Source code for txpipe.utils.fitting

from scipy.odr import ODR, Model, RealData, unilinear
import numpy as np

[docs]def fit_straight_line(x, y, x_err=None, y_err=None, m0=1.0, c0=0.0, nan_error=False, skip_nan=False): """ Use scipy to fit a straight line, with errors or covariances allowed on both x and y. Parameters ---------- x: array x-coordinate y: array y-coordinate m0: float optional, default=1, guess at gradient c0: float optional, default=1, guess at intercept x_err: array/float optional, default=None, errors either 1D std. dev., 2D covariance, or scalar constant, or None for unspecified y_err: array/float optional, default=None, errors either 1D std. dev., 2D covariance, or scalar constant, or None for unspecified Returns ------- m: float gradient c: float intercept """ kwargs = {} nx = np.ndim(x_err) if skip_nan: w = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y) x = x[w] y = y[w] else: w = slice(None) if x_err is None: pass elif nx == 0: kwargs['sx'] = x_err elif nx == 1: kwargs['sx'] = x_err[w] elif nx == 2: kwargs['cov_x'] = x_err[w][:,w] else: raise ValueError("x_sigma_or_cov must be None, scalar, 1D, or 2D") ny = np.ndim(y_err) if y_err is None: pass elif ny == 0: kwargs['sy'] = y_err elif ny == 1: kwargs['sy'] = y_err[w] elif nx == 2: kwargs['cov_y'] = y_err[w][:,w] else: raise ValueError("x_sigma_or_cov must be None, scalar, 1D, or 2D") data = RealData(x, y, **kwargs) odr = ODR(data, unilinear, beta0=[m0, c0], maxit=200) results = if results.stopreason != ['Sum of squares convergence']: if nan_error: return np.nan, np.nan, np.zeros((2,2))*np.nan else: raise RuntimeError('Failed to straight line' + str(results.stopreason)) m, c = results.beta cov = results.cov_beta return m, c, cov