Source code for txpipe.masks

import numpy as np
from .utils import choose_pixelization
from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import MapsFile

[docs]class TXSimpleMask(PipelineStage): name = "TXSimpleMask" # make a mask from the auxiliary maps inputs = [("aux_lens_maps", MapsFile)] outputs = [("mask", MapsFile)] config_options = { "depth_cut": 23.5, "bright_object_max": 10.0, } def run(self): import healpy with self.open_input("aux_lens_maps", wrapper=True) as f: metadata = dict(f.file["maps"].attrs) bright_obj = f.read_map("bright_objects/count") depth = f.read_map("depth/depth") pixel_scheme = choose_pixelization(**metadata) hit = depth > healpy.UNSEEN masks = [ ("depth", depth > self.config["depth_cut"]), ("bright_obj", ~(bright_obj > self.config["bright_object_max"])), ] for name, m in masks: frac = 1 - (m & hit).sum() / hit.sum() print(f"Mask '{name}' removes fraction {frac:.3f} of hit pixels") # Overall mask mask = np.logical_and.reduce([mask for _, mask in masks]) # Total survey area calculation. This is simplistic: # TODO: account for weights / hit fractions here, and allow # for different lens and shear survey areas num_hit = (mask.sum() * 1.0) area = pixel_scheme.pixel_area(degrees=True) * num_hit f_sky = area / 41252.96125 print(f"f_sky = {f_sky}") print(f"area = {area:.2f} sq deg") metadata["area"] = area metadata["f_sky"] = f_sky mask[np.isnan(mask)] = 0.0 mask[mask < 0] = 0 # Pull out unmasked pixels and their values. # The flatten only affects gnomonic maps; the # healpix maps are already flat mask = mask.flatten() pix = np.where(mask)[0] mask = mask[pix].astype(float) with self.open_output("mask", wrapper=True) as f: f.file.create_group("maps") f.write_map("mask", pix, mask, metadata)