Installation Instructions



To use imSim 2.0 at least versions

GalSim 2.4.11 and skyCatalogs v1.6.0rc2

are required. The instructions below for the cvmfs and stackvana installations should automatically fulfill these requirements for you. If you are using a different installation method, please ensure that you have met these requirements.

These instructions were last updated September of 2023. If you find that parts of this document are out of date or are incorrect, please submit a bug report here.


If you are using MacOS on an Apple Silicon machine then currently the only binary installation below that will work is to use the CVMFS distribution (method #1). Method #2 (stackvana) will not work. Method #3 (using docker), should work but will run through emulation and will not run at native speed. In the meantime, the best other option is to install the science pipelines yourself via the lsstinstall package as described in the pipelines documentation and then add the extra imSim conda dependencies as needed.

The imSim software is GalSim based, and it also depends on the LSST science pipelines and Rubin simulation framework. It is easiest to work in an environment where someone else has already built the science pipelines, simulation packages and GalSim for you. Luckily, several such options exist.

We list four options below in increasing levels of complexity. These options all use either a conda environment or a docker image.

Method 1: Using the cvmfs distribution

If you are working at the USDF (Rubin Project computing) or at NERSC (DESC computing), perhaps the easiest way to setup and use imSim is to rely on the prebuilt versions of the pipelines contained in the cvmfs distribution which is installed there. This solution is also appropriate for personal laptops and university/lab based computing systems if you are able to install the cvmfs system.

The CernVM file system (cvmfs) is a distributed read-only file system developed at CERN for reliable low-maintenance world-wide software distribution. LSST-France distributes weekly builds of the Rubin science pipelines for both Linux and MacOS. Details and installation instructions can be found at . The distribution includes conda and imSim dependencies from conda-forge along with the science pipelines.

Load and setup the science pipelines

First you need to setup the science pipelines. This involves sourcing a setup file and then using the Rubin eups commands to set them up.


You will need at least version w_2023_32 of the science pipelines to complete these instructions.

Also note: the cvmfs distribution is a read-only distribution. This means you cannot add packages to the included conda environment and packages you install via pip will be installed in the user area. If you need a conda environment you can modify while running imSim, then you may consider Method 2: Conda and the Stackvana package below.

Source the appropriate setup script (note the -ext in the name) and then setup the distribution (if you are on MacOS use darwin-x86_64 instead of linux-x86_64).

source /cvmfs/
setup lsst_distrib

Install needed data files

Now go to where you would like to install imSim and download a set of data files that are used by the rubin-simulation framework (you will only need to do this once).

mkdir -p rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library
curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
curl  | tar -C rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library -xz

Setup imSim itself

Next, clone copies of both the imSim and skyCatalog software packages from GitHub.

git clone
git clone

at this point if you would only like to use imSim you can pip install imSim/ and pip install skyCatalog/ however we instead suggest using the eups tool to simply setup the packages for use without installing them. This will allow you to edit the packages in place, use multiple versions, change branches etc. You should definitely do this if you plan to do any imSim development.

setup -k -r imSim
setup -k -r skyCatalogs

Setup and Run imSim

This setup step should be repeated for each new session. Here is an file you can use before each session (you should first source the cmvfs setup as above):

setup lsst_distrib

export RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR=$IMSIM_HOME/rubin_sim_data
export SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR=$IMSIM_HOME/rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library

setup -k -r $IMSIM_HOME/imSim
setup -k -r $IMSIM_HOME/skyCatalogs

Now you can run imSim from anywhere with the command:

galsim some_imsim_file.yaml

Method 2: Conda and the Stackvana package

If using the cvmfs distribution is not an appropriate solution, you can install a standalone pre-built conda distribution from conda-forge instead. With this method, you will install a version of lsst_distrib which has been compiled for conda along with extra needed dependencies.

Install Conda

First install conda from Miniforge. You need to download an installer and run the script.

curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh


If you prefer you can use MiniConda or your own conda installation but, in that case, be careful to specify that you want to use the conda-forge channel.

Next, create a Conda environment and activate it.

conda create -n imSim
conda activate imSim

Clone imSim and dependencies

Now we are ready to install imSim. First go to the directory where you would like to do the installation. If you are not using Miniforge, first conda install the mamba package and then:

git clone
git clone

# conda dependencies:
mamba install -y --file imSim/etc/standalone_conda_requirements.txt
mamba install rubin-sim

# Install imSim:
pip install --no-deps imSim/
pip install --no-deps skyCatalogs/

Install rubin_sim_data

imSim makes use of some external datasets. Here we are putting them in a directory called rubin_sim_data, but the choice is yours. If you do change the locations, make sure to update the RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR and SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR paths we set below.

To download:

mkdir -p rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library
curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
curl  | tar -C rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library -xz

Set runtime environment variables for the Conda environment

conda env config vars set RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR=$(pwd)/rubin_sim_data
conda env config vars set SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR=$(pwd)/rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library

Run imSim

Now you can run imSim from anywhere with the command:

galsim some_imsim_file.yaml

Method 3: Using the pre-built imSim Docker image

Here we assume you have Docker installed.

The easiest method is to pull the latest imSim environment Docker image from DockerHub. This has the latest LSST stack and version of imSim preinstalled:

docker pull lsstdesc/imsim-env:latest

Running the Docker image

To then run the image do:

docker run -it --privileged --rm lsstdesc/imsim-env:latest

imSim is installed under /home/lsst. The LSST stack is activated automatically on the startup of the image.


If you have trouble accessing the internet within the container, you may have to add --network host to the docker run command.

Method 3: Building your own imSim Docker image

If the imSim Docker image doesn’t quite meet your needs, perhaps you need some additional software or dependencies, or you want to develop an imSim project that is stored locally on your machine actively within a container, then you can use the imSim Docker image as a starting point to build your own Docker image.

The imSim Dockerfile

The imSim Dockerfile is located in the root directory of the imSim repository, which you can use as a starting point:

 1# Start from the latest release LSST stack image.
 2FROM lsstsqre/centos:7-stack-lsst_distrib-w_latest
 4# Information about image.
 6LABEL lsst-desc.imsim.maintainer=""
 7LABEL lsst-desc.imsim.description="A Docker image combining the LSST Science Pipelines software stack and imSim (and its dependencies)."
 8LABEL lsst-desc.imsim.version="latest"
 9LABEL lsst-desc.imsim.build_date=$BUILD_DATE
11WORKDIR /home/lsst
13# Clone imSim and rubin_sim repos.
14RUN git clone &&\
15    git clone
17# Pull out conda requirements for imSim (excluding stackvana)
18RUN sed '/stackvana/d' imSim/etc/standalone_conda_requirements.txt > imSim/etc/docker_conda_requirements.txt
20# 1) Install imSim Conda requirements
21# 2) Install imSim pip requirements
22# 3) Install rubin_sim
23# 4) Install imSim
24RUN source /opt/lsst/software/stack/loadLSST.bash &&\
25    setup lsst_distrib &&\
26    mamba install -y --file imSim/etc/docker_conda_requirements.txt &&\
27    python3 -m pip install batoid skyCatalogs==1.6.0-rc2 gitpython &&\
28    python3 -m pip install rubin_sim/ &&\
29    python3 -m pip install imSim/
31WORKDIR /opt/lsst/software/stack
33# Download Rubin Sim data.
34RUN mkdir -p rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library
35RUN curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
36RUN curl | tar -C rubin_sim_data -xz
37RUN curl  | tar -C rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library -xz
39# Set location of Rubin sim data (downloaded in step above).
40ENV RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR /opt/lsst/software/stack/rubin_sim_data
42# Set location of SED library (downloaded in step above).
43ENV SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR /opt/lsst/software/stack/rubin_sim_data/sims_sed_library
45WORKDIR /home/lsst
47# Make a script to activate the LSST stack
48RUN echo "source /opt/lsst/software/stack/loadLSST.bash" >> .bashrc &&\
49    echo "setup lsst_distrib" >> .bashrc

It builds upon the prebuilt Docker images produced by the Rubin Data Management team. Standard images are produced on a weekly basis and track the on-going development of the LSST Stack. For imsim-env:latest we build upon the latest LSST stack image, however you can change this to a specific build if you prefer.

We then install imSim and GalSim and their dependencies, and download the rubin_sim_data.

If you want to install additional Python dependencies on-top of the default build, do it under the RUN command on line 24.

If you are installing additional general software, this can be done at the start of the image.

Mounting a volume

You could for example use a Docker image as a clean environment to develop imSim, but keep the active development files locally on your machine. To do this, remove the imSim installation from the Dockerfile. Then, when running the container, mount your local imSim directory like so.

docker run -it --privileged --rm -v ${HOME}/imSim:/home/lsst/imSim lsstdesc/my-imsim-env:latest

The -v option maps your home imSim directory on the host system to /home/lsst/imSim in the Docker container (which is the default working directory).

Setting user and group ids

The prebuilt Rubin images set the default linux user and group both to lsst with uid=1000 and gid=1000. If the desired user and group on the host system have the same ids, then the lsst user and group in the Docker image can be renamed with the following, replacing the line

WORKDIR /home/lsst


USER root
ARG user=<desired_username>
ARG group=<desired_group_name>
RUN /usr/sbin/groupmod -n ${group} lsst
RUN /usr/sbin/usermod -l ${user} lsst
USER ${user}
WORKDIR /home/${user}

Alternatively, if the lsst user doesn’t conflict with the desired user/group, the latter can be added to the image and set as the default user:

USER root
ARG user=<desired_username>
ARG group=<desired_group_name>
ARG uid=<desired_uid>
ARG gid=<desired_gid>
RUN /usr/sbin/groupadd -g ${gid} ${group}
RUN /usr/sbin/useradd -u ${uid} -g ${gid} ${user}
USER ${user}
WORKDIR /home/${user}

Building the Docker image

Assuming the above Dockerfile is in the current directory, then the following command will build the image

docker build -t <repository>:<tag> .

where <repository> and <tag> are chosen by the user.

The available images can be listed via

docker images

Testing your installation

If the installation has been done correctly you should now be able to go to a working area of your choosing and run the program.

imSim is run by executing the galsim executable with an imSim yaml file as input:

galsim $IMSIM_HOME/imSim/examples/imsim-user-instcat.yaml

The program should run to completion without errors.