Lens selector

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXBaseLensSelector(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

This pipeline stage selects objects to be used as the lens sample for the galaxy clustering and shear-position calibrations.


Run the analysis for this stage.

  • Collect the list of columns to read

  • Create iterators to read chunks of those columns

  • Loop through chunks:
    • select objects for each bin

    • write them out

    • accumulate selection bias values

  • Average the selection biases

  • Write out biases and close the output


Photometry cuts based on the BOSS Galaxy Target Selection: http://www.sdss3.org/dr9/algorithms/boss_galaxy_ts.php


Set up the output data file.

Creates the data sets and groups to put module output in the tomography_catalog output file.

write_global_values(outfile, number_density_stats)[source]

Write out overall selection biases


outfile (h5py.File) –

write_tomography(outfile, start, end, lens_bin)[source]

Write out a chunk of tomography and response.

  • outfile (h5py.File) –

  • start (int) – The index into the output this chunk starts at

  • end (int) – The index into the output this chunk ends at

  • tomo_bin (array of shape (nrow,)) – The bin index for each output object

  • R (array of shape (nrow,2,2)) – Multiplicative bias calibration factor for each object

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXExternalLensCatalogSplitter(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

name = 'TXExternalLensCatalogSplitter'

Split an external lens catalog into bins

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXLensCatalogSplitter(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

Split a lens catalog file into a new file with separate bins.

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXMeanLensSelector(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXModeLensSelector(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

class txpipe.lens_selector.TXTruthLensSelector(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.