Source code for txpipe.base_stage

from ceci import PipelineStage as PipelineStageBase
from .data_types import HDFFile
from textwrap import dedent
from .utils.provenance import find_module_versions, git_diff, git_current_revision
import sys
import datetime
import socket

.. module:: pipelinestage

[docs]class PipelineStage(PipelineStageBase): """ This is the base pipeline stage for TXPipe, it is based on the ceci pipeline software. """ name = "Error" inputs = [] outputs = [] config_options = {}
[docs] def run(self): print("Please do not execute this stage again.")
[docs] def memory_report(self, tag=None): """ Print a report about memory currently available on the node the process is running on. Parameters ---------- tag: str Additional info to print in the output line. Default is empty. """ import psutil t = # The different types of memory are really fiddly and don't # correspond to how you usually imagine. The simplest thing # to report here is just how much memory is left on the machine. mem = psutil.virtual_memory() avail = mem.available / 1024**3 total = / 1024**3 if tag is None: tag = "" else: tag = f" {tag}:" # This gives you the name of the host. At NERSC that is the node name host = socket.gethostname() # Print messsage print(f"{t}: Process {self.rank}:{tag} Remaining memory on {host} {avail:.1f} GB / {total:.1f} GB")
[docs] def combined_iterators(self, rows, *inputs, parallel=True): if not len(inputs) % 3 == 0: raise ValueError("Arguments to combined_iterators should be in threes: " "tag, group, value" ) n = len(inputs) // 3 iterators = [] for i in range(n): tag = inputs[3 * i] section = inputs[3 * i + 1] cols = inputs[3 * i + 2] iterators.append(self.iterate_hdf(tag, section, cols, rows, parallel=parallel)) for it in zip(*iterators): data = {} for (s, e, d) in it: data.update(d) yield s, e, data
[docs] def gather_provenance(self): provenance = {} for key, value in self.config.items(): provenance[f"config/{key}"] = str(value) for name, tag_cls in self.inputs: try: f = self.open_input(name, wrapper=True) input_id = f.provenance['uuid'] f.close() except (OSError, IOError, KeyError): input_id = "UNKNOWN" provenance[f"input/{name}"] = input_id provenance["gitdiff"] = git_diff() provenance['githead'] = git_current_revision() for module, version in find_module_versions().items(): provenance[f"versions/{module}"] = version return provenance
[docs] def open_output(self, tag, wrapper=False, **kwargs): """ Find and open an output file with the given tag, in write mode. For general files this will simply return a standard python file object. For specialized file types like FITS or HDF5 it will return a more specific object - see the file for more info. This is an extended version of the parent class method which also saves configuration information. Putting this here right now for testing. """ path = self.get_output(tag) output_class = self.get_output_type(tag) # HDF files can be opened for parallel writing # under MPI. This checks if: # - we have been told to open in parallel # - we are actually running under MPI # and adds the flags required if all these are true run_parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) and self.is_mpi() if run_parallel: if not output_class.supports_parallel_write: raise ValueError(f"Tried to open file for parallel output, but not" f" supported for type {output_class}. Tag was {tag} and" f" path was {path}" ) kwargs['driver'] = 'mpio' kwargs['comm'] = self.comm # XXX: This is also not a dependency, but it should be. # Or even better would be to make it a dependency of descformats where it # is actually used. import h5py if not h5py.get_config().mpi: print(dedent("""\ Your h5py installation is not MPI-enabled. Options include: 1) Set nprocess to 1 for all stages 2) Upgrade h5py to use mpi. See instructions here: Note: If using conda, the most straightforward way is to enable it is conda install -c spectraldns h5py-parallel """)) raise RuntimeError("h5py module is not MPI-enabled.") extra_provenance = self.gather_provenance() # Return an opened object representing the file obj = output_class(path, 'w', extra_provenance=extra_provenance, **kwargs) if wrapper: return obj else: return obj.file