Boost factors ============= .. code:: ipython3 import clmm from clmm import Cosmology from import mock_data as mock from clmm.galaxycluster import GalaxyCluster import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import clmm.utils as u Make sure we know which version we’re using .. code:: ipython3 clmm.__version__ .. parsed-literal:: '1.12.0' Define cosmology object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 mock_cosmo = Cosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.27 - 0.045, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0) First, we want to generate a :math:`\Delta\Sigma` (excess surface density) profile from mock data, to which we can apply boost factors. The mock data is generated in the following cells. Generate cluster object from mock data .. code:: ipython3 cosmo = mock_cosmo cluster_id = "Awesome_cluster" cluster_m = 1.0e15 cluster_z = 0.3 concentration = 4 ngals = 1000 zsrc_min = cluster_z + 0.1 # we only want to draw background galaxies noisy_data_z = mock.generate_galaxy_catalog( cluster_m, cluster_z, concentration, cosmo, "chang13", zsrc_min=zsrc_min, shapenoise=0.005, photoz_sigma_unscaled=0.05, ngals=ngals, ) Loading this into a CLMM cluster object centered on (0,0) .. code:: ipython3 cluster_ra = 0.0 cluster_dec = 0.0 cl = GalaxyCluster(cluster_id, cluster_ra, cluster_dec, cluster_z, noisy_data_z) Compute cross and tangential excess surface density for each source galaxy .. code:: ipython3 _ = cl.compute_tangential_and_cross_components( geometry="flat", shape_component1="e1", shape_component2="e2", tan_component="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component="DeltaSigma_cross", add=True, cosmo=cosmo, is_deltasigma=True, ) .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/cosmology/ UserWarning: Some source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift. Sigma_crit = np.inf for those galaxies. Calculate the binned profile .. code:: ipython3 cl.make_radial_profile( "kpc", cosmo=cosmo, tan_component_in="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component_in="DeltaSigma_cross", tan_component_out="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component_out="DeltaSigma_cross", table_name="DeltaSigma_profile", ) # Format columns for display for col in cl.DeltaSigma_profile.colnames: fmt = cl.DeltaSigma_profile[col].info.format if "DeltaSigma" in col: fmt = ".2e" elif any(typ in col for typ in ("z", "radius")): fmt = ".2f" cl.DeltaSigma_profile[col].info.format = fmt # Show cl.DeltaSigma_profile.show_in_notebook() .. raw:: html GCData length=10
Plot the :math:`\Delta\Sigma` profile .. code:: ipython3 plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", ) plt.title("DeltaSigma profile") plt.xlabel("Radius [kpc]") plt.ylabel("$\Delta\Sigma [M_\odot\; Mpc^{-2}]$") .. image:: demo_boost_factors_files/demo_boost_factors_16_0.png Boost Factors ------------- CLMM offers two boost models, the NFW boost model, and a powerlaw boost model. Note that ``compute_nfw_boost`` requires two parameters to be specified, ``rs`` and ``b0``, and ``compute_powerlaw_boost`` requires three paramters, ``rs``, ``b0`` and ``alpha``. The default values are in kpc. Details on these boost models can be found `here `__ First, we can calculate the boost factors from the two models. .. code:: ipython3 nfw_boost = u.compute_nfw_boost(cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], rscale=1000, boost0=0.1) powerlaw_boost = u.compute_powerlaw_boost( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], rscale=1000, boost0=0.1, alpha=-1.0 ) Plot the two boost factors, :math:`B(R)` .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], nfw_boost, label="NFW boost factor") plt.plot(cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], powerlaw_boost, label="Powerlaw boost factor") plt.xlabel("Radius [kpc]") plt.ylabel("$B(R)$") plt.legend() .. image:: demo_boost_factors_files/demo_boost_factors_21_0.png The :math:`\Delta\Sigma` profiles can be corrected with the boost factor using ``correct_sigma_with_boost_values`` or ``correct_sigma_with_boost_model``. ``correct_sigma_with_boost_values`` requires us to precompute the boost factor, e.g. using ``compute_nfw_boost``. ``correct_sigma_with_boost_model`` simply requires us to specify the boost model. Note that the boost factor can be used in one of two ways. Either the boost factor can be applied to the observed data vector to correct for the dilution of the signal by cluster member galaxies. In this case the amplitude of the corrected profile will increase. Or the boost factor can be applied to the model prediction. In this case it behaves as a dilution factor, and the resulting model prediction will be lower than the original one. Both scenarios will improve the agreement between the mock data and observed data, by accounting for cluster member galaxy contamination. In this notebook, we use the second approach, where the data is generated using mock data that does not account for dilution until the boost factor is applied. The corrected profiles from the mock data are lower than the uncorrected one. Essentially we are diluting the mock profile to mimick the effect of contamination by cluster members. First we will apply the boost factor with ``correct_sigma_with_boost_values`` .. code:: ipython3 Sigma_corrected_powerlaw_boost = u.correct_sigma_with_boost_values( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], powerlaw_boost ) Sigma_corrected_nfw_boost = u.correct_sigma_with_boost_values( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], nfw_boost ) Plot the result .. code:: ipython3 plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], Sigma_corrected_nfw_boost, cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="$\Delta \Sigma$ / NFW boost factor", ) plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], Sigma_corrected_powerlaw_boost, cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="$\Delta \Sigma$ / Powerlaw boost factor", ) plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="uncorrected $\Delta \Sigma$", color="grey", ) # plt.loglog() plt.title("DeltaSigma profile") plt.xlabel("Radius [kpc]") plt.ylabel("$\Delta\Sigma [M_\odot\; Mpc^{-2}]$") plt.legend() .. image:: demo_boost_factors_files/demo_boost_factors_27_0.png Now the same again but with ``correct_sigma_with_boost_model`` .. code:: ipython3 Sigma_corrected_powerlaw_boost = u.correct_sigma_with_boost_model( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], boost_model="powerlaw_boost", ) Sigma_corrected_nfw_boost = u.correct_sigma_with_boost_model( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], boost_model="nfw_boost", ) plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], Sigma_corrected_nfw_boost, cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="$\Delta \Sigma$ / NFW boost factor", ) plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], Sigma_corrected_powerlaw_boost, cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="$\Delta \Sigma$ / Powerlaw boost factor", ) plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="uncorrected $\Delta \Sigma$", color="grey", ) # plt.loglog() plt.title("DeltaSigma profile") plt.xlabel("Radius [kpc]") plt.ylabel("$\Delta\Sigma [M_\odot\; Mpc^{-2}]$") plt.legend() .. image:: demo_boost_factors_files/demo_boost_factors_29_0.png