Source code for txpipe.psf_diagnostics

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import Directory, ShearCatalog, HDFFile, PNGFile, TomographyCatalog, RandomsCatalog, YamlFile
from parallel_statistics import ParallelHistogram, ParallelMeanVariance
import numpy as np
from .utils.calibration_tools import read_shear_catalog_type
from .utils.calibration_tools import apply_metacal_response, apply_lensfit_calibration
from .plotting import manual_step_histogram

STAR_TYPE_NAMES = ['PSF-used', 'PSF-reserved']
STAR_COLORS = ['blue', 'orange', 'green']

[docs]class TXPSFDiagnostics(PipelineStage): """ """ name='TXPSFDiagnostics' inputs = [ ('star_catalog', HDFFile) ] outputs = [ ('e1_psf_residual_hist', PNGFile), ('e2_psf_residual_hist', PNGFile), ('T_frac_psf_residual_hist', PNGFile), ('star_psf_stats', YamlFile), ] config_options = {} def run(self): # PSF tests import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') # Make plotters - in each case we supply the function to make # the thing we want to histogram, the name, label, and range plotters = [ self.plot_histogram( lambda d: (d['measured_e1'] - d['model_e1']), 'e1_psf_residual', '$e_{1}-e_{1,psf}$', np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 51), ), self.plot_histogram( lambda d: (d['measured_e2'] - d['model_e2']), 'e2_psf_residual', '$e_{2}-e_{2,psf}$', np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 51), ), self.plot_histogram( lambda d: (d['measured_T'] - d['model_T']) / d['measured_T'], 'T_frac_psf_residual', '$(T-T{psf})/T{psf}$', np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 51), ), ] # Start off each of the plotters. This will make them all run up to the # first yield statement, then pause and wait for the first chunk of data for plotter in plotters: print(plotter) plotter.send(None) # Create an iterator for reading through the input data. # This method automatically splits up data among the processes, # so the plotters should handle this. chunk_rows = 10000 star_cols = ['measured_e1', 'model_e1', 'measured_e2', 'model_e2', 'measured_T', 'model_T', 'calib_psf_used', 'calib_psf_reserved', ] iter_star = self.iterate_hdf('star_catalog','stars',star_cols,chunk_rows) # Now loop through each chunk of input data, one at a time. # Each time we get a new segment of data, which goes to all the plotters for (start, end, data), in zip(iter_star): print(f"Read data {start} - {end}") data['star_type'] = load_star_type(data) # This causes each data = yield statement in each plotter to # be given this data chunk as the variable data. #data.update(data2) #data.update(data3) for plotter in plotters: plotter.send(data) # Tell all the plotters to finish, collect together results from the different # processors, and make their final plots. Plotters need to respond # to the None input and results = {} for plotter in plotters: try: plotter.send(None) except StopIteration as err: # This feels like some cruel abuse because I don't # really understand how co-routines should be used. results.update(err.value) # save all counts, means, and sigmas to yaml file with self.open_output("star_psf_stats", wrapper=True) as f: f.write(results) def plot_histogram(self, function, output_name, xlabel, edges): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print(f"Plotting {output_name}") counters = {s:ParallelHistogram(edges) for s in STAR_TYPES} stats = ParallelMeanVariance(len(STAR_TYPES)) while True: data = yield if data is None: break # Get the specific quantity to plot # from the full data set value = function(data) for s in STAR_TYPES: r = data['star_type'] == s # build up histogram d = value[r] counters[s].add_data(d) # Also record data for mean and variance calculation # There are some NaNs in here which are presumably # not propagated to PSF estimation anyway stats.add_data(s, d[np.isfinite(d)]) counts = {} for s in STAR_TYPES: counts[s] = counters[s].collect(self.comm) fig = self.open_output(output_name + "_hist", wrapper=True, figsize=(6,15)) for s in STAR_TYPES: plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) manual_step_histogram(edges, counts[s], color=STAR_COLORS[s], label=STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] ) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(r'$N_{stars}$') fig.close() n, mu, sigma2 = stats.collect(self.comm) results = {} for s in STAR_TYPES: name = STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] results[f'{output_name}_{name}_n'] = int(n[s]) results[f'{output_name}_{name}_mu'] =float(mu[s]) results[f'{output_name}_{name}_std'] = float(sigma2[s]**0.5) return results
[docs]class TXRoweStatistics(PipelineStage): """ People sometimes think that these statistics are called the Rho statistics, because we usually use that letter for them. Not so. They are named after the wonderfully incorrigible rogue Barney Rowe, now sadly lost to high finance, who presented the first two of them in MNRAS 404, 350 (2010). """ name = 'TXRoweStatistics' inputs =[('star_catalog', HDFFile)] outputs = [ ('rowe134', PNGFile), ('rowe25', PNGFile), ('rowe_stats', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'min_sep':0.5, 'max_sep':250.0, 'nbins':20, 'bin_slop':0.01, 'sep_units':'arcmin', 'psf_size_units':'sigma', } def run(self): import treecorr import h5py import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') ra, dec, e_psf, de_psf, T_f, star_type = self.load_stars() rowe_stats = {} for t in STAR_TYPES: s = star_type == t rowe_stats[1, t] = self.compute_rowe(1, s, ra, dec, de_psf, de_psf) rowe_stats[2, t] = self.compute_rowe(2, s, ra, dec, e_psf, de_psf) rowe_stats[3, t] = self.compute_rowe(3, s, ra, dec, e_psf*T_f, e_psf*T_f) rowe_stats[4, t] = self.compute_rowe(4, s, ra, dec, de_psf, e_psf*T_f) rowe_stats[5, t] = self.compute_rowe(5, s, ra, dec, e_psf, e_psf*T_f) self.save_stats(rowe_stats) self.rowe_plots(rowe_stats) def load_stars(self): with self.open_input('star_catalog') as f: g = f['stars'] ra = g['ra'][:] dec = g['dec'][:] e1 = g['measured_e1'][:] e2 = g['measured_e2'][:] de1 = e1 - g['model_e1'][:] de2 = e2 - g['model_e2'][:] if self.config['psf_size_units']=='T': T_frac = (g['measured_T'][:] - g['model_T'][:]) / g['measured_T'][:] elif self.config['psf_size_units']=='sigma': T_frac = (g['measured_T'][:]**2 - g['model_T'][:]**2) / g['measured_T'][:]**2 e_psf = np.array((e1, e2)) de_psf = np.array((de1, de2)) star_type = load_star_type(g) return ra, dec, e_psf, de_psf, T_frac, star_type def compute_rowe(self, i, s, ra, dec, q1, q2): # select a subset of the stars ra = ra[s] dec = dec[s] q1 = q1[:, s] q2 = q2[:, s] n = len(ra) print(f"Computing Rowe statistic rho_{i} from {n} objects") import treecorr corr = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.config) cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=q1[0], g2=q1[1], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=q2[0], g2=q2[1], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') corr.process(cat1, cat2) return corr.meanr, corr.xip, corr.varxip**0.5 def rowe_plots(self, rowe_stats): # First plot - stats 1,3,4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans f = self.open_output('rowe134', wrapper=True, figsize=(10, 6*len(STAR_TYPES))) for s in STAR_TYPES: ax = plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) for j,i in enumerate([1,3,4]): theta, xi, err = rowe_stats[i, s] tr = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, f.file, 0.05*(j-1), 0, units='inches') plt.errorbar(theta, abs(xi), err, fmt='.', label=rf'$\rho_{i}$', capsize=3, transform=tr),2e-05,width=5,align='edge',color='gray',alpha=0.2),1e-07,width=245,align='edge',color='gray',alpha=0.2) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\xi_+(\theta)$") plt.legend() plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) f.close() f = self.open_output('rowe25', wrapper=True, figsize=(10, 6*len(STAR_TYPES))) for s in STAR_TYPES: ax = plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) for j,i in enumerate([2,5]): theta, xi, err = rowe_stats[i, s] tr = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, f.file, 0.05*j-0.025, 0, units='inches') plt.errorbar(theta, abs(xi), err, fmt='.', label=rf'$\rho_{i}$', capsize=3, transform=tr) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]),2e-05,width=5,align='edge',color='gray',alpha=0.2),1e-07,width=245,align='edge',color='gray',alpha=0.2) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\xi_+(\theta)$") plt.legend() f.close() def save_stats(self, rowe_stats): f = self.open_output('rowe_stats') g = f.create_group("rowe_statistics") for i in 1,2,3,4,5: for s in STAR_TYPES: theta, xi, err = rowe_stats[i, s] name = STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] h = g.create_group(f'rowe_{i}_{name}') h.create_dataset('theta', data=theta) h.create_dataset('xi_plus', data=xi) h.create_dataset('xi_err', data=err) f.close()
[docs]class TXStarShearTests(PipelineStage): """ Star cross galaxy and star autocorrelation. """ name = 'TXGalaxyStarShear' inputs =[('shear_catalog', ShearCatalog),('star_catalog', HDFFile), ('shear_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog)] outputs = [ ('star_shear_test', PNGFile), ('star_star_test', PNGFile), ('star_shear_stats', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'min_sep':0.5, 'max_sep':250.0, 'nbins':20, 'bin_slop':0.1, 'sep_units':'arcmin', 'psf_size_units':'sigma', 'shear_catalog_type':'metacal', 'flip_g2': False, } def run(self): import treecorr import h5py import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') ra, dec, e_psf, de_psf, star_type = self.load_stars() ra_gal, dec_gal, g1, g2, weight = self.load_galaxies() #only use reserved stars for this statistics galaxy_star_stats = {} star_star_stats = {} for t in STAR_TYPES: s = star_type == t galaxy_star_stats[1, t] = self.compute_galaxy_star(ra, dec, e_psf, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, g1, g2, weight) galaxy_star_stats[2, t] = self.compute_galaxy_star(ra, dec, de_psf, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, g1, g2, weight) star_star_stats[1, t] = self.compute_star_star(ra, dec, e_psf, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, e_psf, weight) star_star_stats[2, t] = self.compute_star_star(ra, dec, de_psf, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, de_psf, weight) self.save_stats(galaxy_star_stats,star_star_stats) self.galaxy_star_plots(galaxy_star_stats) self.star_star_plots(star_star_stats) def load_stars(self): with self.open_input('star_catalog') as f: g = f['stars'] ra = g['ra'][:] dec = g['dec'][:] e1 = g['measured_e1'][:] e2 = g['measured_e2'][:] de1 = e1 - g['model_e1'][:] de2 = e2 - g['model_e2'][:] e_psf = np.array((e1, e2)) de_psf = np.array((de1, de2)) star_type = load_star_type(g) return ra, dec, e_psf, de_psf, star_type def load_galaxies(self): # Columns we need from the shear catalog # TODO: not sure of an application where we would want to use true shear but can be added read_shear_catalog_type(self) # load tomography data f = self.open_input('shear_tomography_catalog') source_bin = f['tomography/source_bin'][:] mask = (source_bin!=-1) # Only use the sources that pass the fiducial cuts if self.config['shear_catalog_type']=='metacal': R_total_2d = f['metacal_response/R_total_2d'][:] f = self.open_input('shear_catalog') g = f['shear'] ra = g['ra'][:][mask] dec = g['dec'][:][mask] if self.config['shear_catalog_type']=='metacal': g1 = g['mcal_g1'][:][mask] g2 = g['mcal_g2'][:][mask] weight = g['weight'][:][mask] else: g1 = g['g1'][:][mask] g2 = g['g2'][:][mask] weight = g['weight'][:][mask] sigma_e = g['sigma_e'][:][mask] m = g['m'][:][mask] if self.config['flip_g2']: g2 *= -1 if self.config['shear_catalog_type']=='metacal': # We use S=0 here because we have already included it in R_total g1, g2 = apply_metacal_response(R_total_2d, 0.0, g1, g2) elif self.config['shear_catalog_type']=='lensfit': g1, g2, weight, _ = apply_lensfit_calibration(g1 = g1,g2 = g2,weight = weight,sigma_e = sigma_e, m = m) else: print('Shear calibration type not recognized.') return ra, dec, g1, g2, weight def compute_galaxy_star(self, ra, dec, q, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, g1, g2, weight): # select the star type ra = ra[s] dec = dec[s] q = q[:, s] # PSF quantity, either ellipticity or residual n = len(ra) i = len(ra_gal) print(f"Computing galaxy-cross-star statistic from {n} stars and {i} galaxies") import treecorr corr = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.config) cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=q[0], g2=q[1], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra_gal, dec=dec_gal, g1=g2, g2=g2, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', w=weight) corr.process(cat1, cat2) return corr.meanr, corr.xip, corr.varxip**0.5 def compute_star_star(self, ra, dec, q1, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, q2, weight): # select the star type ra = ra[s] dec = dec[s] q1 = q1[:, s] q2 = q2[:, s] n = len(ra) i = len(ra_gal) print(f"Computing galaxy-cross-star statistic from {n} stars and {i} galaxies") import treecorr corr = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.config) cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=q1[0], g2=q1[1], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=q2[0], g2=q2[1], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') corr.process(cat1, cat2) return corr.meanr, corr.xip, corr.varxip**0.5 def galaxy_star_plots(self, galaxy_star_stats): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans f = self.open_output('star_shear_test', wrapper=True, figsize=(10, 6*len(STAR_TYPES))) TEST_TYPES = ['shear','residual'] for s in STAR_TYPES: ax = plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) for j,i in enumerate([1,2]): theta, xi, err = galaxy_star_stats[i, s] tr = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, f.file, 0.05*j-0.025, 0, units='inches') plt.errorbar(theta, abs(xi), err, fmt='.', label=f'galaxy cross star {TEST_TYPES[i-1]}', capsize=3, transform=tr) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\xi_+(\theta)$") plt.legend() f.close() def star_star_plots(self, star_star_stats): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans f = self.open_output('star_star_test', wrapper=True, figsize=(10, 6*len(STAR_TYPES))) TEST_TYPES = ['shear','residual'] for s in STAR_TYPES: ax = plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) for j,i in enumerate([1,2]): theta, xi, err = star_star_stats[i, s] tr = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, f.file, 0.05*j-0.025, 0, units='inches') plt.errorbar(theta, abs(xi), err, fmt='.', label=f'star cross star {TEST_TYPES[i-1]}', capsize=3, transform=tr) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\xi_+(\theta)$") plt.legend() f.close() def save_stats(self, galaxy_star_stats, star_star_stats): f = self.open_output('star_shear_stats') g = f.create_group("star_cross_galaxy") for i in 1,2: for s in STAR_TYPES: theta, xi, err = galaxy_star_stats[i, s] name = STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] h = g.create_group(f'star_cross_galaxy_{i}_{name}') h.create_dataset('theta', data=theta) h.create_dataset('xi_plus', data=xi) h.create_dataset('xi_err', data=err) g = f.create_group("star_cross_star") for i in 1,2: for s in STAR_TYPES: theta, xi, err = star_star_stats[i, s] name = STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] h = g.create_group(f'star_cross_star_{i}_{name}') h.create_dataset('theta', data=theta) h.create_dataset('xi_plus', data=xi) h.create_dataset('xi_err', data=err) f.close()
[docs]class TXStarDensityTests(PipelineStage): """ Star cross galaxy and star autocorrelation density stats. """ name = 'TXGalaxyStarDensity' inputs =[('shear_catalog', ShearCatalog),('star_catalog', HDFFile), ('shear_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ('random_cats', RandomsCatalog)] outputs = [ ('star_density_test', PNGFile), ('star_density_stats', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'min_sep':0.5, 'max_sep':250.0, 'nbins':20, 'bin_slop':0.1, 'sep_units':'arcmin', 'psf_size_units':'sigma', 'flip_g2': False, } def run(self): import treecorr import h5py import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') ra, dec, star_type = self.load_stars() ra_gal, dec_gal = self.load_galaxies() ra_random, dec_random = self.load_randoms() galaxy_star_stats = {} for t in STAR_TYPES: s = star_type == t galaxy_star_stats[1, t] = self.compute_galaxy_star(ra, dec, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, ra_random, dec_random) galaxy_star_stats[2, t] = self.compute_star_star(ra, dec, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, ra_random, dec_random) self.save_stats(galaxy_star_stats) self.galaxy_star_plots(galaxy_star_stats) def load_stars(self): with self.open_input('star_catalog') as f: g = f['stars'] ra = g['ra'][:] dec = g['dec'][:] star_type = load_star_type(g) return ra, dec, star_type def load_randoms(self): with self.open_input('random_cats') as f: group = f['randoms'] ra_random = group['ra'][:] dec_random = group['dec'][:] return ra_random, dec_random def load_galaxies(self): # Columns we need from the shear catalog # TODO: not sure of an application where we would want to use true shear but can be added read_shear_catalog_type(self) # load tomography data with self.open_input('shear_tomography_catalog') as f: source_bin = f['tomography/source_bin'][:] mask = (source_bin!=-1) # Only use the sources that pass the fiducial cuts with self.open_input('shear_catalog') as f: g = f['shear'] ra = g['ra'][:][mask] dec = g['dec'][:][mask] return ra, dec def compute_galaxy_star(self, ra, dec, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, ra_random, dec_random): # select the star type ra = ra[s] dec = dec[s] n = len(ra) i = len(ra_gal) print(f"Computing galaxy-cross-star statistic from {n} stars and {i} galaxies") import treecorr rancat = treecorr.Catalog( ra=ra_random, dec=dec_random, ra_units='degree', dec_units='degree') cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra_gal, dec=dec_gal, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) rn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) nr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) nn.process(cat1, cat2) nr.process(cat1, rancat) rn.process(rancat, cat2) rr.process(rancat, rancat) nn.calculateXi(rr, dr=nr, rd=rn) return nn.meanr, nn.xi, nn.varxi**0.5 def compute_star_star(self, ra, dec, s, ra_gal, dec_gal, ra_random, dec_random): # select the star type ra = ra[s] dec = dec[s] n = len(ra) i = len(ra_gal) print(f"Computing galaxy-cross-star statistic from {n} stars and {i} galaxies") import treecorr rancat = treecorr.Catalog( ra=ra_random, dec=dec_random, ra_units='degree', dec_units='degree') cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra_gal, dec=dec_gal, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg') nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) rn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) nr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(self.config) nn.process(cat1, cat1) nr.process(cat1, rancat) rn.process(rancat, cat1) rr.process(rancat, rancat) nn.calculateXi(rr, dr=nr, rd=rn) return nn.meanr, nn.xi, nn.varxi**0.5 def galaxy_star_plots(self, galaxy_star_stats): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans f = self.open_output('star_density_test', wrapper=True, figsize=(10, 6*len(STAR_TYPES))) TEST_TYPES = ['star cross galaxy','star cross star'] for s in STAR_TYPES: ax = plt.subplot(len(STAR_TYPES), 1, s+1) for j,i in enumerate([1,2]): theta, xi, err = galaxy_star_stats[i, s] tr = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, f.file, 0.05*j-0.025, 0, units='inches') plt.errorbar(theta, abs(xi), err, fmt='.', label=f'{TEST_TYPES[i-1]} density stats', capsize=3, transform=tr) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\xi_+(\theta)$") plt.legend() f.close() def save_stats(self, galaxy_star_stats): f = self.open_output('star_density_stats') g = f.create_group("star_density") for i in 1,2: for s in STAR_TYPES: theta, xi, err = galaxy_star_stats[i, s] name = STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s] h = g.create_group(f'star_density_{i}_{name}') h.create_dataset('theta', data=theta) h.create_dataset('xi_plus', data=xi) h.create_dataset('xi_err', data=err) f.close()
[docs]class TXBrighterFatterPlot(PipelineStage): name = 'TXBrighterFatterPlot' inputs =[('star_catalog', HDFFile)] outputs = [ ('brighter_fatter_plot', PNGFile), ('brighter_fatter_data', HDFFile), ] config_options = { 'band': 'r', 'nbin': 20, 'mmin': 18.5, 'mmax': 23.5, } def run(self): import h5py import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') data = self.load_stars() results = {} for s in STAR_TYPES: w = data['star_type'] == s data_s = {k: v[w] for k, v in data.items()} results[s] = self.compute_binned_stats(data_s) self.save_stats(results) self.save_plots(results) def load_stars(self): with self.open_input('star_catalog') as f: g = f['stars'] band = self.config['band'] data = {} data['mag'] = g[f'mag_{band}'][:] data['delta_e1'] = g['measured_e1'][:] - g['model_e1'][:] data['delta_e2'] = g['measured_e2'][:] - g['model_e2'][:] data['delta_T'] = g['measured_T'][:] - g['model_T'][:] data['star_type'] = load_star_type(g) return data def compute_binned_stats(self, data): # Which band this corresponds to depends on the # configuration option chosen mag = data['mag'] mmin = self.config['mmin'] mmax = self.config['mmax'] nbin = self.config['nbin'] # bin edges in magnitude edges = np.linspace(mmin, mmax, nbin+1) index = np.digitize(mag, edges) # Space for all the output values to go in dT = np.zeros(nbin) errT = np.zeros(nbin) e1 = np.zeros(nbin) e2 = np.zeros(nbin) err1 = np.zeros(nbin) err2 = np.zeros(nbin) m = np.zeros(nbin) for i in range(nbin): # Select only objects where everything is finite, as well # as only thing in this tomographic bin w = np.where((index==i+1) & np.isfinite(data['delta_T']) & np.isfinite(data['delta_e1']) & np.isfinite(data['delta_e2']) ) # x-value = mean mag m[i] = mag[w].mean() # y values dT_i = data['delta_T'][w] e1_i = data['delta_e1'][w] e2_i = data['delta_e2'][w] # Mean and error on mean of each of these quantities dT[i] = dT_i.mean() errT[i] = dT_i.std() / np.sqrt(dT_i.size) e1[i] = e1_i.mean() err1[i] = e1_i.std() / np.sqrt(e1_i.size) e2[i] = e2_i.mean() err2[i] = e2_i.std() / np.sqrt(e2_i.size) return [m, dT, errT, e1, err1, e2, err2] def save_plots(self, results): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt band = self.config['band'] n = len(results) width = n * 6 f = self.open_output('brighter_fatter_plot', wrapper=True, figsize=(width,8)) for s, res in results.items(): m, dT, errT, e1, err1, e2, err2 = res # Top plot - classic BF size plot, the size residual as a function of # magnitude ax = plt.subplot(2,n,2*s+1) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.errorbar(m, dT, errT, fmt='.') plt.xlabel(f"{band}-band magnitude") plt.ylabel(r"$T_\mathrm{PSF} - T_\mathrm{model}$ ($\mathrm{arcsec}^2$)") plt.ylim(-0.025, 0.1) # Lower plot - the e1 and e2 residuals as a function of mag plt.subplot(2,n,2*s+2, sharex=ax) plt.title(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) plt.errorbar(m, e1, err1, label='$e_1$', fmt='.') plt.errorbar(m, e2, err2, label='$e_2$', fmt='.') plt.ylabel(r"$e_\mathrm{PSF} - e_\mathrm{model}$") plt.xlabel(f"{band}-band magnitude") # May need to adjust this range plt.ylim(-0.02, 0.02) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() f.close() def save_stats(self, results): # Save all the stats in results for later plotting # Save to standard HDF5 format. f = self.open_output('brighter_fatter_data') g1 = f.create_group('brighter_fatter') g1.attrs['band'] = self.config['band'] for s, res in results.items(): (m, dT, errT, e1, err1, e2, err2) = res g = g1.create_group(STAR_TYPE_NAMES[s]) g.create_dataset('mag', data=m) g.create_dataset('delta_T', data=dT) g.create_dataset('delta_T_error', data=errT) g.create_dataset('delta_e1', data=e1) g.create_dataset('delta_e1_error', data=err1) g.create_dataset('delta_e2', data=e2) g.create_dataset('delta_e2_error', data=err2) f.close()
def load_star_type(data): used = data['calib_psf_used'][:] reserved = data['calib_psf_reserved'][:] star_type = np.zeros(used.size, dtype=int) star_type[used] = STAR_PSF_USED star_type[reserved] = STAR_PSF_RESERVED return star_type