Source code for snmachine.snclassifier

Utility module mostly wrapping sklearn functionality and providing utility functions.

from __future__ import division
from past.builtins import basestring
import numpy as np
import os
if not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ:
    import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn import grid_search
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier,  AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from astropy.table import Table,join
import sys, collections,time
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

#This allows the user to easily loop through all possible classifiers
choice_of_classifiers=['svm', 'knn', 'random_forest', 'decision_tree','boost_dt','boost_rf', 'nb']
#boost_rf is a set of boosted random forests which Max came up with.

    from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
except ImportError:
    print ('Neural networks not available in this version of scikit-learn. Neural networks are available from development version 0.18.')

[docs]def roc(pr, Yt, true_class=0): """ Produce the false positive rate and true positive rate required to plot a ROC curve, and the area under that curve. Parameters ---------- pr : array An array of probability scores, either a 1d array of size N_samples or an nd array, in which case the column corresponding to the true class will be used. Yt : array An array of class labels, of size (N_samples,) true_class : int which class is taken to be the "true class" (e.g. Ia vs everything else) Returns ------- fpr : array An array containing the false positive rate at each probability threshold tpr : array An array containing the true positive rate at each probability threshold auc : float The area under the ROC curve """ probs = pr.copy() Y_test = Yt.copy() min_class = (int)(Y_test.min()) # This is to deal with starting class assignment at 1. Y_test = Y_test.squeeze() if len(pr.shape)>1: probs_1 = probs[:, true_class-min_class] else: probs_1 = probs threshold = np.linspace(0., 1., 50) # 50 evenly spaced numbers between 0,1 # This creates an array where each column is the prediction for each threshold preds = np.tile(probs_1, (len(threshold), 1)).T >= np.tile(threshold, (len(probs_1), 1)) Y_bool = (Y_test == true_class) Y_bool = np.tile(Y_bool, (len(threshold), 1)).T TP = (preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FP = (preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) TN = (~preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FN = (~preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) tpr = np.zeros(len(TP)) tpr[TP != 0] = TP[TP != 0]/(TP[TP != 0] + FN[TP != 0]) fpr = FP/(FP+TN) fpr = np.array(fpr)[::-1] tpr = np.array(tpr)[::-1] auc = trapz(tpr, fpr) return fpr, tpr, auc
[docs]def plot_roc(fpr, tpr, auc, labels=[], cols=[], label_size=26, tick_size=18, line_width=3, figsize=(8,6)): """ Plots a ROC curve or multiple curves. Can plot the results from multiple classifiers if fpr and tpr are arrays where each column corresponds to a different classifier. Parameters ---------- fpr : array An array containing the false positive rate at each probability threshold tpr : array An array containing the true positive rate at each probability threshold auc : float The area under the ROC curve labels : list, optional Labels of each curve (e.g. ML algorithm names) cols : list, optional Colors of the line(s) label_size : float, optional Size of x and y axis labels. tick_size: float, optional Size of tick labels. line_width : float, optional Line width """ #Automatically fill in the colors if not supplied if not isinstance(cols, basestring) and len(cols)==0: cols=['#185aa9','#008c48','#ee2e2f','#f47d23','#662c91','#a21d21','#b43894','#010202'] #This should work regardless of whether it's one or many roc curves #fig=plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig=plt.gcf() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_color_cycle(cols) ax.plot(fpr, tpr, lw=line_width) # ax.plot(fpr, tpr) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_size) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(6)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(6)) plt.xlabel('False positive rate (contamination)', fontsize=label_size) plt.ylabel('True positive rate (completeness)', fontsize=label_size) # plt.xlabel('False positive rate (contamination)') # plt.ylabel('True positive rate (completeness)') #Robust against the possibility of AUC being a single number instead of list if not isinstance(auc, collections.Sequence): auc=[auc] if len(labels)>0: labs=[] for i in range(len(labels)): labs.append(labels[i]+' (%.3f)' %(auc[i])) else: labs=np.array(range(len(ax.lines)), dtype='str') for i in range(len(labs)): labs[i]=(labs[i]+' (%.3f)' %(auc[i])) #plt.legend(labs, loc='lower right', fancybox=True, bbox_to_anchor=(0.95, 0.05), fontsize=label_size) plt.legend(labs, loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.95, 0.05)) plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def F1(pr, Yt, true_class, full_output=False): """ Calculate an F1 score for many probability threshold increments and select the best one. Parameters ---------- pr : array An array of probability scores, either a 1d array of size N_samples or an nd array, in which case the column corresponding to the true class will be used. Yt : array An array of class labels, of size (N_samples,) true_class : int which class is taken to be the "true class" (e.g. Ia vs everything else) full_output : bool, optional If true returns two vectors corresponding to F1 as a function of threshold, instead of the best value. Returns ------- best_F1 : float (If full_output=False) The largest F1 value best_threshold : array (If full_output=False) The probability threshold corresponding to best_F1 f1 : array (If full_output=True) F1 as a function of threshold. threshold : array (If full_output=True) Vector of thresholds (from 0 to 1) """ probs=pr.copy() Y_test=Yt.copy() min_class=Y_test.min() #This is to deal with starting class assignment at 1. Y_test = Y_test.squeeze() if len(pr.shape)>1: probs_1=probs[:, true_class-min_class] else: probs_1=probs threshold = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) #This creates an array where each column is the prediction for each threshold preds=np.tile(probs_1, (len(threshold), 1)).T>np.tile(threshold, (len(probs_1), 1)) Y_bool=(Y_test==true_class) Y_bool=np.tile(Y_bool, (len(threshold), 1)).T TP=(preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FP=(preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) TN=(~preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FN=(~preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) f1=np.zeros(len(TP)) f1[TP!=0]=2*TP[TP!=0]/(2*TP[TP!=0]+FN[TP!=0]+FP[TP!=0]) if full_output: return f1, threshold else: best_F1 = f1.max() best_threshold_index = np.argmax(f1) best_threshold = threshold[best_threshold_index] return best_F1, best_threshold
[docs]def FoM(pr, Yt, true_class=1, full_output=False): """ Calculate a Kessler FoM for many probability threshold increments and select the best one. FoM is defined as: FoM = TP^2/((TP+FN)(TP+3*FP)) Parameters ---------- pr : array An array of probability scores, either a 1d array of size N_samples or an nd array, in which case the column corresponding to the true class will be used. Yt : array An array of class labels, of size (N_samples,) true_class : int which class is taken to be the "true class" (e.g. Ia vs everything else) full_output : bool, optional If true returns two vectors corresponding to F1 as a function of threshold, instead of the best value. Returns ------- best_FoM : float (If full_output=False) The largest FoM value best_threshold : array (If full_output=False) The probability threshold corresponding to best_FoM fom : array (If full_output=True) FoM as a function of threshold. threshold : array (If full_output=True) Vector of thresholds (from 0 to 1) """ weight = 3.0 probs=pr.copy() Y_test=Yt.copy() min_class=Y_test.min() #This is to deal with starting class assignment at 1. Y_test = Y_test.squeeze() if len(pr.shape)>1: probs_1=probs[:, true_class-min_class] else: probs_1=probs threshold = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) #This creates an array where each column is the prediction for each threshold preds=np.tile(probs_1, (len(threshold), 1)).T>np.tile(threshold, (len(probs_1), 1)) Y_bool=(Y_test==true_class) Y_bool=np.tile(Y_bool, (len(threshold), 1)).T TP=(preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FP=(preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) TN=(~preds & ~Y_bool).sum(axis=0) FN=(~preds & Y_bool).sum(axis=0) fom=np.zeros(len(TP)) fom[TP!=0]=TP[TP!=0]**2/(TP[TP!=0]+FN[TP!=0])/(TP[TP!=0]+weight*FP[TP!=0]) if full_output: return fom, threshold else: best_FoM = fom.max() best_threshold_index = np.argmax(fom) best_threshold = threshold[best_threshold_index] return best_FoM, best_threshold
[docs]class OptimisedClassifier(): """Implements an optimised classifier (although it can be run without optimisation). Equipped with interfaces to several sklearn classes and functions. """ NB_param_dict = {} KNN_param_dict = {'n_neighbors':list(range(1, 180, 5)), 'weights':['distance']} SVM_param_dict = {'C':np.logspace(-2, 5, 5), 'gamma':np.logspace(-8, 3, 5)} NN_param_dict={'hidden_layer_sizes':[(l,) for l in range(80, 120, 5)]} DT_param_dict={'criterion':['gini','entropy'],'min_samples_leaf':list(range(1,400,25))} RF_param_dict = {'n_estimators':list(range(200, 900, 100)), 'criterion':['gini', 'entropy']} ests=[DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy',min_samples_leaf=l) for l in range(5, 55, 10)] Boost_param_dict={'base_estimator':ests,'n_estimators':list(range(5, 85, 10))} #This is a strange boosted random forest classifier that Max came up that works quite well, but is likely biased #in general Boost_RF_param_dict = {'base_estimator':[RandomForestClassifier(400, 'entropy'), RandomForestClassifier(600, 'entropy')],'n_estimators':list([2, 3, 5, 10])} #Dictionary to hold good default ranges for parameters for each classifier. params={'svm':SVM_param_dict, 'knn':KNN_param_dict, 'decision_tree':DT_param_dict,'random_forest':RF_param_dict, 'boost_dt':Boost_param_dict, 'boost_rf':Boost_RF_param_dict, 'nb':NB_param_dict, 'neural_network':NN_param_dict} def __init__(self, classifier, optimise=True, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around sklearn classifiers Parameters ---------- classifier : str or sklearn.Classifier Either a string (one of choice_of_classifiers) or sklearn classifier object optimise : bool, optional Whether or not to optimise the parameters kwargs : optional Keyword arguments passed directly to the classifier """ self.classifier_name=classifier if isinstance(classifier, basestring): #Choose from available classifiers, with default parameters best for SNe (unless overridden) if 'probability' in kwargs: self.prob=kwargs.pop('probability') else: self.prob=True #By default we want to always return probabilities. User can override this. try: if classifier=='svm': if 'kernel' in kwargs: kern=kwargs.pop('kernel') #Removes this from kwargs else: kern='rbf' self.clf=svm.SVC(kernel=kern, probability = self.prob, **kwargs) elif classifier=='knn': if 'n_neighbours' in kwargs: n=kwargs.pop('n_neighbours') else: n=5 if 'weights' in kwargs: wgts=kwargs.pop('weights') else: wgts='distance' self.clf=neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = n, weights=wgts, **kwargs) elif classifier=='random_forest': self.clf = RandomForestClassifier(**kwargs) elif classifier=='decision_tree': self.clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(**kwargs) elif classifier=='boost_dt' or classifier=='boost_rf': self.clf = AdaBoostClassifier(**kwargs) elif classifier=='nb': self.clf = GaussianNB(**kwargs) elif classifier=='neural_network': if 'hidden_layer_sizes' in kwargs: l=kwargs.pop('hidden_layer_sizes') else: l=(5, 2) if 'algorithm' in kwargs: algo=kwargs.pop('algorithm') else: algo='adam' if 'activation' in kwargs: activation=kwargs.pop('activation') else: activation='tanh' self.clf = MLPClassifier(solver=algo, hidden_layer_sizes=l,activation=activation, **kwargs) elif classifier=='multiple_classifier': pass else: print ('Requested classifier not recognised.' ) print ('Choice of built-in classifiers:') print (choice_of_classifiers) sys.exit(0) except TypeError: #Gracefully catch errors of sending the wrong kwargs to the classifiers print() print ('Error') print ('One of the kwargs below:') print (kwargs.keys()) print ('Does not belong to classifier', classifier) print() sys.exit(0) else: #This is already some sklearn classifier or an object that behaves like one self.clf=classifier print ('Created classifier of type:') print (self.clf) print()
[docs] def classify(self, X_train, y_train, X_test): """ Run unoptimised classifier with initial parameters. Parameters ---------- X_train : array Array of training features of shape (n_train,n_features) y_train : array Array of known classes of shape (n_train) X_test : array Array of validation features of shape (n_test,n_features) Returns ------- Yfit : array Predicted classes for X_test probs : array (If self.prob=True) Probability for each object to belong to each class. """, y_train) if self.prob: #Probabilities requested probs=self.clf.predict_proba(X_test) Yfit=probs.argmax(axis=1) #Each object is assigned the class with highest probability classes=np.unique(y_train) classes.sort() Yfit=classes[Yfit] return Yfit, probs else: Yfit=self.clf.predict(X_test) #scr=self.clf.score(X_test, y_test) return Yfit
def __custom_auc_score(self, estimator, X, Y): """ Custom scoring method for use with GridSearchCV. Parameters ---------- estimator : sklearn.Classifier The current classifier (used by GridSearchCV). X : array Array of training features of shape (n_train,n_features). Y : array Array of known classes of shape (n_train) Returns ------- auc : float AUC score """ probs=estimator.predict_proba(X) fpr, tpr, auc=roc(probs, Y, true_class=1) return auc
[docs] def optimised_classify(self, X_train, y_train, X_test, **kwargs): """ Run optimised classifier using grid search with cross validation to choose optimal classifier parameters. Parameters ---------- X_train : array Array of training features of shape (n_train,n_features) y_train : array Array of known classes of shape (n_train) X_test : array Array of validation features of shape (n_test,n_features) params : dict, optional Allows the user to specify which parameters and over what ranges to optimise. If not set, defaults will be used. true_class : int, optional The class determined to be the desired class (e.g. Ias, which might correspond to class 1). This allows the user to optimise for different classes (based on ROC curve AUC). Returns ------- Yfit : array Predicted classes for X_test probs : array (If self.prob=True) Probability for each object to belong to each class. """ if 'params' in kwargs: params=kwargs['params'] else: params=self.params[self.classifier_name] # if self.classifier_name=='svm': # n_features=len(X_train[0, :]) #Update now the number of features is known # params['gamma']=[1/(n_features**2), 1/n_features, 1/np.sqrt(n_features)] if 'true_class' in kwargs: self.true_class=kwargs['true_class'] else: self.true_class=1 self.clf=grid_search.GridSearchCV(self.clf, params, scoring=self.__custom_auc_score, cv=5), y_train) #This actually does the grid search best_params=self.clf.best_params_ print ('Optimised parameters:', best_params) for k in best_params.keys(): #This is the safest way to check if something is a number try: float(best_params[k]) if best_params[k]<=min(params[k]): print() print('WARNING: Lower boundary on parameter', k, 'may be too high. Optimum may not have been reached.') print() elif best_params[k]>=max(params[k]): print() print('WARNING: Upper boundary on parameter', k, 'may be too low. Optimum may not have been reached.') print() except (ValueError, TypeError): pass #Ignore a parameter that isn't numerical if self.prob: #Probabilities requested probs=self.clf.predict_proba(X_test) Yfit=probs.argmax(axis=1).tolist() #Each object is assigned the class with highest probability classes=np.unique(y_train) classes.sort() Yfit=classes[Yfit] return Yfit, probs else: Yfit=self.clf.predict(X_test) return Yfit
def __call_classifier(classifier, X_train, y_train, X_test, param_dict,return_classifier): """Specifically designed to run with multiprocessing""" c=OptimisedClassifier(classifier) if classifier in param_dict.keys(): y_fit, probs=c.optimised_classify(X_train, y_train, X_test,params=param_dict[classifier]) else: y_fit, probs=c.optimised_classify(X_train, y_train, X_test) if return_classifier: return probs,c.clf #Returns the best fitting sklearn classifier object else: return probs
[docs]def run_pipeline(features,types,output_name='',columns=[],classifiers=['nb','knn','svm','neural_network','boost_dt'], training_set=0.7, param_dict={}, nprocesses=1, scale=True, plot_roc_curve=True,return_classifier=False): """ Utility function to classify a dataset with a number of classification methods. This does assume your test set has known values to compare against. Returns, if requested, the classifier objects to run on future test sets. Parameters ---------- features : astropy.table.Table or array Features either in the form of a table or array types : astropy.table.Table or array Classes, either in the form of a table or array output_name : str, optional Full root path and name for output (e.g. '<output_path>/salt2-run-') columns : list, optional If you want to run a subset of columns classifiers : list, optional Which available ML classifiers to use training_set : float or list, optional If a float, this is the fraction of objects that will be used as training set. If a list, it's assumed these are the ID's of the objects to be used param_dict : dict, optional Use to run different ranges of hyperparameters for the classifiers when optimising nprocesses : int, optional Number of processors for multiprocessing (shared memory only). Each classifier will then be run in parallel. scale : bool, optional Rescale features using sklearn's preprocessing Scalar class (highly recommended this is True) plot_roc_curve : bool, optional Whether or not to plot the ROC curve at the end return_classifier : bool, optional Whether or not to return the actual classifier objects (due to the limitations of multiprocessing, this can't be done in parallel at the moment). Returns ------- dict (If return_classifier=True) Dictionary of fitted sklearn Classifier objects """ t1= time.time() if isinstance(features,Table): #The features are in astropy table format and must be converted to a numpy array before passing to sklearn #We need to make sure we match the correct Y values to X values. The safest way to do this is to make types an #astropy table as well. if not isinstance(types,Table): types=Table(data=[features['Object'],types],names=['Object','Type']) feats=join(features,types,'Object') if len(columns)==0: columns=feats.columns[1:-1] #Split into training and validation sets if np.isscalar(training_set): objs=feats['Object'] objs=np.random.permutation(objs) training_set=objs[:(int)(training_set*len(objs))] #Otherwise a training set has already been provided as a list of Object names and we can continue feats_train=feats[np.in1d(feats['Object'],training_set)] feats_test=feats[~np.in1d(feats['Object'],training_set)] X_train=np.array([feats_train[c] for c in columns]).T y_train=np.array(feats_train['Type']) X_test=np.array([feats_test[c] for c in columns]).T y_test=np.array(feats_test['Type']) else: #Otherwise the features are already in the form of a numpy array if np.isscalar(training_set): inds=np.random.permutation(range(len(features))) train_inds=inds[:(int)(len(inds)*training_set)] test_inds=inds[(int)(len(inds)*training_set):] else: #We assume the training set has been provided as indices train_inds=training_set test_inds=range(len(types))[~np.in1d(range(len(types)),training_set)] X_train=features[train_inds] y_train=types[train_inds] X_test=features[test_inds] y_test=types[test_inds] #Rescale the data (highly recommended) if scale: scaler = StandardScaler(), X_test))) X_train = scaler.transform(X_train) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) probabilities={} classifier_objects={} if nprocesses>1 and return_classifier: print ("Due to limitations with python's multiprocessing module, classifier objects cannot be returned if " \ "multiple processors are used. Continuing serially...") print() if nprocesses>1 and not return_classifier: partial_func=partial(__call_classifier,X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, X_test=X_test, param_dict=param_dict,return_classifier=False) p=Pool(nprocesses, maxtasksperchild=1),classifiers) for i in range(len(result)): cls=classifiers[i] probabilities[cls]=result[i] else: for cls in classifiers: retval = __call_classifier(cls, X_train, y_train, X_test, param_dict,return_classifier) if return_classifier: probabilities[cls] = retval[0] classifier_objects[cls] = retval[1] else: probabilities[cls] = retval[0] for i in range(len(classifiers)): cls=classifiers[i] probs=probabilities[cls] fpr, tpr, auc=roc(probs, y_test, true_class=1) fom, thresh_fom=FoM(probs, y_test, true_class=1, full_output=False) print ('Classifier', cls+':', 'AUC =', auc, 'FoM =', fom) if i==0: FPR=fpr TPR=tpr AUC=[auc] else: FPR=np.column_stack((FPR, fpr)) TPR=np.column_stack((TPR, tpr)) AUC.append(auc) if len(output_name)!=0:#Only save if an output directory is supplied typs=np.unique(y_train) typs.sort() typs=np.array(typs,dtype='str').tolist() if isinstance(features,Table): index_column=feats_test['Object'] else: index_column=np.array(test_inds,dtype='str') dat=np.column_stack((index_column,probs)) nms=['Object']+typs tab=Table(dat,dtype=['S64']+['f']*probs.shape[1],names=nms) flname=output_name+cls+'.probs' tab.write(flname,format='ascii') tab=Table(np.column_stack((fpr, tpr)),names=['FPR','TPR']) tab.write(output_name+cls+'.roc',format='ascii') np.savetxt(output_name+cls+'.auc',[auc]) print() print ('Time taken ', (time.time()-t1)/60., 'minutes') if plot_roc_curve: plot_roc(FPR, TPR, AUC, labels=classifiers,label_size=16,tick_size=12,line_width=1.5) if return_classifier: return classifier_objects