Measure WL Profiles =================== Note ---- All functions in this section can be used passing the explicit arguments but are also internal functions of the cluster object, and should be used as such. They are just explicitely used here for clarity. Ex: :: theta, g_t, g_x = compute_tangential_and_cross_components(ra_lens, dec_lens, ra_source, dec_source, shear1, shear2) should be done by the user as: :: theta, g_t, g_x = cl.compute_tangential_and_cross_components() .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import clmm import clmm.dataops from clmm.dataops import compute_tangential_and_cross_components, make_radial_profile, make_bins from clmm.galaxycluster import GalaxyCluster import clmm.utils as u from clmm import Cosmology from import mock_data as mock Make sure we know which version we’re using .. code:: ipython3 clmm.__version__ .. parsed-literal:: '1.12.0' Define random seed for reproducibility .. code:: ipython3 np.random.seed(11) Define cosmology object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 mock_cosmo = Cosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.27 - 0.045, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0) 1. Generate cluster object from mock data ----------------------------------------- In this example, the mock data includes: shape noise, galaxies drawn from redshift distribution and photoz errors. Define toy cluster parameters for mock data generation .. code:: ipython3 cosmo = mock_cosmo cluster_id = "Awesome_cluster" cluster_m = 1.0e15 cluster_z = 0.3 concentration = 4 ngals = 10000 cluster_ra = 0.0 cluster_dec = 90.0 zsrc_min = cluster_z + 0.1 # we only want to draw background galaxies noisy_data_z = mock.generate_galaxy_catalog( cluster_m, cluster_z, concentration, cosmo, "chang13", zsrc_min=zsrc_min, shapenoise=0.05, photoz_sigma_unscaled=0.05, ngals=ngals, cluster_ra=cluster_ra, cluster_dec=cluster_dec, ) Loading this into a CLMM cluster object centered on (0,0) .. code:: ipython3 cl = GalaxyCluster(cluster_id, cluster_ra, cluster_dec, cluster_z, noisy_data_z) 2. Load cluster object containing: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lens properties (ra_l, dec_l, z_l) .. Source properties (ra_s, dec_s, e1, e2) ### Note, if loading from mock data, use: cl = gc.GalaxyCluster.load(“GC_from_mock_data.pkl”) .. code:: ipython3 print("Cluster info = ID:", cl.unique_id, "; ra:", cl.ra, "; dec:", cl.dec, "; z_l :", cl.z) print("The number of source galaxies is :", len(cl.galcat)) .. parsed-literal:: Cluster info = ID: Awesome_cluster ; ra: 0.0 ; dec: 90.0 ; z_l : 0.3 The number of source galaxies is : 10000 2. Basic checks and plots ------------------------- - galaxy positions - redshift distribution .. code:: ipython3 f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4)) ax[0].scatter(cl.galcat["ra"], cl.galcat["dec"], color="blue", s=1, alpha=0.3) ax[0].plot(cl.ra, cl.dec, "ro") ax[0].set_ylabel("dec", fontsize="large") ax[0].set_xlabel("ra", fontsize="large") hist = ax[1].hist(cl.galcat["z"], bins=40)[0] ax[1].axvline(cl.z, c="r", ls="--") ax[1].set_xlabel("$z_{source}$", fontsize="large") xt = {t: f"{t}" for t in ax[1].get_xticks() if t != 0} xt[cl.z] = "$z_{cl}$" xto = sorted(list(xt.keys()) + [cl.z]) ax[1].set_xticks(xto) ax[1].set_xticklabels(xt[t] for t in xto) ax[1].get_xticklabels()[xto.index(cl.z)].set_color("red") plt.xlim(0, max(xto)) .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_17_0.png - Check ellipticities .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax1.scatter(cl.galcat["e1"], cl.galcat["e2"], s=1, alpha=0.2) ax1.set_xlabel("e1") ax1.set_ylabel("e2") ax1.set_aspect("equal", "datalim") ax1.axvline(0, linestyle="dotted", color="black") ax1.axhline(0, linestyle="dotted", color="black") .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_19_1.png 3. Compute and plot shear profiles ---------------------------------- 3.1 Compute angular separation, cross and tangential shear for each source galaxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 theta, e_t, e_x = compute_tangential_and_cross_components( ra_lens=cl.ra, dec_lens=cl.dec, ra_source=cl.galcat["ra"], dec_source=cl.galcat["dec"], shear1=cl.galcat["e1"], shear2=cl.galcat["e2"], ) 3.1.1 Using ``GalaxyCluster`` object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - You can also call the function directly from the ``GalaxyCluster`` object - By defaut, ``compute_tangential_and_cross_components`` uses columns named ``e1`` and ``e2`` of the ``galcat`` table .. code:: ipython3 cl.compute_tangential_and_cross_components(add=True) # With the option add the cl object has theta, et and ex new columns # (default: takes in columns named 'e1' and 'e2' and save the results in 'et' and 'ex') cl.galcat["et", "ex"].pprint(max_width=-1) .. parsed-literal:: et ex --------------------- ----------------------- -0.014193669604212844 0.024770292812117598 0.027593288682813785 -0.031444795110656676 -0.005206908899369735 -0.030510857504521028 0.11232631436380155 0.07290036434929753 -0.1256142518002091 0.018802231820255564 0.019055204201741657 0.06050406041741734 0.038412781291329155 0.0267416481414113 -0.006667399455776422 -0.016761083213181857 0.046021962786637574 0.11070669922848506 0.12516514028251374 -0.06644865696663554 -0.03582158053386026 0.06837657195958713 0.050596362016295554 -0.009951128297566936 0.09421646798534064 0.015587818027871042 0.07975549313994046 -0.07102831279362883 0.0007749626574570633 0.0478204490885428 -0.028015540528346306 0.04659801344896773 -0.0529858412338219 0.034872242016200955 0.038405259482106824 0.026001762081430766 0.1197017887991115 -0.00017594425025361377 -0.022159728710095222 -0.0005741244288848292 0.2010969697875847 0.07058694279618334 -0.0452653271235742 0.005864801263309683 0.017705557405416968 0.01299156643524062 ... ... 0.010719332552569169 -0.13640351684318933 0.009928255198615999 -0.05882170840311077 -0.015791006414372845 -0.011393464604573304 0.012215965508645624 0.0049623423240184 0.004540992199877877 0.017415718137861653 0.015455418309285786 -0.06012100352723429 0.02400758201785442 -0.062922003987883 0.006353797774013829 -0.009676100200072795 -0.02553419955403451 -0.007604721209673803 0.036541542133955385 -0.13237962978298412 0.04922842883460248 0.006502573562270769 0.04306295121104719 0.009928395972140016 -0.04534396117336687 0.04809864798978794 0.13235030069330608 0.010849217743934977 -0.04648427585274571 -0.05268394123309532 -0.03498815031434638 -0.001560839875230504 0.03187266724532606 -0.07335010293675895 0.06922795072503296 -0.03909067857437158 0.026474999081928356 0.04501156446867458 0.06794774688091935 -0.0870781268087891 0.11658596390772831 -0.007006942480985608 -0.0582783624179269 -0.01879387705087386 0.06611775764202141 -0.01725669970366957 Length = 10000 rows - But it’s also possible to choose which columns to use for input and output, e.g. Below we’re storing the results in ``e_tan`` and ``e_cross`` instead (explicitely taking ``e1`` and ``e2`` as input) .. code:: ipython3 cl.compute_tangential_and_cross_components( shape_component1="e1", shape_component2="e2", tan_component="e_tan", cross_component="e_cross", add=True, ) cl.galcat["e_tan", "e_cross"].pprint(max_width=-1) .. parsed-literal:: e_tan e_cross --------------------- ----------------------- -0.014193669604212844 0.024770292812117598 0.027593288682813785 -0.031444795110656676 -0.005206908899369735 -0.030510857504521028 0.11232631436380155 0.07290036434929753 -0.1256142518002091 0.018802231820255564 0.019055204201741657 0.06050406041741734 0.038412781291329155 0.0267416481414113 -0.006667399455776422 -0.016761083213181857 0.046021962786637574 0.11070669922848506 0.12516514028251374 -0.06644865696663554 -0.03582158053386026 0.06837657195958713 0.050596362016295554 -0.009951128297566936 0.09421646798534064 0.015587818027871042 0.07975549313994046 -0.07102831279362883 0.0007749626574570633 0.0478204490885428 -0.028015540528346306 0.04659801344896773 -0.0529858412338219 0.034872242016200955 0.038405259482106824 0.026001762081430766 0.1197017887991115 -0.00017594425025361377 -0.022159728710095222 -0.0005741244288848292 0.2010969697875847 0.07058694279618334 -0.0452653271235742 0.005864801263309683 0.017705557405416968 0.01299156643524062 ... ... 0.010719332552569169 -0.13640351684318933 0.009928255198615999 -0.05882170840311077 -0.015791006414372845 -0.011393464604573304 0.012215965508645624 0.0049623423240184 0.004540992199877877 0.017415718137861653 0.015455418309285786 -0.06012100352723429 0.02400758201785442 -0.062922003987883 0.006353797774013829 -0.009676100200072795 -0.02553419955403451 -0.007604721209673803 0.036541542133955385 -0.13237962978298412 0.04922842883460248 0.006502573562270769 0.04306295121104719 0.009928395972140016 -0.04534396117336687 0.04809864798978794 0.13235030069330608 0.010849217743934977 -0.04648427585274571 -0.05268394123309532 -0.03498815031434638 -0.001560839875230504 0.03187266724532606 -0.07335010293675895 0.06922795072503296 -0.03909067857437158 0.026474999081928356 0.04501156446867458 0.06794774688091935 -0.0870781268087891 0.11658596390772831 -0.007006942480985608 -0.0582783624179269 -0.01879387705087386 0.06611775764202141 -0.01725669970366957 Length = 10000 rows Plot tangential and cross ellipticity distributions for verification, which can be accessed in the galaxy cluster object, cl. .. code:: ipython3 f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4)) ax[0].hist(cl.galcat["et"], bins=50) ax[0].set_xlabel("$\\epsilon_t$", fontsize="xx-large") ax[1].hist(cl.galcat["ex"], bins=50) ax[1].set_xlabel("$\\epsilon_x$", fontsize="xx-large") ax[1].set_yscale("log") .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_28_0.png Compute transversal and cross shear profiles in units defined by user, using defaults binning 3.2 Compute shear profile in radial bins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Given the separations in “radians” computed in the previous step, the user may ask for a binned profile in various projected distance units. #### 3.2.1 Default binning - default binning using kpc: .. code:: ipython3 profiles = make_radial_profile( [cl.galcat["et"], cl.galcat["ex"], cl.galcat["z"]], angsep=cl.galcat["theta"], angsep_units="radians", bin_units="kpc", cosmo=cosmo, z_lens=cl.z, ) # profiles.pprint(max_width=-1) profiles.show_in_notebook() .. raw:: html GCData length=10
Note that, because this function bins a generic number of quantities in the radial profile, its output table names the quantities as ``p_i`` and errors as ``p_i_err``. 3.1.2 Using ``GalaxyCluster`` object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The output ``GCData`` corresponding to the binning profiled is attached as a new attribute of the galaxy cluster object. .. code:: ipython3 cl.make_radial_profile("kpc", cosmo=cosmo) # cl.profile.pprint(max_width=-1) cl.profile.show_in_notebook() .. raw:: html GCData length=10
You can see that this ``profile`` table contains metadata regarding the comology and bin units .. code:: ipython3 print("Cosmology:", cl.profile.meta["cosmo"]) print("bin units:", cl.profile.meta["bin_units"]) .. parsed-literal:: Cosmology: CCLCosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.22500000000000003, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0) bin units: kpc Use function to plot the profiles .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = cl.plot_profiles(xscale="log") .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_38_0.png - default binning using degrees: .. code:: ipython3 new_profiles = cl.make_radial_profile("degrees", cosmo=cosmo) fig1, ax1 = cl.plot_profiles() .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_40_1.png 3.2.2 User-defined binning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The users may also provide their own binning, in user-defined units, to compute the transversal and cross shear profiles. The ``make_bins`` function is provided in ```` and allow for various options. - e.g., generate 20 bins between 1 and 6 Mpc, linearly spaced. .. code:: ipython3 new_bins = make_bins(1, 6, nbins=20, method="evenwidth") # Make the shear profile in this binning new_profiles = cl.make_radial_profile("Mpc", bins=new_bins, cosmo=cosmo) fig1, ax1 = cl.plot_profiles() .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_42_1.png - e.g., generate 20 bins between 1 and 6 Mpc, evenly spaced in log space. .. code:: ipython3 new_bins = make_bins(1, 6, nbins=20, method="evenlog10width") new_profiles = cl.make_radial_profile("Mpc", bins=new_bins, cosmo=cosmo) fig1, ax1 = cl.plot_profiles() ax1.set_xscale("log") .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_44_1.png - e.g., generate 20 bins between 1 and 6 Mpc, each contaning the same number of galaxies .. code:: ipython3 # First, convert the source separation table to Mpc seps = u.convert_units(cl.galcat["theta"], "radians", "Mpc", redshift=cl.z, cosmo=cosmo) new_bins = make_bins(1, 6, nbins=20, method="equaloccupation", source_seps=seps) new_profiles = cl.make_radial_profile("Mpc", bins=new_bins, cosmo=cosmo) print(f"number of galaxies in each bin: {list(cl.profile['n_src'])}") fig1, ax1 = cl.plot_profiles() .. parsed-literal:: number of galaxies in each bin: [477, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 476, 477, 477] .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_46_2.png 3.2.3 Other individual profile quantities may also be accessed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 plt.title("Average redshift in radial bins") plt.errorbar(new_profiles["radius"], new_profiles["z"], new_profiles["z_err"], marker="o") plt.axhline(cl.z, linestyle="dotted", color="r") plt.text(1, cl.z * 1.1, "$z_{cl}$", color="r") plt.xlabel("Radius [Mpc]") plt.ylabel("$\langle z\\rangle$") .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_48_0.png 4. Focus on some options ------------------------ 4.1. ``gal_ids_in_bins`` option ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ adds a ``gal_id`` field to the profile GCData. For each bin of the profile, this is filled with the list of galaxy IDs for the galaxies that have fallen in that bin. .. code:: ipython3 cl.make_radial_profile("Mpc", cosmo=cosmo, gal_ids_in_bins=True); .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. code:: ipython3 # Here the list of galaxy IDs that are in the first bin of the tangential shear profile gal_list = cl.profile["gal_id"][0] print(gal_list) .. parsed-literal:: [30, 132, 180, 184, 190, 268, 346, 369, 433, 542, 553, 791, 822, 988, 1023, 1105, 1113, 1198, 1199, 1205, 1212, 1240, 1281, 1308, 1357, 1607, 1648, 1672, 1741, 1754, 1846, 1907, 1957, 2006, 2014, 2338, 2561, 2618, 2622, 2632, 2719, 2833, 2841, 2856, 2964, 3052, 3062, 3087, 3088, 3096, 3116, 3188, 3324, 3400, 3433, 3551, 3572, 3691, 3694, 3746, 3790, 3849, 3855, 3862, 3878, 3893, 4033, 4037, 4048, 4215, 4236, 4300, 4321, 4344, 4496, 4559, 4562, 4651, 4746, 4889, 4942, 4956, 5073, 5139, 5268, 5294, 5345, 5391, 5608, 5785, 5900, 5925, 5961, 5993, 6025, 6153, 6179, 6218, 6284, 6318, 6322, 6349, 6431, 6610, 6636, 6651, 6701, 6706, 6786, 6802, 6818, 6859, 6963, 6970, 7017, 7079, 7212, 7330, 7376, 7383, 7402, 7415, 7448, 7462, 7489, 7723, 7793, 7870, 7933, 7949, 8023, 8073, 8122, 8137, 8211, 8399, 8501, 8527, 8566, 8653, 8822, 8873, 8879, 8915, 8922, 8937, 9128, 9130, 9138, 9188, 9189, 9252, 9470, 9519, 9589, 9596, 9712, 9749, 9775, 9785, 9804, 9867, 9870, 9943, 9990, 9997] 4.2. User-defined naming scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user may specify which columns to use from the ``galcat`` table to perform the binned average. If none is specified, the code looks for columns names ``et`` and ``ex``. Below, we average in bins the columns\ ``e_tan`` and ``e_cross`` of ``galcat`` and store the results in the columns ``g_tan`` and ``g_cross`` of the ``profile`` table of the cluster object. .. code:: ipython3 cl.make_radial_profile( "kpc", cosmo=cosmo, tan_component_in="e_tan", cross_component_in="e_cross", tan_component_out="g_tan", cross_component_out="g_cross", ) # cl.profile.pprint(max_width=-1) cl.profile.show_in_notebook() .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/ UserWarning: overwriting profile table. .. raw:: html GCData length=10
The user may also define the name of the output table attribute. Below, we asked the binned profile to be saved into the ``reduced_shear_profile`` attribute .. code:: ipython3 cl.make_radial_profile( "kpc", cosmo=cosmo, tan_component_in="e_tan", cross_component_in="e_cross", tan_component_out="g_tan", cross_component_out="g_cross", table_name="reduced_shear_profile", ) # cl.reduced_shear_profile.pprint(max_width=-1) cl.reduced_shear_profile.show_in_notebook() .. raw:: html GCData length=10
4.3 Compute a DeltaSigma profile instead of a shear profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``is_deltasigma`` option allows the user to return a cross and tangential :math:`\Delta\Sigma` (excess surface density) value for each galaxy in the catalog, provided ``galcat`` contains the redshifts of the galaxies and provided a cosmology is passed to the function. The columns ``DeltaSigma_tan`` and ``DeltaSigma_cross`` are added to the ``galcat`` table. .. code:: ipython3 cl.compute_tangential_and_cross_components( shape_component1="e1", shape_component2="e2", tan_component="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component="DeltaSigma_cross", add=True, cosmo=cosmo, is_deltasigma=True, ) cl.galcat.columns .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/cosmology/ UserWarning: Some source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift. Sigma_crit = np.inf for those galaxies. .. parsed-literal:: The signal-to-noise of a :math:`\Delta\Sigma` profile is improved when applying optimal weights accounting for photoz, shape noise, precision of the shape measurements. These weights are computed using the ``compute_galaxy_weights`` methods of the ``GalaxyCluster`` class, ans stored as an extra columns of the ``galcat`` table (see the ``demo_compute_deltasigma_weights`` notebook). .. code:: ipython3 cl.compute_galaxy_weights( use_pdz=True, use_shape_noise=True, shape_component1="e1", shape_component2="e2", cosmo=cosmo, is_deltasigma=True, add=True, ) cl.galcat.columns .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/cosmology/ UserWarning: Some source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift. Sigma_crit = np.inf for those galaxies. .. parsed-literal:: Because these operations required a ``Cosmology``, it was added to ``galcat`` metadata: .. code:: ipython3 cl.galcat.meta["cosmo"] .. parsed-literal:: 'CCLCosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.22500000000000003, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0)' The binned profile is obtained, as before. Below, we use the values obtained from the previous step to compute the binned profile. The latter is saved in a new ``DeltaSigma_profile`` table of the GalaxyCluster object. If ``use_weights=True``, the weighted average is performed using the weights stored in ``galcat``. .. code:: ipython3 """ cl.make_radial_profile("Mpc", cosmo=cosmo, tan_component_in='DeltaSigma_tan', cross_component_in='DeltaSigma_cross', tan_component_out='DeltaSigma_tan', cross_component_out='DeltaSigma_cross', table_name='DeltaSigma_profile').pprint(max_width=-1) """ cl.make_radial_profile( "Mpc", cosmo=cosmo, tan_component_in="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component_in="DeltaSigma_cross", tan_component_out="DeltaSigma_tan", cross_component_out="DeltaSigma_cross", table_name="DeltaSigma_profile", use_weights=True, ); .. code:: ipython3 # cl.DeltaSigma_profile.pprint(max_width=-1) cl.DeltaSigma_profile.show_in_notebook() .. raw:: html GCData length=10
To compare, we make use of the functional interface to compute the unweighted averaged profile. The outputs columns are called by default ``p_0``, ``p_1``, etc. .. code:: ipython3 avg_profile_noweights = make_radial_profile( [cl.galcat["DeltaSigma_tan"], cl.galcat["DeltaSigma_cross"]], cl.galcat["theta"], z_lens=cl.z, bin_units="Mpc", angsep_units="radians", cosmo=cosmo, weights=None, ) avg_profile_noweights.columns .. parsed-literal:: .. code:: ipython3 plt.errorbar( cl.DeltaSigma_profile["radius"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan"], cl.DeltaSigma_profile["DeltaSigma_tan_err"], marker="o", label="using weights", ) plt.errorbar( avg_profile_noweights["radius"], avg_profile_noweights["p_0"], avg_profile_noweights["p_0_err"], marker="x", label="no weights", ) plt.title("DeltaSigma profile") plt.xlabel("Radius [Mpc]") plt.ylabel("$\Delta\Sigma [M_\odot\; Mpc^{-2}]$") plt.legend() .. image:: demo_dataops_functionality_files/demo_dataops_functionality_67_0.png