Source code for txpipe.lens_selector

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import YamlFile, TomographyCatalog, HDFFile, TextFile
from .utils import LensNumberDensityStats
from .utils import Splitter
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs]class TXBaseLensSelector(PipelineStage): """ This pipeline stage selects objects to be used as the lens sample for the galaxy clustering and shear-position calibrations. """ name='TXBaseLensSelector' outputs = [ ('lens_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ] config_options = { 'verbose': False, 'chunk_rows':10000, 'lens_zbin_edges':[float], # Mag cuts # Default photometry cuts based on the BOSS Galaxy Target Selection: # 'cperp_cut':0.2, 'r_cpar_cut':13.5, 'r_lo_cut':16.0, 'r_hi_cut':19.6, 'i_lo_cut':17.5, 'i_hi_cut':19.9, 'r_i_cut':2.0, 'random_seed': 42, }
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the analysis for this stage. - Collect the list of columns to read - Create iterators to read chunks of those columns - Loop through chunks: - select objects for each bin - write them out - accumulate selection bias values - Average the selection biases - Write out biases and close the output """ import astropy.table import sklearn.ensemble if == "TXBaseLensSelector": raise ValueError("Do not run TXBaseLensSelector - run a sub-class") # Suppress some warnings from numpy that are not relevant original_warning_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') # The output file we will put the tomographic # information into output_file = self.setup_output() iterator = self.data_iterator() # We will collect the selection biases for each bin # as a matrix. We will collect together the different # matrices for each chunk and do a weighted average at the end. nbin_lens = len(self.config['lens_zbin_edges']) - 1 number_density_stats = LensNumberDensityStats(nbin_lens, self.comm) # Loop through the input data, processing it chunk by chunk for (start, end, phot_data) in iterator: print(f"Process {self.rank} running selection for rows {start:,}-{end:,}") pz_data = self.apply_redshift_cut(phot_data) # Select lens bin objects lens_gals = self.select_lens(phot_data) # Combine this selection with size and snr cuts to produce a source selection # and calculate the shear bias it would generate tomo_bin, counts = self.calculate_tomography(pz_data, phot_data, lens_gals) # Save the tomography for this chunk self.write_tomography(output_file, start, end, tomo_bin) # Accumulate information on the number counts and the selection biases. # These will be brought together at the end. number_density_stats.add_data(tomo_bin) # Do the selection bias averaging and output that too. self.write_global_values(output_file, number_density_stats) # Save and complete output_file.close() # Restore the original warning settings in case we are being called from a library np.seterr(**original_warning_settings)
def apply_redshift_cut(self, phot_data): pz_data = {} nbin = len(self.config['lens_zbin_edges']) - 1 z = phot_data[f'z'] zbin = np.repeat(-1, len(z)) for zi in range(nbin): mask_zbin = ( (z >= self.config['lens_zbin_edges'][zi]) & (z<self.config['lens_zbin_edges'][zi+1]) ) zbin[mask_zbin] = zi pz_data[f'zbin'] = zbin return pz_data
[docs] def setup_output(self): """ Set up the output data file. Creates the data sets and groups to put module output in the tomography_catalog output file. """ n = self.open_input('photometry_catalog')['photometry/ra'].size nbin_lens = len(self.config['lens_zbin_edges'])-1 outfile = self.open_output('lens_tomography_catalog', parallel=True) group = outfile.create_group('tomography') group.create_dataset('lens_bin', (n,), dtype='i') group.create_dataset('lens_weight', (n,), dtype='f') group.create_dataset('lens_counts', (nbin_lens,), dtype='i') group.create_dataset('lens_counts_2d', (1,), dtype='i') group.attrs['nbin_lens'] = nbin_lens group.attrs[f'lens_zbin_edges'] = self.config['lens_zbin_edges'] return outfile
[docs] def write_tomography(self, outfile, start, end, lens_bin): """ Write out a chunk of tomography and response. Parameters ---------- outfile: h5py.File start: int The index into the output this chunk starts at end: int The index into the output this chunk ends at tomo_bin: array of shape (nrow,) The bin index for each output object R: array of shape (nrow,2,2) Multiplicative bias calibration factor for each object """ group = outfile['tomography'] group['lens_bin'][start:end] = lens_bin group['lens_weight'][start:end] = 1.0
[docs] def write_global_values(self, outfile, number_density_stats): """ Write out overall selection biases Parameters ---------- outfile: h5py.File """ lens_counts, lens_counts_2d = number_density_stats.collect() if self.rank==0: group = outfile['tomography'] group['lens_counts'][:] = lens_counts group['lens_counts_2d'][:] = lens_counts_2d
[docs] def select_lens(self, phot_data): """Photometry cuts based on the BOSS Galaxy Target Selection: """ mag_i = phot_data['mag_i'] mag_r = phot_data['mag_r'] mag_g = phot_data['mag_g'] # Mag cuts cperp_cut_val = self.config['cperp_cut'] r_cpar_cut_val = self.config['r_cpar_cut'] r_lo_cut_val = self.config['r_lo_cut'] r_hi_cut_val = self.config['r_hi_cut'] i_lo_cut_val = self.config['i_lo_cut'] i_hi_cut_val = self.config['i_hi_cut'] r_i_cut_val = self.config['r_i_cut'] n = len(mag_i) # HDF does not support bools, so we will prepare a binary array # where 0 is a lens and 1 is not lens_gals = np.repeat(0,n) cpar = 0.7 * (mag_g - mag_r) + 1.2 * ((mag_r - mag_i) - 0.18) cperp = (mag_r - mag_i) - ((mag_g - mag_r) / 4.0) - 0.18 dperp = (mag_r - mag_i) - ((mag_g - mag_r) / 8.0) # LOWZ cperp_cut = np.abs(cperp) < cperp_cut_val #0.2 r_cpar_cut = mag_r < r_cpar_cut_val + cpar / 0.3 r_lo_cut = mag_r > r_lo_cut_val #16.0 r_hi_cut = mag_r < r_hi_cut_val #19.6 lowz_cut = (cperp_cut) & (r_cpar_cut) & (r_lo_cut) & (r_hi_cut) # CMASS i_lo_cut = mag_i > i_lo_cut_val #17.5 i_hi_cut = mag_i < i_hi_cut_val #19.9 r_i_cut = (mag_r - mag_i) < r_i_cut_val #2.0 #dperp_cut = dperp > 0.55 # this cut did not return any sources... cmass_cut = (i_lo_cut) & (i_hi_cut) & (r_i_cut) # If a galaxy is a lens under either LOWZ or CMASS give it a zero lens_mask = lowz_cut | cmass_cut lens_gals[lens_mask] = 1 return lens_gals
def calculate_tomography(self, pz_data, phot_data, lens_gals): nbin = len(self.config['lens_zbin_edges']) - 1 n = len(phot_data['mag_i']) # The main output data - the tomographic # bin index for each object, or -1 for no bin. tomo_bin = np.repeat(-1, n) # We also keep count of total count of objects in each bin counts = np.zeros(nbin, dtype=int) for i in range(nbin): sel_00 = (pz_data['zbin'] == i) & (lens_gals == 1) tomo_bin[sel_00] = i counts[i] = sel_00.sum() return tomo_bin, counts
[docs]class TXTruthLensSelector(TXBaseLensSelector): name = "TXTruthLensSelector" inputs = [ ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ] def data_iterator(self): print(f"We are cheating and using the true redshift.") chunk_rows = self.config['chunk_rows'] phot_cols = ['mag_i','mag_r','mag_g', 'redshift_true'] # Input data. These are iterators - they lazily load chunks # of the data one by one later when we do the for loop. # This code can be run in parallel, and different processes will # each get different chunks of the data for s, e, data in self.iterate_hdf('photometry_catalog', 'photometry', phot_cols, chunk_rows): data['z'] = data['redshift_true'] yield s, e, data
[docs]class TXMeanLensSelector(TXBaseLensSelector): name = "TXMeanLensSelector" inputs = [ ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ('lens_photoz_pdfs', HDFFile), ] def data_iterator(self): chunk_rows = self.config['chunk_rows'] phot_cols = ['mag_i','mag_r','mag_g'] z_cols = ['z_mean'] iter_phot = self.iterate_hdf('photometry_catalog', 'photometry', phot_cols, chunk_rows) iter_pz = self.iterate_hdf('lens_photoz_pdfs', 'point_estimates', z_cols, chunk_rows) for (s, e, data), (_, _, z_data) in zip(iter_phot, iter_pz): data['z'] = z_data['z_mean'] yield s, e, data
[docs]class TXModeLensSelector(TXBaseLensSelector): name = "TXModeLensSelector" inputs = [ ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ('lens_photoz_pdfs', HDFFile), ] def data_iterator(self): chunk_rows = self.config['chunk_rows'] phot_cols = ['mag_i','mag_r','mag_g'] z_cols = ['z_mode'] iter_phot = self.iterate_hdf('photometry_catalog', 'photometry', phot_cols, chunk_rows) iter_pz = self.iterate_hdf('lens_photoz_pdfs', 'point_estimates', z_cols, chunk_rows) for (s, e, data), (_, _, z_data) in zip(iter_phot, iter_pz): data['z'] = z_data['z_mode'] yield s, e, data
[docs]class TXLensCatalogSplitter(PipelineStage): """ Split a lens catalog file into a new file with separate bins. """ name='TXLensCatalogSplitter' inputs = [ ('lens_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ] outputs = [ ("binned_lens_catalog", HDFFile), ] config_options = { "initial_size": 100_000, "chunk_rows": 100_000, } lens_cat_tag = "photometry_catalog" lens_cat_sec = "photometry" def run(self): with self.open_input("lens_tomography_catalog") as f: nbin = f["tomography"].attrs["nbin_lens"] counts = f["tomography/lens_counts"][:] count2d = f["tomography/lens_counts_2d"][:] cols = ["ra", "dec", "weight"] # Object we use to make the separate lens bins catalog cat_output = self.open_output("binned_lens_catalog", parallel=True) cat_group = cat_output.create_group("lens") cat_group.attrs['nbin'] = len(counts) cat_group.attrs['nbin_lens'] = len(counts) bins = {b:c for b,c in enumerate(counts)} bins["all"] = count2d splitter = Splitter(cat_group, "bin", cols, bins) my_bins = list(self.split_tasks_by_rank(bins)) if my_bins: my_bins_text = ", ".join(str(x) for x in my_bins) print(f"Process {self.rank} collating bins: [{my_bins_text}]") else: print(f"Note: Process {self.rank} will not do anything.") it = self.combined_iterators( self.config["chunk_rows"], # first file "lens_tomography_catalog", "tomography", ["lens_bin", "lens_weight"], # second file self.lens_cat_tag, self.lens_cat_sec, ["ra", "dec"], parallel=False, ) for s, e, data in it: if self.rank == 0: print(f"Process 0 binning data in range {s:,} - {e:,}") data["weight"] = data["lens_weight"] for b in my_bins: if b == "all": w = np.where(data["lens_bin"] >= 0) else: w = np.where(data["lens_bin"] == b) d = {name: col[w] for name, col in data.items()} splitter.write_bin(d, b) splitter.finish(my_bins) cat_output.close()
[docs]class TXExternalLensCatalogSplitter(TXLensCatalogSplitter): name = "TXExternalLensCatalogSplitter" """ Split an external lens catalog into bins """ inputs = [ ('lens_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ('lens_catalog', HDFFile), ] lens_cat_tag = "lens_catalog" lens_cat_sec = "lens"
if __name__ == '__main__': PipelineStage.main()