************** Installation ************** Requirements ============ CLMM requires Python version 3.6 or later. CLMM has the following dependencies: - `NumPy `_: 1.17 or later - `sciPy `_: 1.3 or later - `Astropy `_: 4.x or later - `Matplotlib `_ These are pip installable:: pip install numpy scipy astropy matplotlib For the theoretical predictions of the signal, CLMM relies on existing libraries and **at least one of the following must be installed as well**: - `cluster-toolkit `_ - `CCL `_ - `NumCosmo `_ See the `INSTALL documentation `_ for more detailed installation instructions. For developers, you will also need to install: - `pytest `_ (3.x or later for testing) - `sphinx `_ (for documentation) These are also pip installable:: pip install pytest sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Installation ============ To install CLMM you currently need to build it from source:: git clone https://github.com/LSSTDESC/CLMM.git cd CLMM python setup.py install To run the tests you can do:: pytest