Source code for txpipe.plotting.correlations

import numpy as np
import copy
import yaml

W = "galaxy_density_xi"
GAMMA = "galaxy_shearDensity_xi_t"
GAMMAX = "galaxy_shearDensity_xi_x"
XIP = "galaxy_shear_xi_plus"
XIM = "galaxy_shear_xi_minus"
EE = "galaxy_shear_cl_ee"
DD = "galaxy_density_cl"
ED = "galaxy_shearDensity_cl_e"

types = {
    W: ('theta','lens','lens'),
    GAMMA: ('theta','source','lens'),
    GAMMAX: ('theta','source','lens'),
    XIP: ('theta','source','source'),
    XIM: ('theta','source','source'),
    EE: ('ell', 'source','source'),
    DD: ('ell', 'lens','lens'),
    ED: ('ell', 'source','lens'),

[docs]def make_axis(i, j, nx, ny, axes): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if i==0 and j==0: shares = {} elif j==0: shares = {'sharex': axes[0,0]} elif i==j: shares = {'sharey': axes[i,0]} else: shares = {'sharey': axes[i,0], 'sharey': axes[j,j]} a = plt.subplot(ny, nx, i*ny+j+1, **shares) axes[i,j] = a return a
[docs]def apply_galaxy_bias_ggl(obs, theory, xi): theory = copy.deepcopy(theory) nbin_source = obs['nbin_source'] nbin_lens = obs['nbin_lens'] bias = np.zeros(nbin_lens) # Best fit biases as a function of scale for i in range(nbin_lens): ell_obs, cl_obs = obs[DD, i, i] ell_theory, cl_theory = theory[DD, i, i] theory_at_obs = np.interp(ell_obs, ell_theory, cl_theory) b2 = cl_obs / theory_at_obs b = np.sqrt(b2) mean_b = np.mean(b**0.5) cl_theory *= mean_b**2 bias[i] = mean_b print(f"Bias {i} = {mean_b:.2f}") # Now apply to GGL for i in range(nbin_source): for j in range(nbin_lens): _, theory_cl = theory[ED, i, j] theory_cl *= bias[j] return theory
[docs]def full_3x2pt_plots(sacc_files, labels, theory_sacc_files=None, theory_labels=None, xi=None, fit_bias=False, figures=None, xlogscale=True, ratios=False): import sacc sacc_data = [] for f in sacc_files: if isinstance(f, sacc.Sacc): sacc_data.append(f) else: sacc_data.append(sacc.Sacc.load_fits(f)) obs_data = [extract_observables_plot_data(s, label) for s, label in zip(sacc_data, labels)] if theory_sacc_files is not None: sacc_theory = [] for f in theory_sacc_files: if isinstance(f, sacc.Sacc): sacc_theory.append(f) else: sacc_theory.append(sacc.Sacc.load_fits(f)) obs_theory = [extract_observables_plot_data(s, label) for s, label in zip(sacc_theory, theory_labels)] else: obs_theory = [] if fit_bias: if len(obs_theory) > 1: print("warning - fitting to just the first set of theory spectra") fitted_obs_theory = [] for obs, label in zip(obs_data, labels): theory_fit = apply_galaxy_bias_ggl(obs, obs_theory[0], xi) theory_fit['name'] = f"Fit to {label}" fitted_obs_theory.append(theory_fit) obs_theory = fitted_obs_theory if figures is None: figures = {} for t in types: f = figures.get(t) output_figures = {} for t in types: if any(obs[t] for obs in obs_data): print('Making Plot') f = figures.get(t) output_figures[t] = make_plot(t, obs_data, obs_theory, fig=f, xlogscale=xlogscale, ratios=ratios) return output_figures
[docs]def axis_setup(a, i, j, ny, ymin, ymax, name): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if j>0: plt.setp(a.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) else: a.set_ylabel(f"${name}$") if i<ny-1: plt.setp(a.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if name.startswith(r'C_\ell'): a.set_xlabel(r"$C_\ell$") else: a.set_xlabel(r"$\theta$ [arcmin]") a.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', length=10, direction='in') a.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', length=5, direction='in') # Fix a.text(0.1, 0.1, f"{j} - {i}", transform=a.transAxes) if i==j==0: a.legend() a.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
[docs]def make_plot(corr, obs_data, obs_theory, fig=None, xlogscale=True, ratios=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nbin_source = obs_data[0]['nbin_source'] nbin_lens = obs_data[0]['nbin_lens'] ny = nbin_source if types[corr][1] == 'source' else nbin_lens nx = nbin_source if types[corr][2] == 'source' else nbin_lens if corr == XIP: name = r"\xi_+(\theta)" ymin = 5e-7 ymax = 9e-5 auto_only = False half_only = True elif corr == XIM: name = r"\xi_-(\theta)" ymin = 5e-7 ymax = 9e-5 auto_only = False half_only = True elif corr == GAMMA: ymin = 5e-7 ymax = 2e-2 name = r'\gamma_T(\theta)' auto_only = False half_only = False elif corr == W: ymin = 2e-4 ymax = 1e-0 name = r'w(\theta)' auto_only = True half_only = False elif corr == EE: name = r"C_\ell^{EE}" ymin = 2e-12 ymax = 9e-8 auto_only = False half_only = True elif corr == ED: ymin = 2e-10 ymax = 2e-6 name = r"C_\ell^{ED}" auto_only = False half_only = False elif corr == DD: ymin = 2e-8 ymax = 1e-4 name = r"C_\ell^{DD}" auto_only = True half_only = False elif corr == GAMMAX: ymin = 5e-7 ymax = 2e-2 name = r"\gamma_X(\theta)" auto_only = False half_only = False if ratios: name += "\ \mathrm{ ratios}" plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14 f = fig if fig is not None else plt.figure(figsize=(nx*3.5, ny*3)) ax = {} axes = f.subplots(ny, nx, sharex='col', sharey='row', squeeze=True) for i in range(ny): if auto_only: J = [i] elif half_only: J = range(i+1) else: J = range(nx) for j in range(nx): a = axes[i,j] if j not in J: f.delaxes(a) continue for index, obs in enumerate(obs_data): res = obs[(corr, i, j)] if ratios: res_theory = obs_theory[index][(corr, i, j)] if len(res) == 2: theta, xi = res if ratios: theta_th, xi_th = res_theory a.plot(theta, xi/xi_th, label='TXPipe Data/CCL Theory') a.axhline(y=1, color='k', ls = ':') else: if xlogscale: l, = a.loglog(theta, xi, 'x', label=obs['name']) a.loglog(theta, -xi, 's', color=l.get_color()) else: l, = a.plot(theta, xi, 'x', label=obs['name']) a.plot(theta, -xi, 's', color=l.get_color()) a.set_yscale('log') else: theta, xi, cov = res err = cov.diagonal()**0.5 if ratios: theta_th, xi_th = res_theory a.errorbar(theta, xi/xi_th, err/xi_th, fmt='.', label='TXPipe Data/CCL Theory') a.axhline(y=1, color='k', ls = ':') else: a.errorbar(theta, xi, err, fmt='.', label=obs['name'], capsize=5) a.set_yscale('log') if xlogscale: a.set_xscale('log') if not ratios: # plot theory for theory in obs_theory: theta, xi = theory[(corr, i, j)] if xlogscale: a.loglog(theta, xi, '-', label=theory['name']) else: a.plot(theta, xi, '-', label=theory['name']) if ratios: axis_setup(a, i, j, ny, 0.6, 1.4, name) else: axis_setup(a, i, j, ny, ymin, ymax, name) if corr in [EE, ED, DD]: a.set_xlim(90, 1500) f.suptitle(rf"TXPipe ${name}$") # plt.tight_layout() #f.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) return plt.gcf()
[docs]def smooth_nz(nz): return np.convolve(nz, np.exp(-0.5*np.arange(-4,5)**2)/2**2, mode='same')
[docs]def extract_observables_plot_data(data, label): obs = {'name': label} nbin_source = len([t for t in data.tracers if t.startswith('source')]) nbin_lens = len([t for t in data.tracers if t.startswith('lens')]) nbin_max = max(nbin_source, nbin_lens) has_cov = data.has_covariance() obs['nbin_source'] = nbin_source obs['nbin_lens'] = nbin_lens for t in types: # ignore any other data we don't care about if t not in data.get_data_types(): obs[t] = False continue obs[t] = True a, b1, b2 = types[t] for i in range(nbin_max): for j in range(nbin_max): B1 = f"{b1}_{i}" B2 = f"{b2}_{j}" if a == 'theta': res = data.get_theta_xi(t, B1, B2, return_cov=has_cov) else: res = data.get_ell_cl(t, B1, B2, return_cov=has_cov) if res[0].size > 0: obs[(t, i, j)] = res return obs
""" This whole function below can be removed now since it is not used anymore. """
[docs]def make_theory_plot_data(data, cosmo, obs, label, smooth=True, xi=None, ratios=False): import pyccl theory = {'name': label} xi = ('galaxy_density_xi' in data.get_data_types()) if xi is None else xi nbin_source = obs['nbin_source'] nbin_lens = obs['nbin_lens'] ell = np.unique(np.logspace(np.log10(2),5,400).astype(int)) tracers = {} print('Cosmological parameters used in plots:') print(cosmo) # Make the lensing tracers for i in range(nbin_source): name = f'source_{i}' Ti = data.get_tracer(name) nz = smooth_nz( if smooth else print("smooth:", smooth) # Convert to CCL form tracers[name] = pyccl.WeakLensingTracer(cosmo, (Ti.z, nz)) # And the clustering tracers for i in range(nbin_lens): name = f'lens_{i}' Ti = data.get_tracer(name) nz = smooth_nz( if smooth else # Convert to CCL form tracers[name] = pyccl.NumberCountsTracer(cosmo, has_rsd=False, dndz=(Ti.z, nz), bias=(Ti.z, np.ones_like(Ti.z))) for i in range(nbin_source): for j in range(i+1): print(f"Computing theory lensing-lensing ({i},{j})") # uncomment to take ratio in Fourier space to get the exact ells if ratios and (not xi): if i==0 and j==0: ell, _, _ = obs[('galaxy_shearDensity_cl_e', i, j)] # to get the ratio between theory and data # compute power spectra cl = pyccl.angular_cl(cosmo, tracers[f'source_{i}'], tracers[f'source_{j}'], ell) theory[(EE, i, j)] = ell, cl # Optionally also compute correlation functions if xi: theta, *_ = obs[(XIP, i, j)] theory[(XIP, i, j)] = theta, pyccl.correlation(cosmo, ell, cl, theta/60, corr_type='L+') theory[(XIM, i, j)] = theta, pyccl.correlation(cosmo, ell, cl, theta/60, corr_type='L-') for i in range(nbin_lens): print(f"Computing theory density-density ({i},{i})") # compute power spectra cl = pyccl.angular_cl(cosmo, tracers[f'lens_{i}'], tracers[f'lens_{i}'], ell) theory[(DD, i, i)] = ell, cl # Optionally also compute correlation functions if xi: theta, *_ = obs[(W, i, i)] theory[W, i, i] = theta, pyccl.correlation(cosmo, ell, cl, theta/60, corr_type='GG') for i in range(nbin_source): for j in range(nbin_lens): print(f"Computing theory lensing-density (S{i},L{j})") # compute power spectra cl = pyccl.angular_cl(cosmo, tracers[f'source_{i}'], tracers[f'lens_{j}'], ell) theory[(ED, i, j)] = ell, cl # Optionally also compute correlation functions if xi: theta, *_ = obs[(GAMMA, i, j)] theory[GAMMA, i, j] = theta, pyccl.correlation(cosmo, ell, cl, theta/60, corr_type='GL') return theory