
class txpipe.photoz_stack.TXLensTrueNumberDensity(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.


Load the z column and the number of bins


  • z (array) – Redshift column for photo-z PDFs

  • nbin – Number of different redshift bins to split into.

class txpipe.photoz_stack.TXPhotozLensStack(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

Naively stack photo-z PDFs in bins according to previous selections.

This parent class does only the source bins.


Load the z column and the number of bins


  • z (array) – Redshift column for photo-z PDFs

  • nbin – Number of different redshift bins to split into.


Run the analysis for this stage.

  • Get metadata and allocate space for output

  • Set up iterators to loop through tomography and PDF input files

  • Accumulate the PDFs for each object in each bin

  • Divide by the counts to get the stacked PDF

class txpipe.photoz_stack.TXPhotozPlots(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

Make n(z) plots

class txpipe.photoz_stack.TXPhotozSourceStack(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

Naively stack photo-z PDFs in bins according to previous selections.

This parent class does only the source bins.


Load the z column and the number of bins


  • z (array) – Redshift column for photo-z PDFs

  • nbin – Number of different redshift bins to split into.


Run the analysis for this stage.

  • Get metadata and allocate space for output

  • Set up iterators to loop through tomography and PDF input files

  • Accumulate the PDFs for each object in each bin

  • Divide by the counts to get the stacked PDF

class txpipe.photoz_stack.TXSourceTrueNumberDensity(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ceci.

Fake an n(z) by histogramming the true redshift values for each object. Uses the same method as its parent but loads the data differently and uses the truth redshift as a delta function PDF


Load the z column and the number of bins


  • z (array) – Redshift column for photo-z PDFs

  • nbin – Number of different redshift bins to split into.