opsimsummary.trig module

Module for trigonometric utilities such as conversion between different conventions and units, as well as calculating angular separations between points on a sphere.

opsimsummary.trig.fieldID(opsimDF, ra, dec, raCol='fieldRA', decCol='fieldDec')[source]
opsimsummary.trig.angSep(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2)[source]

Angular separation in radians between to points on a sphere with coordinates ra, dec in radians.

ra1 : np.ndarray /float, radians

ra of the first point

dec1 : np.ndarray /float, radians

dec of the first point

ra2 : np.ndarray /float, radians

ra of the second point

dec2 : np.ndarray /float, radians

dec of the first point

Angular separation in units of radians
opsimsummary.trig.overlapSummary(ra, dec, df, sep=1.75, raCol='fieldRA', decCol='fieldDec')[source]
opsimsummary.trig.convertToSphericalCoordinates(ra, dec, unit='degrees')[source]

Convert ra, dec coordinates to usual spherical coordinates theta, phi. The ra, dec coordinates have the ranges (0., 2pi), (-pi/2.0, pi/2.0)

ra : sequence of floats or scalar float, mandatory

ra coordinates in units of degrees or radians

dec : sequence of floats or scalar float, mandatory

dec coordinates in units of degrees or radians

unit : string, optional, defaults to ‘degrees’

‘degrees’ or ‘radians’

tuple of `numpy.ndarray` (theta, phi) of spherical coordinates in
radians. If scalars were supplied the return is a tuple of two scalars.
.. note:: The units of ra, dec must be the same. They should have
consistent lengths
opsimsummary.trig.convertToCelestialCoordinates(theta, phi, input_unit='radians', output_unit='degrees')[source]

Convert theta, phi in usual spherical coordinates to ra, dec values.

theta : np.ndarray or float


phi :`np.ndarray` or float

co longitude

input_unit : {‘degrees’, ‘radians’}, defautls to radians
output_unit : {‘degrees’, ‘radians’}, defaults to degrees
opsimsummary.trig.angToVec(lon, lat, convention, unit)[source]

Compute an array of unit vectors corresponding to the array of longitude and latitude in either celestial conventions (ra, dec) or usual spherical coordinate system conventions.

lon : scalar or numpy.ndarray of floats

co-longitude which may be ra, or phi depending on the convention

lat : scalar or numpy.ndarray of floats

co-latitude which may be dec, or theta depending on the convention

convention : {‘celestial’|’spherical’}

whether the input angular positions are in spherical or celestial coordinates.

unit : string

{‘degrees’| ‘radians’}

opsimsummary.trig.pixelsForAng(lon, lat, nside, nest=True, convention='celestial', unit='degrees')[source]

Return the array of healpixels in which the set of points represented by the arrays lon, and lat fall

opsimsummary.trig.pixelsToAng(tileID, nside, nest=True, convention='celestial', unit='degrees')[source]

Return the array of ra, dec for the healpix tile center for the tile with pixel ID tileID, the arrays lon, and lat fall