Source code for txpipe.utils.provenance

import distutils.version
import sys
import inspect
import pathlib
import subprocess
from .misc import hex_escape

[docs]def find_module_versions(): """ Generate a dictionary of versions of all imported modules by looking for __version__ or version attributes on them. """ versions = {} for name, module in sys.modules.items(): if hasattr(module, 'version'): v = module.version elif hasattr(module, '__version__'): v = module.__version__ else: continue if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, distutils.version.Version): versions[name] = str(v) return versions
[docs]def get_caller_directory(grandparent=False): """ Find the directory where the code calling this module lives, or where the code calling that code lives if grandparent=True. """ previous_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back if grandparent: previous_frame = previous_frame.f_back filename = inspect.getframeinfo(previous_frame).filename p = pathlib.Path(filename) if not p.exists(): # dynamically generated or interactive moed return None return str(p.parent)
[docs]def git_diff(): """Run git diff in the caller's directory, and return stdout+stderr """ dirname = get_caller_directory(grandparent=True) if dirname is None: return "ERROR_GIT_NO_DIRECTORY" # We use git diff head because it shows all differences, # including any that have been staged but not committed. try: diff ='git diff HEAD'.split(), cwd=dirname, universal_newlines=True, timeout=5, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # There are lots of different ways this can go wrong. # Here are some - any others it is probably worth knowing # about except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: return "ERROR_GIT_TIMEOUT" except UnicodeDecodeError: return "ERROR_GIT_DECODING" except subprocess.SubprocessError: return "ERROR_GIT_OTHER" except FileNotFoundError: return "ERROR_GIT_NOT_RUNNABLE" except OSError: return "ERROR_GIT_OTHER_OSERROR" # If for some reason we are running outside the main repo # this will return an error too if diff.returncode: return "ERROR_GIT_FAIL" # Escape any non-printable characters. return hex_escape(diff.stdout)
[docs]def git_current_revision(): """Run git diff in the caller's directory, and return stdout+stderr """ dirname = get_caller_directory(grandparent=True) if dirname is None: return "ERROR_GIT_NO_DIRECTORY" try: rev ='git rev-parse HEAD'.split(), cwd=dirname, universal_newlines=True, timeout=5, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Same as git diff above. except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: return "ERROR_GIT_TIMEOUT" except UnicodeDecodeError: return "ERROR_GIT_DECODING" except subprocess.SubprocessError: return "ERROR_GIT_OTHER" except FileNotFoundError: return "ERROR_GIT_NOT_RUNNABLE" except OSError: return "ERROR_GIT_OTHER_OSERROR" # If for some reason we are running outside the main repo # this will return an error too if rev.returncode: return "ERROR_GIT_FAIL" return rev.stdout