Source code for txpipe.randoms.randoms

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

[docs]def random_points_in_triangle(p1,p2,p3,n): """Generate random points uniformly distributed in a triangle. The points can be in any number of dimensions. Params ------ p1: 1D array Vector pointing to the first vertex p2: 1D array Vector pointing to the second vertex p3: 1D array Vector pointing to the third vertex n: int Number of points to generate Returns ------- p: array n * ndim array of points in the triangle """ # Find the edge vector v1 = p2-p1 v2 = p3-p1 # Generate 2n random uniform values # as a1 and a2 a = np.random.uniform(0.,1.,2*n) a1 = a[:n] a2 = a[-n:] # Find any points that flipped over to being outside # the triangle and flip them back in w = np.where(a1+a2>1) a1[w] = 1 - a1[w] a2[w] = 1 - a2[w] # Generate p_{ij} = p1_{j} + a1_{i}*v1_{j} + a2_{i}*v2_{j} # which should be uniformly distributed in the quadrilateral p = p1[np.newaxis,:] + np.einsum('i,j->ij',a1,v1) + np.einsum('i,j->ij',a2,v2) return p
[docs]def random_points_in_quadrilateral(p1,p2,p3,p4,n): """Generate random points uniformly distributed in a quadrilateral. The points can be in any number of dimensions. If two of them co-incide so you are actually specifying a triangle it will still work. As long as you specify the vertices consistently either clockwise or anti-clockwise is okay. Params ------ p1: 1D array Vector pointing to the first vertex p2: 1D array Vector pointing to the second vertex p3: 1D array Vector pointing to the third vertex p4: 1D array Vector pointing to the fourth vertex n: int Number of points to generate Returns ------- p: array n * ndim array of points in the quadrilateral """ # Find the edge vectors v1 = p2-p1 v2 = p3-p2 v3 = p4-p3 v4 = p1-p4 # Find the area of the two triangles making up the quadrilateral, # And therefore the expected fraction of the points in each half. A1 = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v1,v2)) A2 = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v3,v4)) f1 = abs(A1)/abs(A1+A2) # We choose the actual number of points according to a binomial distribution n1 = scipy.stats.binom.rvs(n,f1) n2 = n - n1 # Now generate the points in each half-triangle x1 = random_points_in_triangle(p1,p2,p3,n1) x2 = random_points_in_triangle(p1,p3,p4,n2) # Group the points and return return np.vstack((x1,x2))