Source code for txpipe.metacal_gcr_input

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import ShearCatalog, HDFFile
from .utils.calibration_tools import band_variants, metacal_variants
import numpy as np
import glob
import re

[docs]class TXMetacalGCRInput(PipelineStage): """ This stage simulates metacal data and metacalibrated photometry measurements, starting from a cosmology catalogs of the kind used as an input to DC2 image and obs-catalog simulations. This is mainly useful for testing infrastructure in advance of the DC2 catalogs being available, but might also be handy for starting from a purer simulation. """ name='TXMetacalGCRInput' inputs = [] outputs = [ ('shear_catalog', ShearCatalog), ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'cat_name': str, 'single_tract': '', 'length': 0, 'table_dir': '', 'data_release': '', } def run(self): import GCRCatalogs import GCR import h5py # Open input data. We do not treat this as a formal "input" # since it's the starting point of the whol pipeline and so is # not in a TXPipe format. cat_name = self.config['cat_name'] # If set, override some keys from the config config_overwrite={} for key in ['table_dir', 'data_release']: if self.config[key]: config_overwrite[key] = self.config[key] print(f"Loading catalog {cat_name} + {config_overwrite}") cat = GCRCatalogs.load_catalog(cat_name, config_overwrite=config_overwrite) # Total size is needed to set up the output file, # although in larger files it is a little slow to compute this. if self.config['length'] == 0: n = len(cat) print(f"Total catalog size = {n}") else: n = self.config['length'] print(f"Using fixed specified size = {n}") # This option, which prevented memory leaks with a previous # catalog format, appears not to work for Parquet catalogs, # but the memory leaks don't happen in that case either. try: cat.master.use_cache = False except AttributeError: pass available = cat.list_all_quantities() bands = [] for b in 'ugrizy': if f'mcal_mag_{b}' in available: bands.append(b) # Columns that we will need. shear_cols = (['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'mcal_psf_g1', 'mcal_psf_g2', 'mcal_psf_T_mean', 'mcal_flags'] + metacal_variants('mcal_g1', 'mcal_g2', 'mcal_T', 'mcal_s2n') + band_variants(bands, 'mcal_mag', 'mcal_mag_err',shear_catalog_type='metacal') ) # Input columns for photometry photo_cols = ['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'extendedness', 'tract'] # Photometry columns (non-metacal) for band in 'ugrizy': photo_cols.append(f'mag_{band}') photo_cols.append(f'magerr_{band}') photo_cols.append(f'snr_{band}_cModel') # For shear we just add a weight column, and the non-rounded PSF estimates shear_out_cols = shear_cols + ['weight', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2'] # We want these in the input but not the output as we construct # other values from them instead shear_cols += ['IxxPSF', 'IxyPSF', 'IyyPSF'] # For the photometry output we strip off the _cModeel suffix. photo_out_cols = [col[:-7] if col.endswith('_cModel') else col for col in photo_cols] # eliminate duplicates before loading cols = list(set(shear_cols + photo_cols)) start = 0 shear_output = None photo_output = None # Loop through the data, as chunke natively by GCRCatalogs single_tract = self.config['single_tract'] if single_tract: kwargs = {'native_filters': f'tract == {single_tract}'} print(f"Selecting one tract only: {single_tract}") else: kwargs = {} for data in cat.get_quantities(cols, return_iterator=True, **kwargs): # Some columns have different names in input than output self.rename_columns(data) self.add_weight_column(data) # First chunk of data we use to set up the output # It is easier this way (no need to check types etc) # if we change the column list if shear_output is None: shear_output = self.setup_output('shear_catalog', 'shear', data, shear_out_cols, n) photo_output = self.setup_output('photometry_catalog', 'photometry', data, photo_out_cols, n) # Write out this chunk of data to HDF end = start + len(data['ra']) print(f" Saving {start} - {end}") self.write_output(shear_output, 'shear', shear_out_cols, start, end, data) self.write_output(photo_output, 'photometry', photo_out_cols, start, end, data) start = end # All done! photo_output.close() shear_output.close() def rename_columns(self, data): for band in 'ugrizy': data[f'snr_{band}'] = data[f'snr_{band}_cModel'] del data[f'snr_{band}_cModel'] Ixx = data['IxxPSF'] Ixy = data['IxyPSF'] Iyy = data['IyyPSF'] data['psf_g1'], data['psf_g2'] = moments_to_shear(Ixx, Iyy, Ixy) def setup_output(self, name, group, cat, cols, n): import h5py f = self.open_output(name) g = f.create_group(group) for name in cols: g.create_dataset(name, shape=(n,), dtype=cat[name].dtype) return f def add_weight_column(self, data): n = len(data['ra']) data['weight'] = np.ones(n) def write_output(self, output_file, group_name, cols, start, end, data): g = output_file[group_name] for name in cols: g[name][start:end] = data[name]
[docs]class TXIngestStars(PipelineStage): name = "TXIngestStars" inputs = [] outputs = [ ('star_catalog', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'single_tract': '', 'cat_name': str, 'length': 0, } def run(self): import GCRCatalogs import GCR import h5py from .utils.hdf_tools import repack cat_name = self.config['cat_name'] cat = GCRCatalogs.load_catalog(cat_name) # This is the max possible length of the stars. # Actually much smaller of course if self.config['length']: n = self.config['length'] print(f"Using fixed size {n}") else: n = len(cat) print(f"Full catalog size = {n}") # Columns we need to load in for the star data - # the measured object moments and the identifier telling us # if it was used in PSF measurement star_cols = [ 'id', 'ra', 'dec', 'calib_psf_used', 'calib_psf_reserved', 'extendedness', 'tract', 'mag_u', 'mag_g', 'mag_r', 'mag_i', 'mag_z', 'mag_y', 'Ixx', 'Ixy', 'Iyy', 'IxxPSF', 'IxyPSF', 'IyyPSF', ] # The star output names are mostly different to the input names star_out_cols = [ # These are read directly 'id', 'ra', 'dec', 'calib_psf_used', 'calib_psf_reserved', 'extendedness', 'tract', 'mag_u', 'mag_g', 'mag_r', 'mag_i', 'mag_z', 'mag_y', # These are calculated 'measured_e1', 'measured_e2', 'model_e1', 'model_e2', 'measured_T', 'model_T', ] single_tract = self.config['single_tract'] if single_tract: kwargs = {'native_filters': f'tract == {single_tract}'} print(f"Selecting one tract only: {single_tract}") else: kwargs = {} # As with the galaxy ingestion, this option doesn't # work with Parquet catalogs. try: cat.master.use_cache = False except AttributeError: pass start = 0 star_start = 0 star_output = None for data in cat.get_quantities(star_cols, return_iterator=True, **kwargs): end = start + len(data['ra']) print(f"Reading data {start:,} - {end:,}") # Some columns have different names in input than output star_data = self.compute_star_data(data) star_end = star_start + len(star_data['ra']) if star_output is None: star_output = self.setup_output('star_catalog', 'stars', star_data, star_out_cols, n) self.write_output(star_output, 'stars', star_out_cols, star_start, star_end, star_data) start = end star_start = star_end # Cut down to just include stars. for col in star_out_cols: h5py_shorten(star_output['stars'], col, star_end) star_output.close() # Run h5repack on the file repack(self.get_output('star_catalog')) def setup_output(self, name, group, cat, cols, n): import h5py f = self.open_output(name) g = f.create_group(group) for name in cols: g.create_dataset(name, shape=(n,), dtype=cat[name].dtype) return f def write_output(self, output_file, group_name, cols, start, end, data): g = output_file[group_name] for name in cols: g[name][start:end] = data[name] def compute_star_data(self, data): star_data = {} # We specifically use the stars chosen for PSF measurement star = data['calib_psf_used'] | data['calib_psf_reserved'] for col in ['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'calib_psf_used', 'calib_psf_reserved', 'extendedness', 'tract']: star_data[col] = data[col][star] for b in 'ugrizy': star_data[f'mag_{b}'] = data[f'mag_{b}'][star] # HSM reports moments. We convert these into # ellipticities. We do this for both the star shape # itself and the PSF model. kinds = [ ('', 'measured_'), ('PSF', 'model_') ] for in_name, out_name in kinds: # Pulling out the correct moment columns Ixx = data[f'Ixx{in_name}'][star] Iyy = data[f'Iyy{in_name}'][star] Ixy = data[f'Ixy{in_name}'][star] # Conversion of moments to e1, e2 T = Ixx + Iyy e1, e2 = moments_to_shear(Ixx, Iyy, Ixy) # save to output star_data[f'{out_name}e1'] = e1 star_data[f'{out_name}e2'] = e2 star_data[f'{out_name}T'] = T return star_data
def moments_to_shear(Ixx, Iyy, Ixy): b = Ixx + Iyy + 2 * np.sqrt(Ixx * Iyy - Ixy**2) e1 = (Ixx - Iyy) / b e2 = 2 * Ixy / b return e1, e2 # response to an old Stack Overflow question of mine: # def intersecting_indices(x, y): u_x, u_idx_x = np.unique(x, return_index=True) u_y, u_idx_y = np.unique(y, return_index=True) i_xy = np.intersect1d(u_x, u_y, assume_unique=True) i_idx_x = u_idx_x[np.in1d(u_x, i_xy, assume_unique=True)] i_idx_y = u_idx_y[np.in1d(u_y, i_xy, assume_unique=True)] return i_idx_x, i_idx_y def h5py_shorten(group, name, n): tmp_name = name + "_tmp_5kb04scgllj" group[tmp_name] = group[name][:n] del group[name] group[name] = group[tmp_name] del group[tmp_name]