Source code for txpipe.map_plots

from .data_types import MapsFile, PNGFile
from .base_stage import PipelineStage

[docs]class TXMapPlots(PipelineStage): """ Make plots of all the available maps. """ name = "TXMapPlots" inputs = [ ("source_maps", MapsFile), ("lens_maps", MapsFile), ("density_maps", MapsFile), ("mask", MapsFile), ("aux_source_maps", MapsFile), ("aux_lens_maps", MapsFile), ] outputs = [ ("depth_map", PNGFile), ("lens_map", PNGFile), ("shear_map", PNGFile), ("flag_map", PNGFile), ("psf_map", PNGFile), ("mask_map", PNGFile), ("bright_object_map", PNGFile), ] config_options = { # can also set Moll "projection": "cart", } def run(self): # PSF tests import matplotlib matplotlib.use("agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plot from each file separately, just # to organize this file a bit self.aux_source_plots() self.aux_lens_plots() self.source_plots() self.lens_plots() self.mask_plots() def aux_source_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = self.open_input("aux_source_maps", wrapper=True) # Get these two config options from the maps where # they were originally saved nbin_source = m.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_source"] flag_max = m.file["maps"].attrs["flag_exponent_max"] # Flag count plots - flags are assumed to be bitsets, so # we make maps of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... fig = self.open_output("flag_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5 * flag_max, 5)) for i in range(flag_max): plt.subplot(1, flag_max, i + 1) f = 2 ** i m.plot(f"flags/flag_{f}", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close() # PSF plots - 2 x n, for g1 and g2 fig = self.open_output("psf_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5 * nbin_source, 10)) _, axes = plt.subplots(2, nbin_source, squeeze=False, num=fig.file.number) for i in range(nbin_source):[0, i]) m.plot(f"psf/g1_{i}", view=self.config["projection"])[1, i]) m.plot(f"psf/g2_{i}", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close() def aux_lens_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = self.open_input("aux_lens_maps", wrapper=True) # Depth plots fig = self.open_output("depth_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5, 5)) m.plot("depth/depth", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close() # Bright objects fig = self.open_output("bright_object_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5, 5)) m.plot("bright_objects/count", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close() def source_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = self.open_input("source_maps", wrapper=True) nbin_source = m.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_source"] fig = self.open_output("shear_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5 * nbin_source, 10)) # Plot 2 x nbin, g1 and g2 _, axes = plt.subplots(2, nbin_source, squeeze=False, num=fig.file.number) for i in range(nbin_source): # g1[0, i]) m.plot(f"g1_{i}", view=self.config["projection"], min=-0.1, max=0.1) # g2[1, i]) m.plot(f"g2_{i}", view=self.config["projection"], min=-0.1, max=0.1 ) fig.close() def lens_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = self.open_input("lens_maps", wrapper=True) rho = self.open_input("density_maps", wrapper=True) nbin_lens = m.file["maps"].attrs["nbin_lens"] # Plot both density and ngal as 2 x n fig = self.open_output("lens_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5 * nbin_lens, 5)) _, axes = plt.subplots(2, nbin_lens, squeeze=False, num=fig.file.number) for i in range(nbin_lens):[0, i]) m.plot(f"ngal_{i}", view=self.config["projection"])[1, i]) rho.plot(f"delta_{i}", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close() def mask_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = self.open_input("mask", wrapper=True) fig = self.open_output("mask_map", wrapper=True, figsize=(5, 5)) m.plot("mask", view=self.config["projection"]) fig.close()