err_paper1, lw=0, color="C3", alpha=0.2)
        data_for_fit["radius"], gt_paper2, "-C4", label=mlabel("paper; Z,R", paper_value), lw=0.5
    gt_ax.fill_between(data_for_fit["radius"], *gt_err_paper2, lw=0, color="C4", alpha=0.2)
    gt_ax.set_ylabel(r"$g_t$", fontsize=8)
    gt_ax.tick_params("x", labelsize=8)
    gt_ax.tick_params("y", labelsize=8)
    errorbar_kwargs2 = {k: v for k, v in errorbar_kwargs.items() if "marker" not in k}
    errorbar_kwargs2["markersize"] = 3
    errorbar_kwargs2["markeredgewidth"] = 0.5
    res_ax = fig.add_axes((0.25, 0.2, 0.7, 0.2))
    delta = (cluster.profile["radius"][1] / cluster.profile["radius"][0]) ** 0.25
        data_for_fit["gt"] / gt_redshift_distribution - 1,
        yerr=data_for_fit["gt_err"] / gt_redshift_distribution,
    errorbar_kwargs2["markersize"] = 3
    errorbar_kwargs2["markeredgewidth"] = 0.5
        data_for_fit["radius"] * delta,
        data_for_fit["gt"] / gt_individual_redshift - 1,
        yerr=data_for_fit["gt_err"] / gt_individual_redshift,
    res_ax.set_xlabel(r"$R$ [Mpc]", fontsize=8)
    res_ax.set_ylabel(r"$g_t^{data}/g_t^{mod.}-1$", fontsize=8)
    res_ax.set_ylim(-5, 5)
    res_ax.tick_params("x", labelsize=8)
    res_ax.tick_params("y", labelsize=8)
    for ax in (gt_ax, res_ax):
        ax.grid(which="minor", lw=0.1)

.. image:: Example4_Fit_Halo_mass_to_HSC_data_files/Example4_Fit_Halo_mass_to_HSC_data_24_0.png


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