********************* Using and citing CLMM ********************* This code has been released by DESC, although it is still under active development. It is accompanied by a journal paper that describes the development and validation of `CLMM`, `arXiv:2107.10857 `_. If you make use of the ideas or software here, please cite this repository ``https://github.com/LSSTDESC/CLMM``. You are welcome to re-use the code, which is open source and available under terms consistent with our `LICENSE `_ (`BSD 3-Clause `_). *DESC Projects*: External contributors and DESC members wishing to use CLMM for DESC projects should consult with the DESC Clusters analysis working group (CL WG) conveners, ideally before the work has started, but definitely before any publication or posting of the work to the arXiv. *Non-DESC Projects by DESC members*: If you are in the DESC community, but planning to use CLMM in a non-DESC project, it would be good practice to contact the CL WG co-conveners and/or the CLMM Topical Team leads as well (see Contact section). A desired outcome would be for your non-DESC project concept and progress to be presented in the working group so working group members can help co-identify tools and/or ongoing development that might mutually benefit your non-DESC project and ongoing DESC projects. *External Projects by Non-DESC members*: If you are not from the DESC community, you are also welcome to contact CLMM Topical Team leads to introduce your project and share feedback.