Registration for the 2024 DESC Sprint Week at SLAC

Monday October 28 - Friday, November 1, 2024

Registration for the Sprint Week is free, the organizers thank the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology for funding the event, covering all event costs.

In-person registration is now closed, but virtual regsitration is still open.

Please join the LSSTC Slack channel #desc-hack-sprint to keep updated on chats, discussions, and announcements during the meeting!
You can find the the details of the schedule on this confluence page.

Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Invalid email or already registered.
Please provide your affiliation.

LSST/DESC Membership

Are you currently a member of the Dark Energy Science Collaboration? This info will allow us to better make accommodations for non-DESC attendees.

Third-person pronoun you want people to use to refer to you, such as: they/she/he/ze, or simply just your names. You can also say "no preference" or just enter a space. Why ask for pronouns ?
Please provide your choice of pronoun.
DESC Sprint Week, Oct. 28 - Nov. 1, 2024
Covid-19 guidelines

To ensure the safety of the meeting, in-person participants are asked to follow the following guidelines for this event:

  • If you have tested positive for Covid-19: Please follow CDC guidelines on isolation and masking.
  • Facial Coverings: Facial coverings both indoors and outdoors are optional.

You must agree to follow the Covid-19 rules.

Please check which days you plan on attending. Lunch will be provided on those days.
Dietary restrictions

Site access

If you do not have a valid SLAC badge, you must fill out and submit a SLAC Visitor form. No documents need to be uploaded. Of course, please do bring ID to show when you arrive at the meeting. For detailed instructions on how to fill out the form please see the registration page in Confluence

Please ensure you have checked the correct button below.

DESC Meeting Contact Persons
As described in the DESC Meeting Contact Person Policy, Meeting Contact Persons (MCPs) will be available (by Zoom and Slack) to meeting participants and be afforded the authority to take action to resolve disputes, conflicts, or harmful situations. MCPs will be selected from eligible participants, and be appointed by the Collaboration Council and the Management Team. All MCP appointments will be confirmed and scheduled with candidates before the meeting.

New Membership

We all know how challenging it can be to navigate a new space, with a lot of things happening during DESC meetings and in the large DESC collaboration in general.

Please indicate your experience with the DESC collaboration below.

A/V Accommodations

If you require any additional accommodations (e.g., closed captions, alt-text for screen readers, etc), please fill out this anonymous form.

Please acknowledge that you may be recorded.
You must agree to the code of conduct before registering.
Please disable ad or pop-up blockers if you encounter any difficulties with completing the registration.