Source code for txpipe.covariance

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import ShearCatalog, HDFFile, FiducialCosmology, SACCFile
import numpy as np
import warnings
import os
import pickle

# require TJPCov to be in PYTHONPATH

# Needed changes: 1) ell and theta spacing could be further optimized 2) coupling matrix

[docs]class TXFourierGaussianCovariance(PipelineStage): name='TXFourierGaussianCovariance' do_xi=False inputs = [ ('fiducial_cosmology', FiducialCosmology), # For the cosmological parameters ('twopoint_data_fourier', SACCFile), # For the binning information ('tracer_metadata', HDFFile), # For metadata ] outputs = [ ('summary_statistics_fourier', SACCFile), ] config_options = { 'pickled_wigner_transform': '', 'use_true_shear': False, 'galaxy_bias': [0.], } def run(self): import pyccl as ccl import sacc import tjpcov import threadpoolctl # read the fiducial cosmology cosmo = self.read_cosmology() # read binning two_point_data = self.read_sacc() # read the n(z) and f_sky from the source summary stats meta = self.read_number_statistics() # Binning choices. The ell binning is a linear piece with all the # integer values up to 500 -- these are from firecrown, might need # to change later meta['ell'] = np.concatenate( (np.linspace(2, 500-1, 500-2), np.logspace(np.log10(500), np.log10(6e4), 500)) ) # Theta binning - log spaced between 1 .. 300 arcmin. meta['theta'] = np.logspace(np.log10(1/60), np.log10(300./60), 3000) #C_ell covariance cov = self.compute_covariance(cosmo, meta, two_point_data=two_point_data) self.save_outputs(two_point_data, cov) def save_outputs(self, two_point_data, cov): filename = self.get_output('summary_statistics_fourier') two_point_data.add_covariance(cov) two_point_data.save_fits(filename, overwrite=True) def read_cosmology(self): return self.open_input('fiducial_cosmology', wrapper=True).to_ccl() def read_sacc(self): import sacc f = self.get_input('twopoint_data_fourier') two_point_data = sacc.Sacc.load_fits(f) # Remove the data types that we won't use for inference mask = [ two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_shear_cl_ee), two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_shearDensity_cl_e), two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_density_cl), # not doing b-modes, do we want to? ] print("Length before cuts = ", len(two_point_data)) mask = np.concatenate(mask) two_point_data.keep_indices(mask) print("Length after cuts = ", len(two_point_data)) two_point_data.to_canonical_order() return two_point_data def read_number_statistics(self): input_data = self.open_input('tracer_metadata') # per-bin quantities N_eff = input_data['tracers/N_eff'][:] N_lens = input_data['tracers/lens_counts'][:] if self.config['use_true_shear']: nbins = len(input_data['tracers/sigma_e'][:]) sigma_e = np.array([0. for i in range(nbins)]) else: sigma_e = input_data['tracers/sigma_e'][:] # area in sq deg area_deg2 = input_data['tracers'].attrs['area'] area_unit = input_data['tracers'].attrs['area_unit'] if area_unit != 'deg^2': raise ValueError("Units of area have changed") input_data.close() # area in steradians and sky fraction area = area_deg2 * np.radians(1)**2 area_arcmin2 = area_deg2 * 60**2 full_sky = 4*np.pi f_sky = area / full_sky # Density information from counts n_eff = N_eff / area n_lens = N_lens / area # for printing out only n_eff_arcmin = N_eff / area_arcmin2 n_lens_arcmin = N_lens / area_arcmin2 # Feedback print(f"area = {area_deg2:.1f} deg^2") print(f"f_sky: {f_sky}") print(f"N_eff: {N_eff} (totals)") print(f"N_lens: {N_lens} (totals)") print(f"n_eff: {n_eff} / steradian") print(f" = {np.around(n_eff_arcmin,2)} / sq arcmin") print(f"lens density: {n_lens} / steradian") print(f" = {np.around(n_lens_arcmin,2)} / arcmin") # Pass all this back as a dictionary meta = { 'f_sky': f_sky, 'sigma_e': sigma_e, 'n_eff': n_eff, 'n_lens': n_lens, } return meta def get_tracer_info(self, cosmo, meta, two_point_data): # Generates CCL tracers from n(z) information in the data file import pyccl as ccl ccl_tracers={} tracer_noise={} for tracer in two_point_data.tracers: # Pull out the integer corresponding to the tracer index tracer_dat = two_point_data.get_tracer(tracer) nbin = int(two_point_data.tracers[tracer].name.split("_")[1]) z = tracer_dat.z.copy().flatten() nz = # Identify source tracers and gnerate WeakLensingTracer objects # based on them if 'source' in tracer or 'src' in tracer: sigma_e = meta['sigma_e'][nbin] n_eff = meta['n_eff'][nbin] ccl_tracers[tracer] = ccl.WeakLensingTracer(cosmo, dndz=(z, nz)) #CCL automatically normalizes dNdz tracer_noise[tracer] = sigma_e**2 / n_eff # or if it is a lens bin then generaete the corresponding # CCL tracer class elif 'lens' in tracer: # Get galaxy bias for this sample. Default value = 1. if self.config['galaxy_bias'] == [0.]: b0 = 1 print(f"Using galaxy bias = 1 for {tracer} (since you didn't specify any biases)") else: b0 = self.config['galaxy_bias'][nbin] print(f"Using galaxy bias = {b0} for {tracer}") b = b0 * np.ones(len(z)) n_gal = meta['n_lens'][nbin] tracer_noise[tracer] = 1 / n_gal ccl_tracers[tracer] = ccl.NumberCountsTracer(cosmo, has_rsd=False, dndz=(z,nz), bias=(z,b)) return ccl_tracers, tracer_noise def get_spins(self, tracer_comb): # Get the Wigner Transform factors WT_factors={} WT_factors['lens','source'] = (0, 2) WT_factors['source','lens'] = (2, 0) #same as (0,2) WT_factors['source','source'] = {'plus':(2,2), 'minus':(2, -2)} WT_factors['lens','lens'] = (0, 0) tracers=[] for i in tracer_comb: if 'lens' in i: tracers+=['lens'] if 'source' in i: tracers+=['source'] return WT_factors[tuple(tracers)] # compute a single covariance matrix for a given pair of C_ell or xi. def compute_covariance_block(self, cosmo, meta, ell_bins, tracer_comb1=None, tracer_comb2=None, ccl_tracers=None, tracer_Noise=None, two_point_data=None, xi_plus_minus1='plus', xi_plus_minus2='plus', cache=None, WT=None, ): import pyccl as ccl from tjpcov import bin_cov cl = {} # tracers 1,2,3,4 = tracer_comb1[0], tracer_comb1[1], tracer_comb2[0], tracer_comb2[1] # In the dicts below we use '13' to indicate C_ell_(1,3), etc. # This index maps to this usae reindex = { (0, 0): 13, (1, 1): 24, (0, 1): 14, (1, 0): 23, } ell = meta['ell'] # Getting all the C_ell that we need, saving the results in a cache # for later re-use for i in (0,1): for j in (0,1): local_key = reindex[(i,j)] # For symmetric pairs we may have saved the C_ell the other # way around, so try both keys cache_key1 = (tracer_comb1[i], tracer_comb2[j]) cache_key2 = (tracer_comb2[j], tracer_comb1[i]) if cache_key1 in cache: cl[local_key] = cache[cache_key1] elif cache_key2 in cache: cl[local_key] = cache[cache_key2] else: # If not cached then we must compute t1 = tracer_comb1[i] t2 = tracer_comb2[j] c = ccl.angular_cl(cosmo, ccl_tracers[t1], ccl_tracers[t2], ell) print("Computed C_ell for ", cache_key1) cache[cache_key1] = c cl[local_key] = c # The shape noise C_ell values. # These are zero for cross bins and as computed earlier for auto bins SN={} SN[13] = tracer_Noise[tracer_comb1[0]] if tracer_comb1[0] == tracer_comb2[0] else 0 SN[24] = tracer_Noise[tracer_comb1[1]] if tracer_comb1[1] == tracer_comb2[1] else 0 SN[14] = tracer_Noise[tracer_comb1[0]] if tracer_comb1[0] == tracer_comb2[1] else 0 SN[23] = tracer_Noise[tracer_comb1[1]] if tracer_comb1[1] == tracer_comb2[0] else 0 # The overall normalization factor at the front of the matrix if self.do_xi: norm = np.pi * 4 * meta['f_sky'] else: norm = (2*ell + 1) * np.gradient(ell) * meta['f_sky'] # The coupling is an identity matrix at least when we neglect # the mask coupling_mat = {} coupling_mat[1324] = np.eye(len(ell)) coupling_mat[1423] = np.eye(len(ell)) # Initial covariance of C_ell components cov = {} cov[1324] = np.outer(cl[13] + SN[13], cl[24] + SN[24]) * coupling_mat[1324] cov[1423] = np.outer(cl[14] + SN[14], cl[23] + SN[23]) * coupling_mat[1423] # for shear-shear components we also add a B-mode contribution first_is_shear_shear = ('source' in tracer_comb1[0]) and ('source' in tracer_comb1[1]) second_is_shear_shear = ('source' in tracer_comb2[0]) and ('source' in tracer_comb2[1]) if self.do_xi and (first_is_shear_shear or second_is_shear_shear): # this adds the B-mode shape noise contribution. # We assume B-mode power (C_ell) is 0 Bmode_F = 1 if xi_plus_minus1 != xi_plus_minus2: # in the cross term, this contribution is subtracted. # eq. 29-31 of Bmode_F=-1 # below the we multiply zero to maintain the shape of the Cl array, these are effectively # B-modes cov[1324] += np.outer(cl[13]*0 + SN[13], cl[24]*0 + SN[24]) * coupling_mat[1324] * Bmode_F cov[1423] += np.outer(cl[14]*0 + SN[14], cl[23]*0 + SN[23]) * coupling_mat[1423] * Bmode_F cov['final']=cov[1423]+cov[1324] if self.do_xi: s1_s2_1 = self.get_spins(tracer_comb1) s1_s2_2 = self.get_spins(tracer_comb2) # For the shear-shear we have two sets of spins, plus and minus, # which are returned as a dict, so we need to pull out the one we need # Otherwise it's just specified as a tuple, e.g. (2,0) if isinstance(s1_s2_1, dict): s1_s2_1 = s1_s2_1[xi_plus_minus1] if isinstance(s1_s2_2, dict): s1_s2_2 = s1_s2_2[xi_plus_minus2] # Use these terms to project the covariance from C_ell to xi(theta) th, cov['final']=WT.projected_covariance2( l_cl=ell, s1_s2=s1_s2_1, s1_s2_cross=s1_s2_2, cl_cov=cov['final']) # Normalize cov['final'] /= norm # Put the covariance into bins. # This is optional in the case of a C_ell covariance (only if bins in ell are # supplied, otherwise the matrix is for each ell value individually). It is # required for real-space covariances since these are always binned. if self.do_xi: thb, cov['final_b'] = bin_cov(r=th/d2r, r_bins=ell_bins, cov=cov['final']) else: if ell_bins is not None: lb, cov['final_b'] = bin_cov(r=ell, r_bins=ell_bins, cov=cov['final']) return cov def get_angular_bins(self, two_point_data): # Assume that the ell binning is the same for each of the bins. # This is true in the current pipeline. X = two_point_data.get_data_points('galaxy_shear_cl_ee',i=0,j=0) # Further assume that the ell ranges are contiguous, so that # the max value of one window is the min value of the next. # So we just need the lower edges of each bin and then the # final maximum value of the last bin ell_edges = [x['window'].min for x in X] ell_edges.append(X[-1]['window'].max) return np.array(ell_edges) def make_wigner_transform(self, meta): import threadpoolctl from tjpcov import wigner_transform path = self.config['pickled_wigner_transform'] if path: if os.path.exists(path): print(f"Loading precomputed wigner transform from {path}") WT = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb')) return WT else: print(f"Precomputed wigner transform {path} not found.") print("Will compute it and then save it.") # We don't want to use n processes with n threads each by accident, # where n is the number of CPUs we have # so for this bit of the code, which uses python's multiprocessing, # we limit the number of threads that numpy etc can use. # After this is finished this will switch back to allowing all the CPUs # to be used for threading instead. num_processes = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", 1)) print("Generating Wigner Transform.") with threadpoolctl.threadpool_limits(1): WT = wigner_transform( l = meta['ell'], theta = meta['theta'] * d2r, s1_s2 = [(2,2), (2,-2), (0,2), (2,0), (0,0)], ncpu = num_processes, ) print("Computed Wigner Transform.") if path: try: pickle.dump(WT, open(path, 'wb')) except OSError: sys.stderr.write(f"Could not save wigner transform to {path}") return WT #compute all the covariances and then combine them into one single giant matrix def compute_covariance(self, cosmo, meta, two_point_data): from tjpcov import bin_cov ccl_tracers,tracer_Noise = self.get_tracer_info(cosmo, meta, two_point_data=two_point_data) # we will loop over all these tracer_combs = two_point_data.get_tracer_combinations() N2pt = len(tracer_combs) WT = self.make_wigner_transform(meta) # the bit below is just counting the number of 2pt functions, and accounting # for the fact that xi needs to be double counted N2pt0 = 0 if self.do_xi: N2pt0 = N2pt tracer_combs_temp = tracer_combs.copy() for combo in tracer_combs: if ('source' in combo[0]) and ('source' in combo[1]): N2pt += 1 tracer_combs_temp += [combo] tracer_combs = tracer_combs_temp.copy() ell_bins = self.get_angular_bins(two_point_data) Nell_bins = len(ell_bins) - 1 cov_full=np.zeros((Nell_bins*N2pt, Nell_bins*N2pt)) count_xi_pm1 = 0 count_xi_pm2 = 0 cl_cache = {} xi_pm = [[('plus','plus'), ('plus', 'minus')], [('minus','plus'), ('minus', 'minus')]] print("Total number of 2pt functions:", N2pt) print("Number of 2pt functions without xim:", N2pt0) # Look through the chunk of matrix, tracer pair by tracer pair # Order of the covariance needs to be the cannonical order of saac. For a 3x2pt matrix that is: # -galaxy_density_xi # -galaxy_shearDensity_xi_t # -galaxy_shear_xi_minus # -galaxy_shear_xi_plus xim_start = N2pt0-(N2pt-N2pt0) xim_end = N2pt0 for i in range(N2pt): tracer_comb1 = tracer_combs[i] count_xi_pm1 = 1 if i in range(xim_start, xim_end) else 0 for j in range(i, N2pt): tracer_comb2 = tracer_combs[j] print(f"Computing {tracer_comb1} x {tracer_comb2}: chunk ({i},{j}) of ({N2pt},{N2pt})") count_xi_pm2 = 1 if j in range(xim_start, xim_end) else 0 if self.do_xi and ('source' in tracer_comb1[0] and 'source' in tracer_comb1[1]) or ('source' in tracer_comb2[0] and 'source' in tracer_comb2[1]): cov_ij = self.compute_covariance_block( cosmo, meta, ell_bins, tracer_comb1=tracer_comb1, tracer_comb2=tracer_comb2, ccl_tracers=ccl_tracers, tracer_Noise=tracer_Noise, two_point_data=two_point_data, xi_plus_minus1=xi_pm[count_xi_pm1][count_xi_pm2][0], xi_plus_minus2=xi_pm[count_xi_pm1][count_xi_pm2][1], cache=cl_cache, WT=WT, ) else: cov_ij = self.compute_covariance_block( cosmo, meta, ell_bins, tracer_comb1=tracer_comb1, tracer_comb2=tracer_comb2, ccl_tracers=ccl_tracers, tracer_Noise=tracer_Noise, two_point_data=two_point_data, cache=cl_cache, WT=WT, ) # Fill in this chunk of the matrix cov_ij = cov_ij['final_b'] # Find the right location in the matrix start_i = i * Nell_bins start_j = j * Nell_bins end_i = start_i + Nell_bins end_j = start_j + Nell_bins # and fill it in, and the transpose component cov_full[start_i:end_i, start_j:end_j] = cov_ij cov_full[start_j:end_j, start_i:end_i] = cov_ij.T try: np.linalg.cholesky(cov_full) except: print("liAnalg.LinAlgError: Covariance not positive definite! " "Most likely this is a problem in xim. " "We will continue for now but this needs to be fixed.") return cov_full
[docs]class TXRealGaussianCovariance(TXFourierGaussianCovariance): name='TXRealGaussianCovariance' do_xi = True inputs = [ ('fiducial_cosmology', FiducialCosmology), # For the cosmological parameters ('twopoint_data_real', SACCFile), # For the binning information ('tracer_metadata', HDFFile), # For metadata ] outputs = [ ('summary_statistics_real', SACCFile), ] config_options = { 'min_sep':2.5, # arcmin 'max_sep':250, 'nbins':20, 'pickled_wigner_transform': '', 'use_true_shear': False, 'galaxy_bias': [0.], } def run(self): super().run() def get_angular_bins(self, two_point_data): # this should be changed to read from sacc file th_arcmin = np.logspace(np.log10(self.config['min_sep']), np.log10(self.config['max_sep']), self.config['nbins']+1) return th_arcmin/60.0 def read_sacc(self): import sacc f = self.get_input('twopoint_data_real') two_point_data = sacc.Sacc.load_fits(f) mask = [ two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_density_xi), two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_shearDensity_xi_t), two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_shear_xi_plus), two_point_data.indices(sacc.standard_types.galaxy_shear_xi_minus), ] mask = np.concatenate(mask) two_point_data.keep_indices(mask) two_point_data.to_canonical_order() return two_point_data def save_outputs(self, two_point_data, cov): filename = self.get_output('summary_statistics_real') two_point_data.add_covariance(cov) two_point_data.save_fits(filename, overwrite=True)