Model WL Profiles (Object Oriented) =================================== Notebook for generating an example galaxy cluster model. -------------------------------------------------------- This notebook goes through the steps to generate model data for galaxy cluster weak lensing observables. In particular, we define a galaxy cluster model that follows and NFW distribution and generate various profiles for the model (mass density, convergence, shear, etc.), which we plot. Note, a full pipeline to measure a galaxy cluster weak lensing mass requires fitting the observed (or mock) data to a model. In this notebook we use the OO interface to theory. .. code:: ipython3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline Imports specific to clmm .. code:: ipython3 import os os.environ[ "CLMM_MODELING_BACKEND" ] = "ccl" # here you may choose ccl, nc (NumCosmo) or ct (cluster_toolkit) import clmm from clmm import Cosmology Make sure we know which version we’re using .. code:: ipython3 clmm.__version__ .. parsed-literal:: '1.12.0' Define a cosmology using astropy .. code:: ipython3 cosmo = Cosmology(H0=70.0, Omega_dm0=0.27 - 0.045, Omega_b0=0.045, Omega_k0=0.0) Define the galaxy cluster model. Here, we choose parameters that describe the galaxy cluster model, including the mass definition, concentration, and mass distribution. For the mass distribution, we choose a distribution that follows an NFW profile. .. code:: ipython3 moo = clmm.Modeling(massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model="nfw") moo.set_cosmo(cosmo) moo.set_concentration(4) moo.set_mass(1.0e15) z_cl = 1.0 # source properties z_src = 2.0 # all sources in the same plane z_distrib_func = clmm.redshift.distributions.chang2013 # sources redshift following a distribution alpha = [2, -0.5] Quick test of all theory functionality .. code:: ipython3 r3d = np.logspace(-2, 2, 100) rho = moo.eval_3d_density(r3d, z_cl) Sigma = moo.eval_surface_density(r3d, z_cl) DeltaSigma = moo.eval_excess_surface_density(r3d, z_cl) gammat = moo.eval_tangential_shear(r3d, z_cl, z_src) kappa = moo.eval_convergence(r3d, z_cl, z_src) gt = moo.eval_reduced_tangential_shear(r3d, z_cl, z_src) # Lensing quantities assuming sources follow a given redshift distribution. # Compute first beta beta_kwargs = { "z_cl": z_cl, "z_inf": 10.0, "cosmo": cosmo, "z_distrib_func": z_distrib_func, } beta_s_mean = clmm.utils.compute_beta_s_mean_from_distribution(**beta_kwargs) beta_s_square_mean = clmm.utils.compute_beta_s_square_mean_from_distribution(**beta_kwargs) gt_z = moo.eval_reduced_tangential_shear( r3d, z_cl, [beta_s_mean, beta_s_square_mean], z_src_info="beta", approx="order2" ) mu = moo.eval_magnification(r3d, z_cl, z_src) mu_bias = moo.eval_magnification_bias(r3d, z_cl, z_src, alpha) .. parsed-literal:: /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/theory/ UserWarning: Magnification is negative for certain radii, returning nan for magnification bias in this case. /global/homes/a/aguena/.local/perlmutter/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clmm-1.12.0-py3.11.egg/clmm/theory/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power Plot the predicted profiles .. code:: ipython3 def plot_profile(r, profile_vals, profile_label="rho", label=""): plt.loglog(r, profile_vals, label=label) plt.xlabel("r [Mpc]", fontsize="xx-large") plt.ylabel(profile_label, fontsize="xx-large") .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, rho, "$\\rho_{\\rm 3d}$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_15_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, Sigma, "$\\Sigma_{\\rm 2d}$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_16_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, DeltaSigma, "$\\Delta\\Sigma_{\\rm 2d}$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_17_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, kappa, "$\\kappa$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_18_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, gammat, "$\\gamma_t$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_19_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, gt, "$g_t$", label="single plane") plot_profile(r3d, gt_z, "$g_t$", label="redshift distribution") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_20_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile(r3d, mu, "$\mu$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_21_0.png .. code:: ipython3 plot_profile( r3d, mu_bias[0] - 1, profile_label="$\delta_{\mu}$", label="$\\alpha$ =" + str(alpha[0]) ) plot_profile(r3d, mu_bias[1] - 1, "$\delta_{\mu}$", label="$\\alpha$ =" + str(alpha[1])) plt.legend(fontsize="xx-large") plt.yscale("linear") plt.grid() plt.ylim(-3, 5) .. parsed-literal:: (-3.0, 5.0) .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_22_1.png .. code:: ipython3 # The 2-halo term excess surface density is currently only implemented for the CCL and NC backends # An error will be raised if using the CT backend instead DeltaSigma_2h = moo.eval_excess_surface_density_2h(r3d, z_cl, halobias=0.3) plot_profile(r3d, DeltaSigma_2h, "$\\Delta\\Sigma_{\\rm 2h}$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_23_0.png .. code:: ipython3 # The 2-halo term excess surface density is currently only implemented for the CCL and NC backends # An error will be raised if using the CT backend instead Sigma_2h = moo.eval_surface_density_2h(r3d, z_cl, halobias=0.3) plot_profile(r3d, Sigma_2h, "$\\Delta\\Sigma_{\\rm 2h}$") .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_24_0.png Side note regarding the Einasto profile (CCL and NC backends only) ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Einasto profile is supported by both the CCL and NumCosmo backends. The value of the slope of the Einasto profile :math:`\alpha_{\rm ein}` can be defined by the user, using the ``set_einasto_alpha`` method. If :math:`\alpha_{\rm ein}` is not provided, both backend revert to a default value for the Einasto slope: - In CCL, the default Einasto slope depends on cosmology, redshift and halo mass. - In NumCosmo, the default value is :math:`\alpha=0.25`. **NB: for CCL, setting a user-defined value for the Einasto slope is only available for CCL version >= 2.6.** Earlier versions only allow the default option. The verbose option allows to print the value of :math:`\alpha` that is being used, as follows: .. code:: ipython3 moo_ein = clmm.Modeling(massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model="einasto") moo_ein.set_cosmo(cosmo) moo_ein.set_concentration(4) moo_ein.set_mass(1.0e15) # With the NC backend or CCL >=2.6 you may set the slope to the value of your choosing. # Otherwise, the backend default value will be used moo_ein.set_einasto_alpha(0.17) r3d = np.logspace(-2, 2, 100) rho = moo_ein.eval_3d_density(r3d, z_cl, verbose=True) plot_profile(r3d, rho, "$\\rho_{\\rm 3d}$") .. parsed-literal:: Einasto alpha = 0.17 .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_26_1.png Side note regarding the Einasto profile (CCL backend only) ---------------------------------------------------------- For CCL versions >= 2.8.1.dev73+g86125b08, the surface mass density profile can be calculated with the quad_vec numerial integration in addition to the default FFTLog. This option will increase the precision of the profile at large radii and can be enabled by calling ``set_projected_quad(True)``. .. code:: ipython3 # use quad_vec moo_ein.set_projected_quad(True) Sigma_quad = moo_ein.eval_surface_density(r3d, z_cl, verbose=True) plot_profile(r3d, Sigma_quad, "$\\Sigma_{\\rm quad}$") .. parsed-literal:: Einasto alpha = 0.3713561546989172 .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_28_1.png .. code:: ipython3 # revert the effect from the previous cell moo_ein.set_projected_quad(False) # default behavior Sigma_FFTLog = moo_ein.eval_surface_density(r3d, z_cl, verbose=True) plot_profile(r3d, Sigma_FFTLog, "$\\Sigma_{\\rm FFTLog}$") .. parsed-literal:: Einasto alpha = 0.3713561546989172 .. image:: demo_theory_functionality_oo_files/demo_theory_functionality_oo_29_1.png