The Rubin Optical System


This section will explain how to control the optical system through batoid along with examples for YAML file input. Basic introduction to batoid concepts would also be appropriate.

Controlling Optical Perturbations

Examples of perturbations dicts (for this documentation we should convert this to YAML file)

# Shift M2 in x and y by 1 mm
    {'M2': {'shift': [1e-3, 1e-3, 0.0]}}

# Rotate M3 about the local x axis by 1 arcmin
    {'M3': {'rotX': 1*galim.arcmin}}

# Apply 1 micron of the Z6 Zernike aberration to M1
# using list of coefficients indexed by Noll index (starting at 0).
    {'M1': {'Zernike': {'coef': [0.0]*6+[1e-6]}}}
# or specify Noll index and value
    {'M1': {'Zernike': {'idx': 6, 'val': 1e-6}}}

# Apply 1 micron of Z6 and 2 microns of Z4 to M1
    {'M1': {'Zernike': {'coef': [0.0]*4 + [2e-6], 0.0, 1e-6]}}}
# or
    {'M1': {'Zernike': {'idx': [4, 6], 'val': [2e-6, 1e-6]}}}

# By default, Zernike inner and outer radii are inferred from the
# optic's obscuration, but you can also manually override them.
    {'M1': {
        'Zernike': {
            'coef': [0.0]*4+[2e-6, 0.0, 1e-6],
            'R_outer': 4.18,
            'R_inner': 2.558

# You can specify multiple perturbations in a single dict
        'M2': {'shift':[1e-3, 1e-3, 0.0]},
        'M3': {'rotX':1*galim.arcmin}

# The telescope loader will preserve the order of multiple perturbations,
# but to help disambiguate non-commuting perturbations, you can also use a
# list:
        {'M3': {'rotX':1*galim.arcmin}},  # X-rot is applied first
        {'M3': {'rotY':1*galim.arcmin}}

# is the same as
        {'M3': {

Specifying FEA parameters

Examples of fea config dicts

# Set M1M3 gravitational perturbations.  This requires a zenith angle
# be supplied.
    zenith: 30 deg

# Set M1M3 temperature induced figure perturbations.  This requires
# the bulk temperature and 4 temperature gradients be supplied.
    m1m3_TBulk: 0.1  # Celsius
    m1m3_TxGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter
    m1m3_TyGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter
    m1m3_TzGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter
    m1m3_TrGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter

# Engage M1M3 lookup table.  Requires zenith angle and optionally a
# fractional random error to apply to each force actuator.
    zenith: 39 deg
    error: 0.01  # fractional random error to apply to each actuator
    seed: 1  # random seed for error above

# Set M2 gravitational perturbations.  Requires zenith angle.
    zenith: 30 deg

# Set M2 temperature gradient induced figure errors.  Requires 2 temperature
# gradients (in the z and radial directions).
    m2_TzGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter
    m2_TrGrad: 0.01  # Celsius/meter

# Set camera gravitational perturbations.  Requires zenith angle and camera
# rotator angle.
    zenith: 30 deg
    rotation: -25 deg

# Set camera temperature-induced perturbations.  Requires the bulk
# temperature of the camera.
    camera_TBulk: 0.1  # Celsius

# Set the Active Optics degrees of freedom.  There are 50 baseline degrees
# of freedom, so we won't copy them all here, but you can imagine a list of
# 50 floats as the specifications for each degree of freedom.
    dof: list-of-50-floats