Source code for txpipe.map_correlations

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import MapsFile, FileCollection
import pathlib
import glob
import numpy as np

[docs]class TXMapCorrelations(PipelineStage): name = "TXMapCorrelations" inputs = [ ("lens_maps", MapsFile), ("convergence_maps", MapsFile), ("source_maps", MapsFile), ("mask", MapsFile), ] outputs = [ ("map_systematic_correlations", FileCollection), ] config_options = { "supreme_path_root": "/global/cscratch1/sd/erykoff/dc2_dr6/supreme/supreme_dc2_dr6d_v2", "nbin": 20, "outlier_fraction": 0.05, } def read_healsparse(self, map_path, nside): import healsparse import healpy # Convert to correct res healpix map m = m = m.generate_healpix_map(nside=nside) # Re-order the pixels from nest to ring. Does not change the # resolution at all, just the ordering. m = healpy.ud_grade(m, nside, order_in="nest", order_out="ring") return m def run(self): import healsparse import matplotlib.pyplot import scipy.stats import healpy data_maps = {} nside = 0 with self.open_input("lens_maps", wrapper=True) as map_file: ngal = map_file.read_map("weighted_ngal_2D") nside = map_file.read_map_info("weighted_ngal_2D")["nside"] with self.open_input("source_maps", wrapper=True) as map_file: source_g1 = map_file.read_map("g1_2D") source_g2 = map_file.read_map("g2_2D") with self.open_input("convergence_maps", wrapper=True) as map_file: kappa = map_file.read_map("kappa_E_2D") with self.open_input("mask", wrapper=True) as map_file: mask = map_file.read_map("mask") # In python (unlike in e.g. C) you can chain equality tests # like this (or indeed inequalities). Cool right? if not (kappa.size == ngal.size == mask.size): raise ValueError("Maps are different sizes") output_dir = self.open_output("map_systematic_correlations", wrapper=True) root = self.config["supreme_path_root"] sys_maps = glob.glob(f"{root}*.hs") nsys = len(sys_maps) print(f"Found {nsys} total systematic maps") outputs = [] for i, map_path in enumerate(sys_maps): # strip root, .hs, and underscores to get friendly name sys_name = map_path[len(root):-3].strip("_") # get actual data for this map sys_map = self.read_healsparse(map_path, nside) # Correlate with g1, g2, ngal, kappa print(f"Correlating systematic {i+1}/{nsys} {sys_name}") corr = self.correlate(sys_map, source_g1, mask) outfile =, 'g1', corr, output_dir) outputs.append(outfile) corr = self.correlate(sys_map, source_g2, mask) outfile =, 'g2', corr, output_dir) outputs.append(outfile) corr = self.correlate(sys_map, ngal, mask) outfile =, 'number_density', corr, output_dir) outputs.append(outfile) corr = self.correlate(sys_map, kappa, mask) outfile =, 'convergence', corr, output_dir) outputs.append(outfile) output_dir.write_listing(outputs) def correlate(self, sys_map, data_map, mask): import scipy.stats import healpy N = self.config["nbin"] f = 0.5 * self.config["outlier_fraction"] # clean the data finite = ( np.isfinite(sys_map) & np.isfinite(data_map) & (sys_map != healpy.UNSEEN) & (data_map != healpy.UNSEEN) & (mask > 0) ) sys_map = sys_map[finite] data_map = data_map[finite] # Choose bin edges and put pixels in them. percentiles = np.linspace(f, 1 - f, N + 1) bin_edges = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(sys_map, percentiles) # Remove outliers in the systematic clip = (sys_map > bin_edges[0]) & (sys_map < bin_edges[-1]) sys_map = sys_map[clip] data_map = data_map[clip] # Find the bin each pixel lands in bins = np.digitize(sys_map, bin_edges) - 1 # Get the count in each bin in the # systematic parameter counts = np.bincount(bins) # and the mean of the systematic value # itself, and of the y and y^2 values x = np.bincount(bins, weights=sys_map) / counts y = np.bincount(bins, weights=data_map) / counts y2 = np.bincount(bins, weights=data_map ** 2) / counts # the var on the mean = var / count yerr = np.sqrt((y2 - y**2) / counts) # return things we want to plot return x, y, yerr def save(self, sys_name, data_name, corr, output_dir): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x, y, yerr = corr # Make plot plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr, fmt=".") plt.xlabel(sys_name) plt.ylabel(data_name) # Save plot base = f"{sys_name}_{data_name}.png" filename = output_dir.path_for_file(base) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() return base