Source code for txpipe.photoz_stack

from .base_stage import PipelineStage
from .data_types import PhotozPDFFile, TomographyCatalog, HDFFile, PNGFile, NOfZFile
from .utils.mpi_utils import in_place_reduce
import numpy as np
import warnings

class Stack:
    def __init__(self, name, z, nbin):
        Create an n(z) stacker

        name: str
            Name of the stack, for when we save it
        z: array
            redshift edges array
        nbin: int
            number of tomographic bins
        """ = name
        self.z = z
        self.nbin = nbin = z.size
        self.stack = np.zeros((nbin, z.size))
        self.counts = np.zeros(nbin)

    def add_pdfs(self, bins, pdfs):
        Add a set of PDFs to the stack, per tomographic bin

        bins: array[int]
            The tomographic bin for each object
        pdfs: 2d array[float]
            The p(z) per object
        for b in range(self.nbin):
            w = np.where(bins==b)
            self.stack[b] += pdfs[w].sum(axis=0)
            self.counts[b] += w[0].size

    def add_delta_function(self, bins, z):
        Add a set of objects to the stack whose redshift
        is known perfectly

        bins: array[int]
            The tomographic bin for each object
        z: array[float]
            The redshift per object
        # here self.z are the edges of the bins the nz will have. 
        stack_bin = np.digitize(z, self.z)
        for b in range(self.nbin):
            w = np.where(bins==b)
            stack_bin_b = stack_bin[w]
            for i in stack_bin_b:
                if 0 <= i <
                    # digitize returns numbers between 1 and len(self.z)-1
                    # that is why we need to subtract 1 here, since the
                    # minimum value of i will be 1. 
                    self.stack[b][i-1] += 1
                    self.counts[b] += 1

    def save(self, outfile, comm=None):
        Write this stack to a new group in the output file.
        Collect the stack from all processors if comm is provided

        outfile: h5py.File
            Output file, already open

        comm: mpi4py communicator
            Optional, default=0
        # stack the results from different comms
        if comm is not None:
            in_place_reduce(self.stack, comm)
            in_place_reduce(self.counts, comm)

            # only root saves output
            if comm.Get_rank() != 0:

        # normalize each n(z)
        for b in range(self.nbin):
            if self.counts[b] > 0:
                self.stack[b] /= self.counts[b]

        # Create a group inside for the n_of_z data we made here.
        group = outfile.create_group(f"n_of_z/{}")

        # HDF has "attributes" which are for small metadata like this
        group.attrs["nbin"] = self.nbin
        group.attrs["nz"] = len(self.z)

        # Save the redshift sampling. Adding half a bin here to save the mean z.
        # remove the last item when converting from edges to mean.
        group.create_dataset("z", data=self.z[:-1]+(self.z[2]-self.z[1])/2.)
        # And all the bins separately
        for b in range(self.nbin):
            group.attrs[f"count_{b}"] = self.counts[b]
            # remove the last item
            group.create_dataset(f"bin_{b}", data=self.stack[b][:-1])

[docs]class TXPhotozSourceStack(PipelineStage): """ Naively stack photo-z PDFs in bins according to previous selections. This parent class does only the source bins. """ name = "TXPhotozSourceStack" inputs = [ ('source_photoz_pdfs', PhotozPDFFile), ('shear_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ] outputs = [ ('shear_photoz_stack', NOfZFile), ] config_options = { 'chunk_rows': 5000, # number of rows to read at once }
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the analysis for this stage. - Get metadata and allocate space for output - Set up iterators to loop through tomography and PDF input files - Accumulate the PDFs for each object in each bin - Divide by the counts to get the stacked PDF """ # Create the stack objects outputs = self.prepare_outputs('source') warnings.warn("WEIGHTS/RESPONSE ARE NOT CURRENTLY INCLUDED CORRECTLY in PZ STACKING") # So we just do a single loop through the pair of files. for (s, e, data) in self.data_iterator(): # Feed back on our progress print(f"Process {self.rank} read data chunk {s:,} - {e:,}") # Add data to the stacks self.stack_data('source', data, outputs) # Save the stacks self.write_outputs("shear_photoz_stack", outputs)
def prepare_outputs(self, name): z, nbin_source = self.get_metadata() # For this class we do two stacks, and main one and a 2d one stack = Stack(name, z, nbin_source) stack2d = Stack(f'{name}2d', z, 1) return stack, stack2d def data_iterator(self): # This collects together matching inputs from the different # input files and returns an iterator to them which yields # start, end, data return self.combined_iterators( self.config['chunk_rows'], 'source_photoz_pdfs', # tag of input file to iterate through 'pdf', # data group within file to look at ['pdf'], # column(s) to read 'shear_tomography_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'tomography', # data group within file to look at ['source_bin'], # column(s) to read ) def stack_data(self, name, data, outputs): # add the data we have loaded into the stacks stack, stack2d = outputs stack.add_pdfs(data[f'{name}_bin'], data['pdf']) # -1 indicates no selection. For the non-tomo 2d case # we just say anything that is >=0 is set to bin zero, like this bin2d = data[f'{name}_bin'].clip(-1, 0) stack2d.add_pdfs(bin2d, data['pdf']) def write_outputs(self, tag, outputs): stack, stack2d = outputs # only the root process opens the file. # The others don't use that so we have to # give them something in place # (i.e. inside the save method the non-root procs # will not reference the first arg) if self.rank == 0: f = self.open_output(tag), self.comm), self.comm) f.close() else:, self.comm), self.comm)
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Load the z column and the number of bins Returns ------- z: array Redshift column for photo-z PDFs nbin: Number of different redshift bins to split into. """ # It's a bit odd but we will just get this from the file and # then close it again, because we're going to use the # built-in iterator method to get the rest of the data # open_input is a method defined on the superclass. # it knows about different file formats (pdf, fits, etc) with self.open_input('source_photoz_pdfs') as photoz_file: # This is the syntax for reading a complete HDF column z = photoz_file['pdf/zgrid'][:] # Save again but for the number of bins in the tomography catalog with self.open_input('shear_tomography_catalog') as tomo_file: nbin_source = tomo_file['tomography'].attrs['nbin_source'] return z, nbin_source
[docs]class TXPhotozLensStack(TXPhotozSourceStack): """ Naively stack photo-z PDFs in bins according to previous selections. This parent class does only the source bins. """ name = "TXPhotozLensStack" inputs = [ ('lens_photoz_pdfs', PhotozPDFFile), ('lens_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ] outputs = [ ('lens_photoz_stack', NOfZFile), ] config_options = { 'chunk_rows': 5000, # number of rows to read at once }
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the analysis for this stage. - Get metadata and allocate space for output - Set up iterators to loop through tomography and PDF input files - Accumulate the PDFs for each object in each bin - Divide by the counts to get the stacked PDF """ # Create the stack objects outputs = self.prepare_outputs('lens') warnings.warn("WEIGHTS/RESPONSE ARE NOT CURRENTLY INCLUDED CORRECTLY in PZ STACKING") # So we just do a single loop through the pair of files. for (s, e, data) in self.data_iterator(): # Feed back on our progress print(f"Process {self.rank} read data chunk {s:,} - {e:,}") # Add data to the stacks self.stack_data('lens', data, outputs) # Save the stacks self.write_outputs("lens_photoz_stack", outputs)
def data_iterator(self): # This collects together matching inputs from the different # input files and returns an iterator to them which yields # start, end, data return self.combined_iterators( self.config['chunk_rows'], 'lens_photoz_pdfs', # tag of input file to iterate through 'pdf', # data group within file to look at ['pdf'], # column(s) to read 'lens_tomography_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'tomography', # data group within file to look at ['lens_bin'], # column(s) to read )
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Load the z column and the number of bins Returns ------- z: array Redshift column for photo-z PDFs nbin: Number of different redshift bins to split into. """ # It's a bit odd but we will just get this from the file and # then close it again, because we're going to use the # built-in iterator method to get the rest of the data # open_input is a method defined on the superclass. # it knows about different file formats (pdf, fits, etc) with self.open_input('lens_photoz_pdfs') as photoz_file: # This is the syntax for reading a complete HDF column z = photoz_file['pdf/zgrid'][:] # Save again but for the number of bins in the tomography catalog with self.open_input('lens_tomography_catalog') as tomo_file: nbin_lens = tomo_file['tomography'].attrs['nbin_lens'] return z, nbin_lens
[docs]class TXPhotozPlots(PipelineStage): """ Make n(z) plots """ name = "TXPhotozPlots" inputs = [ ('shear_photoz_stack', NOfZFile), ('lens_photoz_stack', NOfZFile) ] outputs = [ ('nz_lens', PNGFile), ('nz_source', PNGFile), ] config_options = { } def run(self): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f = self.open_input('lens_photoz_stack', wrapper=True) out1 = self.open_output('nz_lens', wrapper=True) f.plot('lens') plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("Lens n(z)") plt.xlim(xmin=0) out1.close() f = self.open_input('shear_photoz_stack', wrapper=True) out2 = self.open_output('nz_source', wrapper=True) f.plot('source') plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("Source n(z)") plt.xlim(xmin=0) out2.close()
[docs]class TXSourceTrueNumberDensity(TXPhotozSourceStack): """ Fake an n(z) by histogramming the true redshift values for each object. Uses the same method as its parent but loads the data differently and uses the truth redshift as a delta function PDF """ name = "TXSourceTrueNumberDensity" inputs = [ ('shear_catalog', HDFFile), ('shear_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ] outputs = [ ('shear_photoz_stack', NOfZFile), ] config_options = { 'chunk_rows': 5000, # number of rows to read at once 'zmax': float, 'nz': int, } def data_iterator(self): return self.combined_iterators( self.config['chunk_rows'], 'shear_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'shear', # data group within file to look at ['redshift_true'], # column(s) to read 'shear_tomography_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'tomography', # data group within file to look at ['source_bin'], # column(s) to read ) def stack_data(self, name, data, outputs): stack, stack2d = outputs stack.add_delta_function(data[f'{name}_bin'], data['redshift_true']) bin2d = data[f'{name}_bin'].clip(-1, 0) stack2d.add_delta_function(bin2d, data['redshift_true'])
[docs] def get_metadata(self): # Check we are running on a photo file with redshift_true with self.open_input("shear_catalog") as photo_file: has_z = 'redshift_true' in photo_file['shear'].keys() if not has_z: msg = ("The photometry_catalog file you supplied does not have a redshift_true column. " "If you're running on sims you need to make sure to ingest that column from GCR. " "If you're running on real data then sadly this isn't going to work. " "Use a different stacking stage." ) raise ValueError(msg) zmax = self.config['zmax'] nz = self.config['nz'] z = np.linspace(0, zmax, nz) shear_tomo_file = self.open_input('shear_tomography_catalog') nbin_source = shear_tomo_file['tomography'].attrs['nbin_source'] shear_tomo_file.close() return z, nbin_source
[docs]class TXLensTrueNumberDensity(TXPhotozLensStack, TXSourceTrueNumberDensity): name = "TXLensTrueNumberDensity" inputs = [ ('photometry_catalog', HDFFile), ('lens_tomography_catalog', TomographyCatalog), ] outputs = [ ('lens_photoz_stack', NOfZFile), ] config_options = { 'chunk_rows': 5000, # number of rows to read at once 'zmax': float, 'nz': int, } def data_iterator(self): # This collects together matching inputs from the different # input files and returns an iterator to them which yields # start, end, data return self.combined_iterators( self.config['chunk_rows'], 'photometry_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'photometry', # data group within file to look at ['redshift_true'], # column(s) to read 'lens_tomography_catalog', # tag of input file to iterate through 'tomography', # data group within file to look at ['lens_bin'], # column(s) to read )
[docs] def get_metadata(self): zmax = self.config['zmax'] nz = self.config['nz'] z = np.linspace(0, zmax, nz) # Save again but for the number of bins in the tomography catalog with self.open_input('lens_tomography_catalog') as tomo_file: nbin_lens = tomo_file['tomography'].attrs['nbin_lens'] return z, nbin_lens