Features Implemented in imSim

These summary tables should give a high level overview of effects that have been implemented in imSim. For detailed information please see the linked sub-pages, code, or appropriate reference.

Go directly to: Sensors - Sky - Throughputs - Atmospheric PSF - Optics - Calibration Products

Sensor Effects

This table is a list of sensor effects in imSim along with pointers to the techniques used to implement them, and the internal validation tests that have been performed.



Data / Model Source

Short description

Validation Page and Notebooks

Brighter Fatter

GalSim Feature (Silicon.cpp)

Linear scaling of pixel edge vertices displacement derived with Poisson Solver. Pre-computed solutions available for both E2V and ITL sensors, with both 8 and 32 vertices per edge.

GalSim reads in vertex data from full electrostatic Poisson solver, scales them linearly with collected charges, and co-adds the effects from all pixels iteratively while collecting the image.

Effect: Brighter-Fatter


GalSim Feature (sensor.py / Silicon.cpp)

Diffusion Parameters estimated from first principles and validated with Fe55

GalSim applies random Gaussian displacement for every photon using temperature and voltage dependent amplitude, See page link

Effect: Diffusion

Tree Rings

GalSim Feature (Silicon.cpp) / imSim configuration (tree_rings.py)

Analytic model is used to pre-compute 189 unique sensor models with randomized parameters empirically based on BNL acquired data.

Radial displacement profile is modelled as a sum of 40 sinusoids modulated by a power law function.

Effect: Tree rings



Camera Integration and Testing

Noise Rate


Camera Integration and Testing



Camera Integration and Testing

Crosstalk values are read from obs_lsst camera discription

Hot Pixels/Rows

being implemented

Camera Integration and Testing


being implemented

Sensor Testing and electromagnetic model

Please see: https://inspirehep.net/literature/2183279

Cosmic Rays

cosmic_rays.py: ~10K cosmic are randomly added to the exposures.

Template data taken from ITL test stands at UofA. We should remeasure on summit.

Edge rolloff

Not yet


bleed_trails.py called from readout.py

Test stand at Davis. Specialized bleed runs.

Sky Model

imSim uses the Rubin project sky model. It is called sims_skybrightness and is located in the rubin-sims package which is an imSim dependency.



Data / Model Source

Short description

Validation Page and Notebooks

Sky Background

See here

Based on the ESO sky brightness model and all-sky camera data from LSST site for twilight sky.

The model includes light from twilight (scattered sunlight), zodiacal light (scattered sunlight from SS dust), scattered moonlight, airglow, and emission lines from the upper and lower atmosphere. The model can return SEDs or magnitude per sq arcsec in LSST filters.

Validation plots can be found in the SPIE paper. Note the model does not include any “weather” (e.g., clouds, variable OH emission). There is an option to change the solar activity, which scales the airglow component.

System Throughputs

All of the system throughputs are recorded in the throughputs baseline. This information is copied from the System Engineering database. More information can be found in the README file. In that directory you can find a graphical representation of the total throughput along with datafile representing each component and the total throughput. The file representing each throughput curve is referenced below.



Data / Model Source

Short description

Validation Page and Notebooks

Camera QE and AR


SysEngineering 1.7

Expected response (QE response + AR coatings) of the CCDs. Currently, these numbers are joint minimums of the responses of the two vendor’s sensors (e2V and ITL).



SysEngineering 1.7

Combination of fused silicon and BroadBand AntiReflective (BBAR) coatings



SysEngineering 1.7

Filter throughput in each band. We expect an update with as-built numbers soon.



SysEngineering 1.7

Reflectivity curve for each mirror


atmosphere_std.dat and atmosphere_10.dat

SysEngineering 1.7

MODTRAN based standard US atmosphere with Aerosols added.

Both typical (standard) throughput with airmass X=1.2 and optimum X=1.0 files are provided



SysEngineering 1.7

The total throughput by band


The hardware[u,g,r,i,z,y].dat files contain everything except atmospheric effects. Multiplying those with the atmosphere results in a total throughput curve. Atmospheric throughputs for a large set of atmospheres can be found in https://github.com/lsst/throughputs/tree/main/atmos.

Atmospheric PSF model


To be added. See the atmospheric psf config section on how to configure the atmosphere and in https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4365/abd62c for a description of the model.

Optical model

You have a choice of parametric of fully raytraced optics via batoid.



Data / Model Source

Short description

Validation Page and Notebooks



Either emergent for raytraced objects or via a function for those produced via FFT. The sky backround is vignetted via a function.


Not currently possible. Planned in the next version of imSim when the abilty to handle raytraced light across multiple sensors being processed in parallel will be updated.

Spider Diffraction Spikes

diffraction.py, diffraction_fft.py photon_ops.py

Statistical Diffraction during batoid ray tracing or parametric model with FFT.

Page link Effect: Diffraction

Aberrated optics

optical_system.py telescope_loader.py

Either a parametric model built around a sensitivity matrix, or a fully raytraced optical model with FEA and pertubation controls using several degrees of freedom including bending modes and physical actuators.

Page link Effect: Abberated Optics for the parametric case The Rubin Optical System for the raytraced case.

Calibration Products


To be added. Description of flats, darks etc need to be added.

Detailed Description of Physical Effects Implemented in imSim

Several of the effects listed above have detailed pages descrubing how the model was constructed and what data was used.