Source code for txpipe.ingest_redmagic

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import HDFFile, FitsFile
import numpy as np

[docs]class TXIngestRedmagic(PipelineStage): name = "TXIngestRedmagic" inputs = [ ('redmagic_catalog', FitsFile), ] outputs = [ ('lens_catalog', HDFFile), ('lens_tomography_catalog', HDFFile), ('lens_photoz_stack', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'lens_zbin_edges':[float], 'chunk_rows': 100_000, 'zmin': 0.0, 'zmax': 3.0, 'dz': 0.01, 'bands': 'grizy', } def run(self): # Count number of objects f = self.open_input('redmagic_catalog') n = f[1].get_nrows() f.close() chunk_rows = self.config['chunk_rows'] bands = self.config['bands'] zbin_edges = self.config['lens_zbin_edges'] nbin_lens = len(zbin_edges) - 1 cat = self.open_output('lens_catalog') tomo = self.open_output('lens_tomography_catalog') # redshift grid zmin = self.config['zmin'] zmax = self.config['zmax'] dz = self.config['dz'] z_grid = np.arange(zmin, zmax, dz) nz_grid = np.zeros((nbin_lens, z_grid.size)) nz = len(z_grid) # Create space in outputs g = cat.create_group('lens') g.create_dataset('ra', (n,), dtype=np.float64) g.create_dataset('dec', (n,), dtype=np.float64) g.create_dataset('chisq', (n,), dtype=np.float64) g.create_dataset('zredmagic', (n,), dtype=np.float64) for b in 'grizy': g.create_dataset(f'mag_{b}', (n,), dtype=np.float64) g.create_dataset(f'mag_err_{b}', (n,), dtype=np.float64) h = tomo.create_group('tomography') h.create_dataset('lens_bin', (n,), dtype=np.int32) h.create_dataset('lens_weight', (n,), dtype=np.float64) h.create_dataset('lens_counts', (nbin_lens,), dtype='i') h.create_dataset('lens_counts_2d', (1,), dtype='i') h.attrs['nbin_lens'] = nbin_lens h.attrs[f'lens_zbin_edges'] = zbin_edges # we keep track of the counts per-bin also counts = np.zeros(nbin_lens, dtype=np.int64) counts_2d = 0 # all cols that might be useful cols = ['ra', 'dec', 'zredmagic', 'mag', 'mag_err', 'chisq', 'zspec'] for (s, e, data) in self.iterate_fits('redmagic_catalog', 1, cols, chunk_rows): n = data['ra'].size z = data['zredmagic'] z_true = data['zspec'] # Unit weight still weight = np.repeat(1.0, n) # work out the redshift bin for each object, if any. # do any other selection here zbin = np.digitize(z, zbin_edges) - 1 zbin[zbin == nbin_lens] = -1 # can select on any other criterion here, e.g. # mag or chisq. This is an example sel = data['chisq'] < 10 # deselect these objects zbin[~sel] = -1 # Build up the count of the n(z) histograms per-bin z_grid_index = np.floor((z_true - zmin) / dz).astype(int) for i, (i_z, b) in enumerate(zip(z_grid_index, zbin)): if (b >= 0): nz_grid[b][i_z] += weight[i] # Build up the counts any_bin = zbin >= 0 counts += np.bincount(zbin[any_bin], minlength=nbin_lens) counts_2d += any_bin.sum() # save data g['ra'][s:e] = data['ra'] g['dec'][s:e] = data['dec'] g['chisq'][s:e] = data['chisq'] g['zredmagic'][s:e] = data['zredmagic'] # including mags for i, b in enumerate(bands): g[f'mag_{b}'][s:e] = data['mag'][:, i] g[f'mag_err_{b}'][s:e] = data['mag_err'][:, i] h['lens_bin'][s:e] = zbin h['lens_weight'][s:e] = 1.0 # this is an overall count h["lens_counts"][:] = counts h["lens_counts_2d"][:] = counts_2d # Finally save the n(z) values we have built up stack = self.open_output('lens_photoz_stack') k = stack.create_group(f"n_of_z/lens") # HDF has "attributes" which are for small metadata like this k.attrs["nbin"] = nbin_lens k.attrs["nz"] = nz_grid # Save the redshift sampling k.create_dataset("z", data=z_grid) # And all the bins separately for b in range(nbin_lens): k.attrs[f"count_{b}"] = counts[b] k.create_dataset(f"bin_{b}", data=nz_grid[b]) stack.close()