Source code for txpipe.input_cats

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import ShearCatalog, HDFFile
from .utils.calibration_tools import band_variants, metacal_variants
import numpy as np
from .utils.timer import Timer

[docs]class TXCosmoDC2Mock(PipelineStage): """ This stage simulates metacal data and metacalibrated photometry measurements, starting from a cosmology catalogs of the kind used as an input to DC2 image and obs-catalog simulations. This is mainly useful for testing infrastructure in advance of the DC2 catalogs being available, but might also be handy for starting from a purer simulation. """ name='TXCosmoDC2Mock' inputs = [ ('response_model', HDFFile) ] outputs = [ ('shear_catalog', ShearCatalog), ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'cat_name':'cosmoDC2', 'visits_per_band':165, # used in the noise simulation 'snr_limit': 4.0, # used to decide what objects to cut out 'max_size': 99999999999999, #for testing on smaller catalogs 'extra_cols': "", # string-separated list of columns to include 'max_npix':99999999999999, 'unit_response': False, 'cat_size': 0, 'flip_g2': True, # this matches the metacal definition, and the treecorr/namaster one 'apply_mag_cut': False, #used when comparing to descqa measurements 'Mag_r_limit': -19, # used to decide what objects to cut out } def data_iterator(self, gc): # Columns we need from the cosmo simulation cols = ['mag_true_u_lsst', 'mag_true_g_lsst', 'mag_true_r_lsst', 'mag_true_i_lsst', 'mag_true_z_lsst', 'mag_true_y_lsst', 'ra', 'dec', 'ellipticity_1_true', 'ellipticity_2_true', 'shear_1', 'shear_2', 'size_true', 'galaxy_id', 'redshift_true', ] # Add any extra requestd columns cols += self.config['extra_cols'].split() it = gc.get_quantities(cols, return_iterator=True) nfile = len(gc._file_list) if hasattr(gc, '_file_list') else 0 for i, data in enumerate(it): if nfile: j = i+1 print(f"Loading chunk {j}/{nfile}") yield data def run(self): import GCRCatalogs cat_name = self.config['cat_name'] self.bands = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y') print(f"Loading from catalog {cat_name}") gc = GCRCatalogs.load_catalog(cat_name) # GCR sometimes tries to read the entire catalog # to measure its length rather than looking at metadata # this can take a very long time. # allow the user to say that already know it. N = self.config['cat_size'] if N == 0: N = len(gc) print(f"Rank {self.rank} loaded: length = {N}.") target_size = min(N, self.config['max_size']) select_fraction = target_size / N if target_size != N: print(f"Will select approx {100*select_fraction:.2f}% of objects ({target_size})") # Prepare output files metacal_file = self.open_output('shear_catalog', parallel=self.is_mpi()) photo_file = self.open_output('photometry_catalog', parallel=self.is_mpi()) photo_cols = self.setup_photometry_output(photo_file, target_size) metacal_cols = self.setup_metacal_output(metacal_file, target_size) # Load the metacal response file self.load_metacal_response_model() # Keep track of catalog position start = 0 count = 0 # Loop through chunks of for data in self.data_iterator(gc): # The initial chunk size, of all the input data. # This will be reduced later as we remove objects some_col = list(data.keys())[0] chunk_size = len(data[some_col]) print(f"Process {self.rank} read chunk {count} - {count+chunk_size} of {N}") count += chunk_size # Select a random fraction of the catalog if we are cutting down # We can't just take the earliest galaxies because they are ordered # by redshift if target_size != N: select = np.random.uniform(size=chunk_size) < select_fraction nselect = select.sum() print(f"Cutting down to {nselect}/{chunk_size} objects") for name in list(data.keys()): data[name] = data[name][select] # Simulate the various output data sets mock_photometry = self.make_mock_photometry(data) # Cut out any objects too faint to be detected and measured. # We have to do this after the photometry, so that we know if # the object is detected, but we can do it before making the mock # metacal info, saving us some time simulating un-needed objects self.remove_undetected(data, mock_photometry) if self.config['apply_mag_cut']: self.apply_magnitude_cut(data) mock_metacal = self.make_mock_metacal(data, mock_photometry) # The chunk size has now changed some_col = list(mock_photometry.keys())[0] chunk_size = len(mock_photometry[some_col]) # start is where this process should start writing this # chunk of data. end is where the final process will finish # writing, becoming the starting point for the whole next # chunk over all the processes start, end = self.next_output_indices(start, chunk_size) # Save all output self.write_output(start, target_size, photo_cols, metacal_cols, photo_file, mock_photometry, metacal_file, mock_metacal) # The next iteration starts writing where the current one ends. start = end if start >= target_size: break # Tidy up photo_file.close() metacal_file.close() self.truncate_outputs(end) def truncate_outputs(self, n): import h5py if self.comm is not None: self.comm.Barrier() if self.rank == 0: # all files should now be closed for all procs print(f"Resizing all outupts to size {n}") f = h5py.File(self.get_output('photometry_catalog'), 'r+') g = f['photometry'] for col in list(g.keys()): print(col) g[col].resize((n,)) f.close() f = h5py.File(self.get_output('shear_catalog'), 'r+') g = f['shear'] for col in g.keys(): g[col].resize((n,)) def next_output_indices(self, start, chunk_size): if self.comm is None: end = start + chunk_size else: all_indices = self.comm.allgather(chunk_size) starting_points = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(all_indices))) # use the old start to find the end point. # the final starting point (not used below, since it is larger # than the largest self.rank value) is the total data length end = start + starting_points[-1] start = start + starting_points[self.rank] print(f"- Rank {self.rank} writing output to {start}-{start+chunk_size}") return start, end def setup_photometry_output(self, photo_file, target_size): # Get a list of all the column names cols = ['ra', 'dec', 'extendedness'] for band in self.bands: cols.append(f'mag_{band}') cols.append(f'mag_{band}_err') cols.append(f'snr_{band}') for col in self.config['extra_cols'].split(): cols.append(col) # Make group for all the photometry group = photo_file.create_group('photometry') # Extensible columns becase we don't know the size yet. # We will cut down the size at the end. for col in cols: group.create_dataset(col, (target_size,), maxshape=(target_size,), dtype='f8') # The only non-float column for now group.create_dataset('id', (target_size,), maxshape=(target_size,), dtype='i8') return cols + ['id'] def setup_metacal_output(self, metacal_file, target_size): # Get a list of all the column names cols = ( ['ra', 'dec', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'mcal_psf_g1', 'mcal_psf_g2', 'mcal_psf_T_mean'] + metacal_variants('mcal_g1', 'mcal_g2', 'mcal_T', 'mcal_s2n', 'mcal_T_err') + band_variants('riz', 'mcal_mag', 'mcal_mag_err',shear_catalog_type='metacal') + ['weight'] ) cols += ['true_g1', 'true_g2', 'redshift_true'] # Make group for all the photometry group = metacal_file.create_group('shear') # Extensible columns becase we don't know the size yet. # We will cut down the size at the end. for col in cols: group.create_dataset(col, (target_size,), maxshape=(target_size,), dtype='f8') group.create_dataset('id', (target_size,), maxshape=(target_size,), dtype='i8') group.create_dataset('mcal_flags', (target_size,), maxshape=(target_size,), dtype='i8') return cols + ['id', 'mcal_flags']
[docs] def load_metacal_response_model(self): """ Load an HDF file containing the response model R(log10(snr), size) R_std(log10(snr), size) where R is the mean metacal response in a bin and R_std is its standard deviation. So far only one of these files exists! """ import scipy.interpolate if self.config['unit_response']: return model_file = self.open_input("response_model") snr_centers = model_file['R_model/log10_snr'][:] sz_centers = model_file['R_model/size'][:] R_mean = model_file['R_model/R_mean'][:] R_std = model_file['R_model/R_std'][:] model_file.close() # Save a 2D spline snr_grid, sz_grid = np.meshgrid(snr_centers, sz_centers) self.R_spline=scipy.interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(snr_grid.T.flatten(), sz_grid.T.flatten(), R_mean.flatten(), w=R_std.flatten()) self.Rstd_spline=scipy.interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(snr_grid.T.flatten(), sz_grid.T.flatten(), R_std.flatten())
[docs] def write_output(self, start, target_size, photo_cols, metacal_cols, photo_file, photo_data, metacal_file, metacal_data): """ Save the photometry we have just simulated to disc Parameters ---------- photo_file: HDF File object metacal_file: HDF File object photo_data: dict Dictionary of simulated photometry metacal_data: dict Dictionary of simulated metacal data """ # Work out the range of data to output (since we will be # doing this in chunks). If we have cut down to a random # subset of the catalog then we may have gone over the # target length, depending on the random selection n = len(photo_data['id']) end = min(start + n, target_size) #assert photo_data['id'].min()>0 # Save each column for name in photo_cols: photo_file[f'photometry/{name}'][start:end] = photo_data[name] for name in metacal_cols: metacal_file[f'shear/{name}'][start:end] = metacal_data[name]
def make_mock_photometry(self, data): # The visit count affects the overall noise levels n_visit = self.config['visits_per_band'] # Do all the work in the function below photo = make_mock_photometry(n_visit, self.bands, data, self.config['unit_response']) for col in self.config['extra_cols'].split(): photo[col] = data[col] return photo
[docs] def make_mock_metacal(self, data, photo): """ Generate a mock metacal table. This is a long and complicated function unfortunately. Throughout we assume a single R = R11 = R22, with R12 = R21 = 0 Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary of arrays read from the input cosmo catalog photo: dict Dictionary of arrays generated to simulate photometry """ # These are the numbers from figure F1 of the DES Y1 shear catalog paper # (this version is not yet public but is awaiting a second referee response) # Overall SNR for the three bands usually used for shape measurement # We use the true SNR not the estimated one, though these are pretty close snr = ( photo['snr_r']**2 + photo['snr_i']**2 + photo['snr_z']**2 )**0.5 snr_1p = (photo['snr_r_1p']**2 + photo['snr_i_1p']**2 + photo['snr_z_1p']**2)**0.5 snr_1m = (photo['snr_r_1m']**2 + photo['snr_i_1m']**2 + photo['snr_z_1m']**2)**0.5 snr_2p = (photo['snr_r_2p']**2 + photo['snr_i_2p']**2 + photo['snr_z_2p']**2)**0.5 snr_2m = (photo['snr_r_2m']**2 + photo['snr_i_2m']**2 + photo['snr_z_2m']**2)**0.5 if self.config['unit_response']: assert np.allclose(snr, snr_1p) assert np.allclose(snr, snr_2m) nobj = snr.size log10_snr = np.log10(snr) # Convert from the half-light radius which is in the # input catalogs to a sigma. Do this by pretending # that it is a Gaussian. This is clearly wrong, and # if this causes major errors in the size cuts we may # have to modify this size_hlr = data['size_true'] size_sigma = size_hlr / np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) size_T = 2 * size_sigma**2 # Use a fixed PSF across all the objects psf_fwhm = 0.75 psf_sigma = psf_fwhm/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) psf_T = 2 * psf_sigma**2 if self.config['unit_response']: R = 1.0 R_size = 0.0 else: # Use the response model to get a reasonable response # value for this size and SNR R_mean = self.R_spline(log10_snr, size_T, grid=False) R_std = self.Rstd_spline(log10_snr, size_T, grid=False) # Assume a 0.2 correlation between the size response # and the shear response. rho = 0.2 f = np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0,0.0], [[1.0,rho],[rho,1.0]], nobj).T R, R_size = f * R_std + R_mean # Convert magnitudes to fluxes according to the baseline # use in the metacal numbers flux_r = 10**0.4*(27 - photo['mag_r']) flux_i = 10**0.4*(27 - photo['mag_i']) flux_z = 10**0.4*(27 - photo['mag_z']) # Note that this is delta_gamma not 2*delta_gamma, because # of how we use it below delta_gamma = 0.01 # Use a fixed shape noise per component to generate # an overall shape_noise = 0.26 eps = np.random.normal(0,shape_noise,nobj) + 1.j * np.random.normal(0,shape_noise,nobj) # True shears without shape noise g1 = data['shear_1'] g2 = data['shear_2'] if self.config['flip_g2']: g2 *= -1 # Do the full combination of (g,epsilon) -> e, not the approx one g = g1 + 1j*g2 e = (eps + g) / (1+g.conj()*eps) e1 = e.real e2 = e.imag zero = np.zeros(nobj) # Now collect together everything to go into the metacal # file output = { # Basic values 'id': photo['id'], 'ra': photo['ra'], 'dec': photo['dec'], # Keep the truth value just in case "true_g1": g1, "true_g2": g2, # add true redshift since it is used in source selector "redshift_true":photo['redshift_true'], # g1 "mcal_g1": e1*R, "mcal_g1_1p": (e1+delta_gamma)*R, "mcal_g1_1m": (e1-delta_gamma)*R, "mcal_g1_2p": e1*R, "mcal_g1_2m": e1*R, # g2 "mcal_g2": e2*R, "mcal_g2_1p": e2*R, "mcal_g2_1m": e2*R, "mcal_g2_2p": (e2+delta_gamma)*R, "mcal_g2_2m": (e2-delta_gamma)*R, # T "mcal_T": size_T, "mcal_T_1p": size_T + R_size*delta_gamma, "mcal_T_1m": size_T - R_size*delta_gamma, "mcal_T_2p": size_T + R_size*delta_gamma, "mcal_T_2m": size_T - R_size*delta_gamma, # Terr "mcal_T_err": zero, "mcal_T_err_1p": zero, "mcal_T_err_1m": zero, "mcal_T_err_2p": zero, "mcal_T_err_2m": zero, # size "mcal_s2n": snr, "mcal_s2n_1p": snr_1p, "mcal_s2n_1m": snr_1m, "mcal_s2n_2p": snr_2p, "mcal_s2n_2m": snr_2m, # Magntiudes and fluxes, just copied from the inputs. 'mcal_mag_r': photo['mag_r'], 'mcal_mag_i': photo['mag_i'], 'mcal_mag_z': photo['mag_z'], 'mcal_mag_err_r': photo['mag_r_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_i': photo['mag_i_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_z': photo['mag_z_err'], 'mcal_mag_r_1p': photo['mag_r_1p'], 'mcal_mag_r_2p': photo['mag_r_2p'], 'mcal_mag_r_1m': photo['mag_r_1m'], 'mcal_mag_r_2m': photo['mag_r_2m'], 'mcal_mag_i_1p': photo['mag_i_1p'], 'mcal_mag_i_2p': photo['mag_i_2p'], 'mcal_mag_i_1m': photo['mag_i_1m'], 'mcal_mag_i_2m': photo['mag_i_2m'], 'mcal_mag_z_1p': photo['mag_z_1p'], 'mcal_mag_z_2p': photo['mag_z_2p'], 'mcal_mag_z_1m': photo['mag_z_1m'], 'mcal_mag_z_2m': photo['mag_z_2m'], 'mcal_mag_err_r_1p': photo['mag_r_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_r_2p': photo['mag_r_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_r_1m': photo['mag_r_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_r_2m': photo['mag_r_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_i_1p': photo['mag_i_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_i_2p': photo['mag_i_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_i_1m': photo['mag_i_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_i_2m': photo['mag_i_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_z_1p': photo['mag_z_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_z_2p': photo['mag_z_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_z_1m': photo['mag_z_err'], 'mcal_mag_err_z_2m': photo['mag_z_err'], # Fixed PSF parameters - all round with same size 'mcal_psf_g1': zero, 'mcal_psf_g2': zero, 'psf_g1': zero, 'psf_g2': zero, 'mcal_psf_T_mean' : np.repeat(psf_T, nobj), # Everything that gets this far should be used, so flag=0 'mcal_flags': np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.int32), # we use weights of one for everything for metacal # if that ever changes we may also need to add # weight_1p, etc. 'weight': np.ones(nobj), } return output
[docs] def apply_magnitude_cut(self, data): """ Allow for a cut in absolute magnitude. """ mag_limit = self.config['Mag_r_limit'] sel = data['Mag_true_r_sdss_z0']< mag_limit ndet = sel.sum() ntot = sel.size fract = ndet*100./ntot print(f"{ndet} objects pass magnitude cut out of {ntot} objects ({fract:.1f}%)") # Remove all objects not selected for key in list(data.keys()): data[key] = data[key][sel]
[docs] def remove_undetected(self, data, photo): """ Strip out any undetected objects from the two simulated data sets. Use a configuration parameter snr_limit to decide on the detection limit. """ snr_limit = self.config['snr_limit'] # This will become a boolean array in a minute when # we OR it with an array detected = False # Check if detected in any band. Makes a boolean array # Even though we started with just a single False. for band in self.bands: detected_in_band = photo[f'snr_{band}'] > snr_limit not_detected_in_band = ~detected_in_band # Set objects not detected in one band that are detected in another # to inf magnitude in that band, and the SNR to zero. # We have to do this for each of the variants also, because otherwise # we end up with wildly different final SNR values later. # This is the metadetection issue really! for v in metacal_variants(f'snr_{band}'): photo[v][not_detected_in_band] = 0.0 for v in metacal_variants(f'mag_{band}'): photo[v][not_detected_in_band] = np.inf # Record that we have detected this object at all detected |= detected_in_band # the protoDC2 sims have an edge with zero shear. # Remove it. zero_shear_edge = (abs(data['shear_1'])==0) & (abs(data['shear_2'])==0) print("Removing {} objects with identically zero shear in both terms".format(zero_shear_edge.sum())) detected &= (~zero_shear_edge) # Print out interesting information ndet = detected.sum() ntot = detected.size fract = ndet*100./ntot print(f"Detected {ndet} out of {ntot} objects ({fract:.1f}%)") # Remove all objects not detected in *any* band # make a copy of the keys with list(photo.keys()) so we are not # modifying during the iteration for key in list(photo.keys()): photo[key] = photo[key][detected] for key in list(data.keys()): data[key] = data[key][detected]
[docs]class TXBuzzardMock(TXCosmoDC2Mock): """ This stage simulates metacal data and metacalibrated photometry measurements, starting from a cosmology catalogs of the kind used as an input to DC2 image and obs-catalog simulations. This is mainly useful for testing infrastructure in advance of the DC2 catalogs being available, but might also be handy for starting from a purer simulation. """ name='TXBuzzardMock' inputs = [ ('response_model', HDFFile) ] outputs = [ ('shear_catalog', ShearCatalog), ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'cat_name':'buzzard', 'visits_per_band':165, # used in the noise simulation 'snr_limit':4.0, # used to decide what objects to cut out 'max_size': 99999999999999, #for testing on smaller catalogs 'extra_cols': "", # string-separated list of columns to include 'max_npix':99999999999999, 'unit_response': False, 'flip_g2': True, # this matches the metacal definition, and the treecorr/namaster one }
[docs]def make_mock_photometry(n_visit, bands, data, unit_response): """ Generate a mock photometric table with noise added This is mostly from LSE‐40 by Zeljko Ivezic, Lynne Jones, and Robert Lupton retrieved here: """ output = {} nobj = data['galaxy_id'].size output['ra'] = data['ra'] output['dec'] = data['dec'] output['id'] = data['galaxy_id'] output['extendedness'] = np.ones(nobj) # Sky background, seeing FWHM, and system throughput, # all from table 2 of Ivezic, Jones, & Lupton B_b = np.array([85.07, 467.9, 1085.2, 1800.3, 2775.7, 3614.3]) fwhm = np.array([0.77, 0.73, 0.70, 0.67, 0.65, 0.63]) T_b = np.array([0.0379, 0.1493, 0.1386, 0.1198, 0.0838, 0.0413]) # effective pixels size for a Gaussian PSF, from equation # 27 of Ivezic, Jones, & Lupton pixel = 0.2 # arcsec N_eff = 2.436 * (fwhm/pixel)**2 # other numbers from Ivezic, Jones, & Lupton sigma_inst2 = 10.0**2 #instrumental noise in photons per pixel, just below eq 42 gain = 1 # ADU units per photon, also just below eq 42 D = 6.5 # primary mirror diameter in meters, from LSST key numbers page (effective clear diameter) # Not sure what effective clear diameter means but it's closer to the number used in the paper time = 30. # seconds per exposure, from LSST key numbers page sigma_b2 = 0.0 # error on background, just above eq 42 # combination of these used below, from various equations factor = 5455./gain * (D/6.5)**2 * (time/30.) # Fake some metacal responses if unit_response: mag_responses = [0.0 for i in bands] else: mag_responses = generate_mock_metacal_mag_responses(bands, nobj) delta_gamma = 0.01 # this is the half-delta gamma, i.e. gamma_+ - gamma_0 # that's the right thing to use here because we are doing m+ = m0 + dm/dy*dy # Use the same response for gamma1 and gamma2 for band, b_b, t_b, n_eff, mag_resp in zip(bands, B_b, T_b, N_eff, mag_responses): # truth magnitude mag = data[f'mag_true_{band}_lsst'] output[f'mag_true_{band}_lsst'] = mag # expected signal photons, over all visits c_b = factor * 10**(0.4*(25-mag)) * t_b * n_visit # expected background photons, over all visits background = np.sqrt((b_b + sigma_inst2 + sigma_b2) * n_eff * n_visit) # total expected photons mu = c_b + background # Observed number of photons in excess of the expected background. # This can go negative for faint magnitudes, indicating that the object is # not going to be detected n_obs = np.random.poisson(mu) - background n_obs_err = np.sqrt(mu) # signal to noise, true and estimated values true_snr = c_b / background obs_snr = n_obs / background # observed magnitude from inverting c_b expression above mag_obs = 25 - 2.5*np.log10(n_obs/factor/t_b/n_visit) # converting error on n_obs to error on mag mag_err = 2.5/np.log(10.) / obs_snr output[f'true_snr_{band}'] = true_snr output[f'snr_{band}'] = obs_snr output[f'mag_{band}'] = mag_obs output[f'mag_err_{band}'] = mag_err output[f'mag_{band}_err'] = mag_err m = mag_resp*delta_gamma m1 = mag_obs + m m2 = mag_obs - m mag_obs_1p = m1 mag_obs_1m = m2 output[f'mag_{band}_1p'] = m1 output[f'mag_{band}_1m'] = m2 output[f'mag_{band}_2p'] = m1 output[f'mag_{band}_2m'] = m2 # Scale the SNR values according the to change in magnitude.r s = np.power(10., -0.4*m) snr1 = obs_snr * s snr2 = obs_snr / s output[f'snr_{band}_1p'] = snr1 output[f'snr_{band}_1m'] = snr2 output[f'snr_{band}_2p'] = snr1 output[f'snr_{band}_2m'] = snr2 return output
def generate_mock_metacal_mag_responses(bands, nobj): nband = len(bands) mu = np.zeros(nband) # seems approx mean of response across bands, from HSC tract rho = 0.25 # approx correlation between response in bands, from HSC tract sigma2 = 1.7**2 # approx variance of response, from HSC tract covmat = np.full((nband,nband), rho*sigma2) np.fill_diagonal(covmat, sigma2) mag_responses = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, covmat, nobj).T return mag_responses def test(): import pylab data = { 'ra':None, 'dec':None, 'galaxy_id':None, } bands = 'ugrizy' n_visit=165 M5 = [24.22, 25.17, 24.74, 24.38, 23.80] for b,m5 in zip(bands, M5): data[f'mag_true_{b}_lsst'] = np.repeat(m5, 10000) results = make_mock_photometry(n_visit, bands, data, True) pylab.hist(results['snr_r'], bins=50, histtype='step') pylab.savefig('snr_r.png')