Checklist for the February 2025 LSST DESC Virtual Collaboration Meeting

Here are a few useful things you can do to prepare yourself for this Virtual Collaboration Meeting!

Access meeting resources

The meeting schedule and associated files will be hosted on SLAC Indico. You must have a SLAC Indico or SLAC Windows+email account to access Indico. Visit
Check out and bookmark the Indico agenda
Check out the logistics page for details on e.g., remote logistics as well as computing resources, Slack channels, and Zoom.
Remind yourself of our Code of Conduct which applies to all participants.

Prepare for engaging during the meeting

Ensure that your Zoom and Slack apps are up-to-date. Set your Zoom name to include both first and last name.
Add your pronouns to any apps in use, e.g., as <First-Name> <Last-Name> (<pronoun>). Wondering why is this important? See here.
  • For Zoom, you can just add your pronouns to your name. Note that you can rename yourself by clicking on the three dots in your square and clicking "Rename". Or you can use Zoom's built-in personal pronoun feature. (Note: this option may not be available on some of the institutional accounts.)

  • In Discovery Alliance Slack workspace, you can add your pronouns to your profile by 1) clicking on your name, 2) clicking the "Edit Profile" button, and 3) filling out/updating the "Pronouns" entry.
Consider setting your Slack status as active if you are available for synchronous activities. During the Sprint Day, you may set your status as :hacking: to advertise your availability for sprinting.
Please join the following Slack channels:

Computing resources, datasets etc.


If you plan to join an analysis project during the meeting, make sure you have a NERSC account and remember your password (nope, a SSH key is not enough) and have 2-step verification (MFA) set up! Also, make sure you are in the NERSC "lsst" group. (Once logged into NERSC, run the "groups" command in a shell window.) If not, request help from either the #desc-help or #desc-nersc Slack channel. Or you may send an email to Or you may contact Heather Kelly, Seth Digel, or Debbie Bard via Slack.
Follow the instructions to install DESC jupyter kernels. You will need them to access e.g., DC2 data products or to use DESC software during the Meeting.

Rubin Science Platform

If you are a DP0 delegate and plan on using the Rubin Science Platform (RSP), please ensure that you are able to login. Check out this post on Community for the technical aspects of RSP.

Social media

If you use social media professionally, please use the #lsstdesc hashtag when reporting highlights from the meeting! Remember the Code of Conduct!