skyCatalogs: provides API for simulated object catalogs
skyCatalogs both creates simulated object catalogs (from precursor catalogs) and provides a uniform API to the catalogs it makes and to certain other catalogs. These catalogs may be used as inputs to image simulation (originally only for the Rubin Observatory; since also used in simulations for the Roman Observatory) and as truth catalogs.
This documentation covers installation and usage instructions for the package.
The source code of skyCatalogs is hosted at
- Installation Instructions
- Reading Catalogs with skyCatalogs
- Structure of skyCatalogs Configs
- Adding Supported Object Types to a Catalog
- Creating New Catalogs
- Galaxy quantities for ops-rehearsals 3 and 4
- Star quantities for ops-rehearsals 3 and 4
- Solar System Object (SSO) quantities for ops-rehearsals 3 and 4
- Galaxy quantities for Roman-Rubin joint simulation
- Star quantities for Roman-Rubin sims
- SNANA quantities for Roman-Rubin sims