Source code for txpipe.utils.calibration_tools

import numpy as np
from parallel_statistics import ParallelMeanVariance, ParallelMean

[docs]def read_shear_catalog_type(stage): """ Determine the type of shear catalog a stage is using as input. Returns a string, e.g. metacal, lensfit. Also sets shear_catalog_type in the stage's configuration so that it is available later and is saved in output. """ with stage.open_input('shear_catalog', wrapper=True) as f: shear_catalog_type = f.catalog_type stage.config['shear_catalog_type'] = shear_catalog_type return shear_catalog_type
def metacal_variants(*names): return [ name + suffix for suffix in ['', '_1p', '_1m', '_2p', '_2m'] for name in names ] def band_variants(bands, *names, shear_catalog_type='metacal'): if shear_catalog_type=='metacal': return [ name + "_" + band + suffix for suffix in ['', '_1p', '_1m', '_2p', '_2m'] for band in bands for name in names ] else: return [ name + "_" + band for band in bands for name in names ] def calculate_selection_response(g1, g2, sel_1p, sel_2p, sel_1m, sel_2m, delta_gamma): import numpy as np S = np.ones((2,2)) S_11 = (g1[sel_1p].mean() - g1[sel_1m].mean()) / delta_gamma S_12 = (g1[sel_2p].mean() - g1[sel_2m].mean()) / delta_gamma S_21 = (g2[sel_1p].mean() - g2[sel_1m].mean()) / delta_gamma S_22 = (g2[sel_2p].mean() - g2[sel_2m].mean()) / delta_gamma # Also save the selection biases as a matrix. S[0,0] = S_11 S[0,1] = S_12 S[1,0] = S_21 S[1,1] = S_22 return S def calculate_shear_response(g1_1p,g1_2p,g1_1m,g1_2m,g2_1p,g2_2p,g2_1m,g2_2m,delta_gamma): import numpy as np n = len(g1_1p) R = R = np.zeros((n,2,2)) R_11 = (g1_1p - g1_1m) / delta_gamma R_12 = (g1_2p - g1_2m) / delta_gamma R_21 = (g2_1p - g2_1m) / delta_gamma R_22 = (g2_2p - g2_2m) / delta_gamma R[:,0,0] = R_11 R[:,0,1] = R_12 R[:,1,0] = R_21 R[:,1,1] = R_22 R = np.mean(R, axis=0) return R def apply_metacal_response(R, S, g1, g2): # The values of R are assumed to already # have had appropriate weights included from numpy.linalg import pinv import numpy as np mcal_g = np.stack([g1,g2], axis=1) R_total = R+S # Invert the responsivity matrix Rinv = pinv(R_total) mcal_g = (Rinv @ mcal_g.T) return mcal_g[0], mcal_g[1] def apply_lensfit_calibration(g1, g2, weight, c1=0, c2=0, sigma_e=0, m=0): w_tot = np.sum(weight) m = np.sum(weight*m)/w_tot #if m not provided, default is m=0, so one_plus_K=1 one_plus_K = 1.+m R = 1. - np.sum(weight*sigma_e)/w_tot g1 = (1./(one_plus_K))*((g1/R)-c1) g2 = (1./(one_plus_K))*((g2/R)-c2) return g1, g2, weight, one_plus_K class _DataWrapper: """ This little helper class wraps dictionaries or other mappings, and whenever something is looked up in it, it first checks if there is a column with the specified suffix present instead and returns that if so. """ def __init__(self, data, suffix): """Create Parameters ---------- data: dict suffix: str """ self.suffix = suffix = data def __getitem__(self, name): variant_name = name + self.suffix if variant_name in return[variant_name] else: return[name] def __contains__(self, name): return (name in
[docs]class MetacalCalculator: """ This class builds up the total response and selection calibration factors for Metacalibration from each chunk of data it is given. At the end an MPI communicator can be supplied to collect together the results from the different processes. To do this we need the function used to select the data, and the instance this function to each of the metacalibrated variants automatically by wrapping the data object passed in to it and modifying the names of columns that are looked up. """ def __init__(self, selector, delta_gamma): """ Initialize the Calibrator using the function you will use to select objects. That function should take at least one argument, the chunk of data to select on. It should look up the original names of the columns to select on, without the metacal suffix. The MetacalCalculator will then wrap the data passed to it so that when a metacalibrated column is used for selection then the appropriate variant column is selected instead. The selector can take further *args and **kwargs, passed in when adding data. Parameters ---------- selector: function Function that selects objects delta_gamma: float The difference in applied g between 1p and 1m metacal variants """ self.selector = selector self.count = 0 self.delta_gamma = delta_gamma self.cal_bias_means = ParallelMean(size=4) self.sel_bias_means = ParallelMean(size=8)
[docs] def add_data(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """Select objects from a new chunk of data and tally their responses Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary of data columns to select on and add *args Positional arguments to be passed to the selection function **kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the selection function """ # These all wrap the catalog such that lookups find the variant # column if available. # For example, if I look up data_1p["x"] then it will check if # data["x_1p"] exists and return that if so. Otherwise it will # fall back to "x" data_00 = _DataWrapper(data, '') data_1p = _DataWrapper(data, '_1p') data_1m = _DataWrapper(data, '_1m') data_2p = _DataWrapper(data, '_2p') data_2m = _DataWrapper(data, '_2m') # These are the selections from this chunk of data # that we would make under different shears, the baseline # and all the others. self.selector is a function that the user # supplied in init, not a method sel_00 = self.selector(data_00, *args, **kwargs) sel_1p = self.selector(data_1p, *args, **kwargs) sel_1m = self.selector(data_1m, *args, **kwargs) sel_2p = self.selector(data_2p, *args, **kwargs) sel_2m = self.selector(data_2m, *args, **kwargs) g1 = data_00['mcal_g1'] g2 = data_00['mcal_g2'] weight = data_00['weight'] n = g1[sel_00].size # Record the count for this chunk, for summation later self.count += n # This is the estimator response, correcting bias of the shear estimator itself # We have four components, and want the weighted mean of each, which we use # the ParallelMean class to get w00 = weight[sel_00] R00 = data_1p['mcal_g1'][sel_00] - data_1m['mcal_g1'][sel_00] R01 = data_2p['mcal_g1'][sel_00] - data_2m['mcal_g1'][sel_00] R10 = data_1p['mcal_g2'][sel_00] - data_1m['mcal_g2'][sel_00] R11 = data_2p['mcal_g2'][sel_00] - data_2m['mcal_g2'][sel_00] # TODO: if there is a weight per variant would we use that here? # Not currently used though. self.cal_bias_means.add_data(0, R00, w00) self.cal_bias_means.add_data(1, R01, w00) self.cal_bias_means.add_data(2, R10, w00) self.cal_bias_means.add_data(3, R11, w00) # Now we handle the selection bias. This value is given by the # difference in the (weighted) means of the shears under two selections, # the positive and negative shear, divided by the applied shear # See the second term in equation 14 of # We need to calculate eight means: # (g1 or g2) X (shear applied to 1 or 2) X (plus or minus shear) # We again use the ParallelMean class to handle this for us. self.sel_bias_means.add_data(0, g1[sel_1p], weight[sel_1p]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(1, g1[sel_1m], weight[sel_1m]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(2, g1[sel_2p], weight[sel_2p]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(3, g1[sel_2m], weight[sel_2m]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(4, g2[sel_1p], weight[sel_1p]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(5, g2[sel_1m], weight[sel_1m]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(6, g2[sel_2p], weight[sel_2p]) self.sel_bias_means.add_data(7, g2[sel_2m], weight[sel_2m]) # The user of this class may need the base selection, so return it return sel_00
[docs] def collect(self, comm=None, allgather=False): """ Finalize and sum up all the response values, returning separate R (estimator response) and S (selection bias) 2x2 matrices Parameters ---------- comm: MPI Communicator If supplied, all processors response values will be combined together. All processes will return the same final value Returns ------- R: 2x2 array Estimator response matrix S: 2x2 array Selection bias matrix """ # collect all the things we need if comm is not None: if allgather: count = comm.allreduce(self.count) else: count = comm.reduce(self.count) else: count = self.count # Collect the mean values we need mode = ("allgather" if allgather else "gather") _, S = self.sel_bias_means.collect(comm, mode) _, R = self.cal_bias_means.collect(comm, mode) # Unpack the flat mean R and S values into # matrices R_mean = np.zeros((2, 2)) R_mean[0, 0] = R[0] R_mean[0, 1] = R[1] R_mean[1, 0] = R[2] R_mean[1, 1] = R[3] R_mean /= self.delta_gamma # Need to take all the diffs to compute the # S term S_mean = np.zeros((2,2)) S_mean[0, 0] = S[0] - S[1] S_mean[0, 1] = S[2] - S[3] S_mean[1, 0] = S[4] - S[5] S_mean[1, 1] = S[6] - S[7] S_mean /= self.delta_gamma return R_mean, S_mean, count
[docs]class LensfitCalculator: """ This class builds up the total calibration factors for lensfit-convention shears from each chunk of data it is given. Note here we derive the c-terms from the data (in constrast to averaging values derived from simulations and stored in the catalog.) At the end an MPI communicator can be supplied to collect together the results from the different processes. """ def __init__(self, selector, input_m_is_weighted=False): """ Initialize the Calibrator using the function you will use to select objects. That function should take at least one argument, the chunk of data to select on. The selector can take further *args and **kwargs, passed in when adding data. Parameters ---------- selector: function Function that selects objects """ self.selector = selector # Create a set of calculators that will calculate (in parallel) # the three quantities we need to compute the overall calibration # We create these, then add data to them below, then collect them # together over all the processes self.K = ParallelMean(1) self.C = ParallelMean(2) self.count = 0 self.input_m_is_weighted = input_m_is_weighted
[docs] def add_data(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """Select objects from a new chunk of data and tally their responses Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary of data columns to select on and add *args Positional arguments to be passed to the selection function **kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the selection function """ # These all wrap the catalog such that lookups find the variant # column if available # This is just to let the selection tools access data.variant for feedback data = _DataWrapper(data, '') sel = self.selector(data, *args, **kwargs) # Extract the calibration quantities for the selected objects w = data['weight'] K = data['m'] g1 = data['g1'] g2 = data['g2'] n = g1[sel].size # Record the count for this chunk, for summation later self.count += n # Accumulate the calibration quantities so that later we # can compute the weighted mean of the values if self.input_m_is_weighted: # if the m values are already weighted don't use the weights here self.K.add_data(0, K[sel]) else: # if not apply the weights self.K.add_data(0, K[sel], w[sel]) self.C.add_data(0, g1[sel], w[sel]) self.C.add_data(1, g2[sel], w[sel]) return sel
[docs] def collect(self, comm=None, allgather=False): """ Finalize and sum up all the response values, returning calibration quantities. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI Communicator If supplied, all processors response values will be combined together. All processes will return the same final value Returns ------- K: float K = (1+m) calibration C: float array c1, c2 additive biases (weighted average of g1 and g2) """ # The total number of objects is just the # number from all the processes summed together. if comm is not None: if allgather: count = comm.allreduce(self.count) else: count = comm.reduce(self.count) else: count = self.count # Collect the weighted means of these numbers. # this collects all the values from the different # processes and over all the chunks of data mode = ("allgather" if allgather else "gather") _ ,K = self.K.collect(comm, mode) _, C = self.C.collect(comm, mode) return K, C, count
[docs]class HSCCalculator: """ This class builds up the total response calibration factors for HSC-convention shear-calibration from each chunk of data it is given. At the end an MPI communicator can be supplied to collect together the results from the different processes. """ def __init__(self, selector): """ Initialize the Calibrator using the function you will use to select objects. That function should take at least one argument, the chunk of data to select on. The selector can take further *args and **kwargs, passed in when adding data. Parameters ---------- selector: function Function that selects objects """ self.selector = selector # Create a set of calculators that will calculate (in parallel) # the three quantities we need to compute the overall calibration # We create these, then add data to them below, then collect them # together over all the processes self.K = ParallelMean(1) self.R = ParallelMean(1) self.count = 0
[docs] def add_data(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """Select objects from a new chunk of data and tally their responses Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary of data columns to select on and add *args Positional arguments to be passed to the selection function **kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the selection function """ # These all wrap the catalog such that lookups find the variant # column if available # This is just to let the selection tools access data.variant for feedback data = _DataWrapper(data, '') sel = self.selector(data, *args, **kwargs) # Extract the calibration quantities for the selected objects w = data['weight'] K = data['m'] R = 1.0 - data['sigma_e'] ** 2 n = w[sel].size self.count += w.size w = w[sel] # Accumulate the calibration quantities so that later we # can compute the weighted mean of the values self.R.add_data(0, R[sel], w) self.K.add_data(0, K[sel], w) return sel
[docs] def collect(self, comm=None, allgather=False): """ Finalize and sum up all the response values, returning calibration quantities. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI Communicator If supplied, all processors response values will be combined together. All processes will return the same final value Returns ------- R: float R calibration factor K: float K = (1+m) calibration N: int Total object count """ # The total number of objects is just the # number from all the processes summed together. if comm is not None: if allgather: count = comm.allreduce(self.count) else: count = comm.reduce(self.count) else: count = self.count # Collect the weighted means of these numbers. # this collects all the values from the different # processes and over all the chunks of data mode = ("allgather" if allgather else "gather") _, R = self.R.collect(comm, mode) _ ,K = self.K.collect(comm, mode) return R, K, count
class MeanShearInBins: def __init__(self, x_name, limits, delta_gamma, cut_source_bin=False, shear_catalog_type='metacal'): self.x_name = x_name self.limits = limits self.delta_gamma = delta_gamma self.cut_source_bin = cut_source_bin self.shear_catalog_type = shear_catalog_type self.size = len(self.limits) - 1 # We have to work out the mean g1, g2 self.g1 = ParallelMeanVariance(self.size) self.g2 = ParallelMeanVariance(self.size) self.x = ParallelMean(self.size) if shear_catalog_type=='metacal': self.calibrators = [MetacalCalculator(self.selector, delta_gamma) for i in range(self.size)] elif shear_catalog_type=='lensfit': self.calibrators = [LensfitCalculator(self.selector) for i in range(self.size)] elif shear_catalog_type=='hsc': self.calibrators = [HSCCalculator(self.selector) for i in range(self.size)] else: raise ValueError(f"Please specify metacal, lensfit or hsc for shear_catalog in config.") def selector(self, data, i): x = data[self.x_name] w = (x > self.limits[i]) & (x < self.limits[i+1]) if self.cut_source_bin: w &= data['source_bin'] !=-1 return np.where(w) def add_data(self, data): for i in range(self.size): w = self.calibrators[i].add_data(data, i) weight = data['weight'][w] if self.shear_catalog_type=='metacal': self.g1.add_data(i, data['mcal_g1'][w], weight) self.g2.add_data(i, data['mcal_g2'][w], weight) elif self.shear_catalog_type=='lensfit': self.g1.add_data(i, data['g1'][w], weight) self.g2.add_data(i, data['g2'][w], weight) elif self.shear_catalog_type=='hsc': self.g1.add_data(i, data['g1'][w]-data['c1'][w], weight) self.g2.add_data(i, data['g2'][w]-data['c2'][w], weight) self.x.add_data(i, data[self.x_name][w], weight) def collect(self, comm=None): count1, g1, var1 = self.g1.collect(comm, mode='gather') count2, g2, var2 = self.g2.collect(comm, mode='gather') _, mu = self.x.collect(comm, mode='gather') # Now we have the complete sample we can get the calibration matrix # to apply to it. R = [] K = [] C =[] for i in range(self.size): if self.shear_catalog_type=='metacal': # Tell the Calibrators to work out the responses r, s, _ = self.calibrators[i].collect(comm) # and record the total (a 2x2 matrix) R.append(r+s) elif self.shear_catalog_type=='lensfit': k, c, _ = self.calibrators[i].collect(comm) K.append(k) C.append(c) else: r, k, _ = self.calibrators[i].collect(comm) K.append(k) R.append(r) # Only the root processor does the rest if (comm is not None) and (comm.Get_rank() != 0): return None, None, None, None, None sigma1 = np.zeros(self.size) sigma2 = np.zeros(self.size) for i in range(self.size): # Get the shears and the errors on their means g = [g1[i], g2[i]] sigma = np.sqrt([var1[i]/count1[i], var2[i]/count2[i]]) if self.shear_catalog_type=='metacal': # Get the inverse response matrix to apply R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R[i]) # Apply the matrix in full to the shears and errors g1[i], g2[i] = R_inv @ g sigma1[i], sigma2[i] = R_inv @ sigma elif self.shear_catalog_type=='lensfit': g1[i] = g1[i]*(1./(1+K[i])) g2[i] = g2[i]*(1./(1+K[i])) sigma1[i] = (1./(1+K[i]))*(sigma[0]) sigma2[i] = (1./(1+K[i]))*(sigma[1]) else: g1[i] = (g1[i] / (2 * R[i]))/ (1 + K[i]) g2[i] = (g2[i] / (2 * R[i]))/ (1 + K[i]) sigma1[i] = (sigma[0] / (2 * R[i]))/ (1 + K[i]) sigma2[i] = (sigma[1] / (2 * R[i]))/ (1 + K[i]) return mu, g1, g2, sigma1, sigma2