Source code for txpipe.convergence

import numpy as np
from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import MapsFile, PNGFile

[docs]class TXConvergenceMaps(PipelineStage): name = "TXConvergenceMaps" inputs = [ ("source_maps", MapsFile), ] outputs = [ ("convergence_maps", MapsFile), ] config_options = { "lmax": 0, "smoothing_sigma": 10.0, # smoothing scale in arcmin } def run(self): from wlmassmap.kaiser_squires import healpix_KS_map import healpy # Open the input file and read bit of metadata. # We will pass the entire metadata on to the outside source_maps = self.open_input("source_maps", wrapper=True) metadata = source_maps.file["maps"].attrs nbin_source = metadata["nbin_source"] nside = metadata["nside"] # There is a flat-sky function in WLMassMap - if we need # expose that later than we can do so easily, but for now # let's stick with Healpix only if metadata["pixelization"] != "healpix": raise ValueError("TXConvergenceMaps currently only runs on Healpix maps") # Prepare the output file output = self.open_output("convergence_maps", wrapper=True) # Set up the output group, and copy in # metadata from the input file and then # our own config. group = output.file.create_group("maps") group.attrs.update(metadata) group.attrs.update(self.config) # Use config value if it is non-zero, otherwise # use the default 2*nside as in WLMassMap lmax = self.config["lmax"] or 2 * nside sigma = self.config["smoothing_sigma"] # Loop through all our source bins maps = list(range(nbin_source)) + ["2D"] for i in maps: print(f"Producing convergence map for bin {i}") # Load input shear maps g1 = source_maps.read_map(f"g1_{i}") g2 = source_maps.read_map(f"g2_{i}") mask = (g1 == healpy.UNSEEN) | (g2 == healpy.UNSEEN) gmap = np.vstack([g1, g2]) print(" - read maps") # Run main worker function to get convergence map kappa_E, kappa_B = healpix_KS_map(gmap, lmax=lmax, sigma=sigma) kappa_E[mask] = healpy.UNSEEN kappa_B[mask] = healpy.UNSEEN print(" - computed convergence") # Save pixels, just where they are valid. # Should be same for kappa_E and kappa_B. pix = np.where(kappa_E != healpy.UNSEEN)[0] output.write_map(f"kappa_E_{i}", pix, kappa_E[pix], metadata) output.write_map(f"kappa_B_{i}", pix, kappa_B[pix], metadata) print(" - saved") output.close()
[docs]class TXConvergenceMapPlots(PipelineStage): """ Make plots of all the convergence maps, Kappa_E and Kappa_B """ name = "TXConvergenceMapPlots" inputs = [ ("convergence_maps", MapsFile), ] outputs = [ ("convergence_map", PNGFile), ] config_options = { # can also set this parameter as: # "moll" for Mollweide # "gnom" for Gnomonic # "orth" for Orthogonal "projection": "cart", } def run(self): import matplotlib matplotlib.use("agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Open input maps file and check number of plots to make m = self.open_input("convergence_maps", wrapper=True) nbin_source = m.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_source"] # Open a PNG output file, specifying output size fig = self.open_output( "convergence_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5 * nbin_source, 5) ) # 2 x nbin for kappa_E and kappa_B _, axes = plt.subplots(2, nbin_source, num=fig.file.number) # Loop through bins for i in range(nbin_source): # Set current axis to use (i.e. subplot)[0, i]) # and plot E-mode kappa map m.plot(f"kappa_E_{i}", view=self.config["projection"]) # and B-mode[1, i]) m.plot(f"kappa_B_{i}", view=self.config["projection"]) # This saves the full plot fig.close()