Source code for txpipe.utils.misc

import hashlib
import string
import numpy as np

def array_hash(x):
    b = x.tobytes()
    # We do not need a cryptographic hash here
    return int(hashlib.md5(b).hexdigest(), 16)

[docs]def unique_list(seq): """ Find the unique elements in a list or other sequence while maintaining the order. (i.e., remove any duplicated elements but otherwise leave it the same) Method from: Parameters ---------- seq: list or sequence Any input object that can be iterated Returns ------- L: list a new list of the unique objects """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
PRINTABLE_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation + " " PRINTABLE_CHARS_INC_NEWLINES = PRINTABLE_CHARS + "\r\n"
[docs]def hex_escape(s, replace_newlines=False): """ Replace non-printable characters in a string with hex-code equivalents so they can be printed or saved to a FITS file header. Newline characters will be replaced if replace_newlines is set to true Based on: Parameters ---------- s: str The initial string replace_newlines: bool Whether to include newline characters in the replacement Returns ------- str Same string with unprintable chars replaced with hex codes, e.g. the bell character becomes "\x07" """ chars = PRINTABLE_CHARS if replace_newlines else PRINTABLE_CHARS_INC_NEWLINES return "".join( c if c in chars else r"\x{0:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in s )
[docs]def rename_iterated(it, renames): """ Rename the items in dictionaries yielded by an interator. In several places we load data from catalogs chunk by chunk, yielding a dictionary of data each time. This renames columns in each chunk. Parameters ---------- it: iterator Must yield triplets of (any, any, data) renames: dict dictionary of old names mapped to new names """ for s, e, data in it: for old, new in renames.items(): # rename the column data[new] = data[old] # delete the old column del data[old] yield s, e, data