Source code for txpipe.blinding

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import SACCFile
import numpy as np
import warnings
import os

.. module:: txblinding

[docs]class TXBlinding(PipelineStage): """ Blinding the data vectors. """ name='TXBlinding' inputs = [ ('twopoint_data_real_raw', SACCFile), ] outputs = [ ('twopoint_data_real', SACCFile), ] config_options = { 'seed': 1972, ## seed uniquely specifies the shift in parameters 'Omega_b': [0.0485, 0.001], ## fiducial_model_value, shift_sigma 'Omega_c': [0.2545, 0.01], 'w0': [-1.0, 0.1], 'h': [0.682, 0.02], 'sigma8': [0.801, 0.01], 'n_s': [0.971, 0.03], 'b0': 0.95, ### we assume bias to be of the form b0/growth 'delete_unblinded': False, }
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the analysis for this stage. - Load two point SACC file - Blinding it - Output blinded data - Optionally deletete unblinded data """ import pyccl import firecrown import sacc unblinded_fname = self.get_input('twopoint_data_real_raw') # We may have blinded already. The error message would be quite # obscure, so check here and say something more straightforward. size = os.stat(unblinded_fname).st_size if size == 0: raise ValueError("The raw 2point file you specified has zero size. " "Maybe you already run the blinding stage? " "It clears the input file to enforce blindness.") # Load sack = sacc.Sacc.load_fits(unblinded_fname) # Blind blinded_sack = self.blind_muir(sack) # Save blinded_sack.save_fits(self.get_output('twopoint_data_real'), overwrite=True) # Optionally make sure we stay blind by deleting the pre-blinding # file. if self.config['delete_unblinded']: print(f"Replacing {unblinded_fname} with empty file.") open(unblinded_fname,'w').close()
def blind_muir(self, sack): # Get the parameters, fiducial and offset. # The signature is a short sequence that means we can # check that it is unchanged signature, fid_params, offset_params = self.get_parameters() # Save the signature into the output sack.metadata['blinding_signature'] = signature # Turn the b0 parameter into the b(z) per lens bin. bias = self.compute_bias(sack, fid_params) # Get the configuration dictionary firecrown_config, types = self.make_firecrown_config(sack, bias) ## now try to get predictions print("Computing fiducial theory") fid_theory = self.compute_theory_vector(firecrown_config, fid_params, types) print("Computing offset theory") offset_theory = self.compute_theory_vector(firecrown_config, offset_params,types) # Get the parameter shift vector diff_vec = offset_theory - fid_theory # And add this to the original data. for p, delta in zip(, diff_vec): p.value += delta print(f"Congratulations you are now blind.") return sack def get_parameters(self): seed = self.config["seed"] print(f"Blinding with seed {seed}") # This is the legacy random number generator # which will always produce the same values rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) # blind signature -- this ensures seed is consistent across # numpy versions. We do this before and after signature_bytes = rng.bytes(4) signature = ''.join(format(x, '02x') for x in signature_bytes) if self.rank==0: print(f"Blinding signature: {signature}") # Pull out the fiducial parameters from the config fid_params = {p: self.config[p][0] for p in ['Omega_b', 'Omega_c', 'h', 'w0', 'sigma8', 'n_s'] } # Get the parameters in the offset space offset_params = fid_params.copy() # This should have a standard order since python dictionaries # now maintain their order. for par in fid_params.keys(): offset_params[par] += self.config[par][1] * rng.normal(0., 1.) return signature, fid_params, offset_params def compute_bias(self, sack, fid_params): import pyccl as ccl print("Computing bias values b(z)") # now get bias as a function of redshift for each lens bin bias = {} fid_cosmo = ccl.Cosmology(**fid_params) b0 = self.config['b0'] for key, tracer in sack.tracers.items(): if 'lens' in key: z_eff = (tracer.z* / a_eff = 1 / (1 + z_eff) bias[key] = b0 / ccl.growth_factor(fid_cosmo, a_eff) return bias def make_firecrown_config(self, sack, bias): from sacc.utils import unique_list # We will run firecrown with the old and new parameters, # but otherwise the same configuration firecrown_config = { 'parameters': { 'Omega_k': 0.0, 'wa': 0.0, 'one': 1 }, 'two_point': { 'module': 'firecrown.ccl.two_point', 'sacc_data': sack, 'systematics': { 'dummy': { 'kind': 'PhotoZShiftBias', 'delta_z': 'one' } }, 'sources': {}, 'statistics': {} } } for k, v in bias.items(): firecrown_config['parameters'][f'bias_{k}'] = v # Tell FireCrown to use the sources we have here, and # their types. firecrown_sources = firecrown_config['two_point']['sources'] for key, tracer in sack.tracers.items(): # Assume the word source or lens will be in the name. # Bit of a hack. if 'source' in key: firecrown_sources[key] = { 'kind' : 'WLSource', 'sacc_tracer' : key } if 'lens' in key: firecrown_sources[key] = { 'kind' : 'NumberCountsSource', 'bias' : f'bias_{key}', 'sacc_tracer' : key } ## Make a list of the unique tracer/bin groups types = [] for p in name = f"{p.data_type}_{p.tracers[0]}_{p.tracers[1]}" types.append((p.data_type, p.tracers, name)) types = unique_list(types) # Collect together the statistics we will need firecrown_stats = firecrown_config['two_point']['statistics'] for dtype, (tracer1,tracer2), name in types: firecrown_stats[name] = { 'sources' : [tracer1, tracer2], 'sacc_data_type' : dtype } return firecrown_config, types def compute_theory_vector(self, config, params, types): import firecrown # Set up the firecrown configuration config['parameters'].update(params) config2, data = firecrown.parse(config) # Run the cosmology. The loglike also as a by-product # fills in the predictions deep inside the data dictionary. cosmo = firecrown.get_ccl_cosmology(config2['parameters']) firecrown.compute_loglike(cosmo=cosmo, data=data) # Pull out and stack the theory predictions at this point results = data['two_point']['data']['statistics'] return np.hstack( [results[stat_name].predicted_statistic_ for (_, _, stat_name) in types] )
[docs]class TXNullBlinding(PipelineStage): """ A null stage to trivially copy the real raw data to real without blinding, for use with simulations data. """ name='TXNullBlinding' inputs = [ ('twopoint_data_real_raw', SACCFile), ] outputs = [ ('twopoint_data_real', SACCFile), ] config_options = { }
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the analysis for this stage. - Load two point SACC file - Copy two point SACC file twopoint_data_real_raw to twopoint_data_real """ import shutil unblinded_fname = self.get_input('twopoint_data_real_raw') shutil.copyfile(unblinded_fname, self.get_output('twopoint_data_real'))