Source code for txpipe.exposure_info

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import HDFFile
import numpy as np

[docs]class TXExposureInfo(PipelineStage): """ """ name='TXExposureInfo' inputs = [ ] outputs = [ ('exposures', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'dc2_name': '1.2p', 'opsim_db': "/global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/groups/SSim/DC2/minion_1016_desc_dithered_v4.db", 'propId': 54, } def run(self): from import fits import sqlite3 # find butler by name using this tool. # change later to general repo path. from desc_dc2_dm_data import get_butler from lsst.daf.persistence import NoResults run = self.config['dc2_name'] propId = self.config['propId'] print(f"Getting butler for repo {run}") butler = get_butler(run) print("Butler loaded") # central detector in whole focal plane, just as example refs = butler.subset('calexp', raftName='R22', detectorName='S11') n = len(refs) print(f"Found {n} exposure centers. Reading exposure info.") matching_visits = self.find_matching_opsim_visits() nmatch = len(matching_visits) print(f"Found list of {nmatch} visits with propId=={propId}") float_params =[ "mjd-obs", "bore-ra", "bore-dec", "bore-az", "bore-alt", "bore-rotang", "bore-airmass", "humidity", "bgmean", "bgvar", "magzero_rms", "colorterm1", "colorterm2", "colorterm3", "exptime", "darktime", ] int_params = [ "expid", "magzero_nobj", "ap_corr_map_id", "psf_id", "skywcs_id", ] str_params = [ "date-avg", "timesys", "rottype", "filter", "testtype", "obstype", ] # We can add WCS information here if needed, there is lots # of it. params = float_params + int_params + str_params # Spaces for output columns data = {p:list() for p in params} num_params = float_params + int_params # Loop through the images and get their metadata for i,ref in enumerate(refs): # Progress update if i%100==0: print(f'Reading metadata for exposure {i+1} / {n}') # Read the metadata for this exposure reference try: metadata = butler.get('calexp_md', dataId=ref.dataId).toDict() except NoResults: continue obsid = int(str(metadata['EXPID'])[:-3]) if obsid not in matching_visits: continue # columns that we want to save to file, from the metadata for p in params: data[p].append(metadata[p.upper()]) m = len(data['bore-ra']) f = 100. * m / n print(f"{m} / {n} visits match propId={propId} ({f:.2f}%)") # Save output f = self.open_output('exposures') g = f.create_group('exposures') for name in num_params: g.create_dataset(name, data=data[name]) for name in str_params: # H5PY cannot deal with fixed-length unicode arrays (the numpy default in py3) # so convert to ASCII g.create_dataset(name, data=np.array(data[name], dtype="S")) f.close() def find_matching_opsim_visits(self): import sqlite3 db = self.config['opsim_db'] propId = self.config['propId'] connection = sqlite3.connect(db) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('select obsHistID from summary where propId=:propId', {'propId':propId}) obsHistID = {Id[0] for Id in cursor.fetchall()} return obsHistID