Effect: Diffraction
When entering the pupil plane, photons will be diffracted by edges in the pupil mask, including the inner and outer edges of the primary mirror and by the struts of the spider. The spider in particular leads to spikes in the image.
Contact person(s) if any:
Gerhard Bräunlich, Josh Meyers
Reference Material:
Coffey, Mahan, 1999 - Investigation Of Next-generation Earth Radiation Budget Radiometry: Descripion of statistical 1-D diffraction.
Data Provenance:
Model Details:
Raytracing Mode
Coffey, Mahan describe a statistical approach of photons diffracted by entering a slit of thickness \(a\). The heuristic is motivated by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle applied to the two variables \(\delta\) and \(\Delta p_y\), where \(\delta\) denotes the distance from the point of entry to the aperture edge and \(\Delta p_y\) the uncertainty of the photon’s momentum in the direction perpendicular to the slit.
Using this heuristic, the authors derive a model where photons are diffracted by assigning to the photons new momenta \(\Delta p_y\) such that the statistical distribution of the diffraction angles \(\phi_d\) is given by
where \(k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\) and
In their thesis, the authors compared 4 different treatments of the distance \(\delta\):
Sum the resulting angles \(\phi_d\) over edges (upper / lower),
Duplicate ray on entrance, neglect one of the 2 edges for each ray,
\(\delta := \min(\delta_+, \delta_-)\),
\(\delta := \max(\delta_+, \delta_-)\),
Their conclusion is: sum approach is best.
Generalization to 2D apertures
For the purpose of the diffraction caused by the spider, we extend the above model from a rectangular aperture to a 2 dimensional aperture resulting from combining circles and rectangles using geometric boolean operations.
For a photon entering the pupil plane at \(\boldsymbol{r} = (x,y)\), we define \(\delta = \delta(\boldsymbol{r})\) to be its distance to the boundary \(\partial A\) of the aperture \(A\).
This essentially corresponds to the variant \(\delta := \min(\delta_+, \delta_-)\) in the original description.
Moreover instead of varying \(p_y\), we modify \(\boldsymbol{p} = (p_x, p_y, p_z)\) in the direction of the normal \(\boldsymbol{n} \perp \partial A\) at the point minimizing the distance of \(\boldsymbol{r}\) to \(\partial A\).
Field rotation
When tracking a star with the telescope, the effect of field rotation is addressed by rotating the camera. However rotating the spider is not possible. As a result, the spider appears to rotate relative to the picture.
In the simulation, this is implemented as follows. Let \(\Delta \boldsymbol{p}(\boldsymbol{r}) = (\Delta p_x, \Delta p_y, \Delta p_z)\) be the change in momentum of a photon caused by the diffraction by the spider at field rotation angle \(\alpha = 0\) for a photon entering the pupil plane at \(\boldsymbol{r} = (x, y)\). Then, the change in momentum for the same photon, but for \(\alpha \neq 0\) is given by
Field rotation angle
In a non-rotating reference system outside earth, let \(\boldsymbol{e}_*\) be a star on the celstial sphere and \(\boldsymbol{e}_r(t)\) be the unit vector pointing to zenith on some location on earth, at latitute \(\mathrm{lat}\). If \(\omega\) is the rotation rate of earth and \(R_\phi\) denotes the rotation operator rotating around the earth axis with angle \(\phi\), then \(\boldsymbol{e}_r(t) = R_{\omega t} \boldsymbol{e}_r(0)\).
Earth-centered inertial, with \(\boldsymbol{e}_*\) fixed on the celestial sphere and rotating \(\boldsymbol{e}_r(t)\) (observers direction to zenith).
Then the “horizontal” direction \(\boldsymbol{e}_h(t)\) as observed from the given location on the earth through the star is given by
The field rotation angle \(\alpha(t)\) at time \(t\) relative to \(t=0\) corresponds to the angle between \(\boldsymbol{e}_h(0)\) and \(\boldsymbol{e}_h(t)\):
To also preserve the sign, instead of taking the length of the cross product, we also can project the cross product to its own direction which is \(\boldsymbol{e}_*\) (both \(\boldsymbol{e}_h(t)\) and \(\boldsymbol{e}_h(0)\) are tangent vectors at \(\boldsymbol{e}_*\)):
Field rotation rate
The form (2) is convenient to derive the equation [1]
\(\boldsymbol{e}_\theta\), \(\boldsymbol{e}_\phi\) being the unit surface directions on earth pointing to north, east respectively.
Equatorial coordinate system
In imsim, we use an equatorial coordinate system to compute the field rotation: * \(\boldsymbol{e}_z\): Earth axis, * \(\boldsymbol{e}_x\): Location of observer projected to the equatorial plane, * \(\boldsymbol{e}_x\): Orthonormal complement of \(\boldsymbol{e}_x\) and \(\boldsymbol{e}_z\).
There, we have:
where \(\boldsymbol{e}_E = (0, 1, 0)\) and \(\boldsymbol{e}_N = \boldsymbol{e}_r(0) \times \boldsymbol{e}_E\).
FFT Mode
Conceptually, to model diffraction in FFT mode, the image is
convolved with the PSF of the diffraction effect. This is implemented
by convolving the pattern for a single pixel with a subset of
the pixels in the image.
For each object a region of saturated pixels
(brightness >= brightness_threshold
) is identified. For
performance reasons, the convolution is only applied to this region.
Diffraction PSF for zero exposure time
The radial brightness distribution \(\rho(r)\) of the PSF is obtained by a fit to data generated by the raytracing approach for one reference wavelenght \(\lambda_{\mathrm{ref}}\). Due to the constraints
a Lorentzian is chosen for the fit and is determined up to one degree of freedom (\(R_0\)):
The PSF for zero exposure time (no field rotation) is then defined as the sum of 2 \(\delta\) functions along the coordinate axes (forming a cross) multiplied by the radial distribution:
Before being rendered and convolved, a rotation corresponding to
is applied.
Diffraction PSF for non-zero exposure time
The above calculation neglects the rotation of the field relative to the spiders. In order to account for the rotational effects for exposures of finite length, we integrate rotated copies of \(PSF_{\alpha=0}\) over the time interval of exposure. Here, we neglect the time dependence of the rotation rate of the field and instead assume a constant rotation rate.
Let \(\alpha\) be the total field rotation angle during the exposure interval. The PSF for diffraction with non zero exposure time is then given by
The factor \(1/r\) arrises due to a coordinate transformation \(s = r\cos(\varphi - \theta)\), \(s = r\sin(\varphi - \theta)\) respectively (the arguments of the \(\delta\) functions).
Rendering the PSF
To render the PSF, we approximate a pixel of size \(d \times d\), centered at \((x, y)\) with \(r_{\textrm{pix}} := \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\), by an “angular pixel”:
where \(\Delta\theta_{\textrm{pix}}(r)\) is chosen such that the arclength \(r \Delta\theta_{\textrm{pix}}(r)\) is \(d\). Note that when \(\alpha < d/r_{\textrm{pix}}\), the pixel will not receive the full dose and the angular range will be cut off:
The value of a pixel with \(0 \leq \theta(x,y)\ \mathrm{mod}\ \frac{\pi}{2} \leq \alpha\) is set to
Wavelength dependence
In order to approximately account for the effect of wavelength dependence in the diffractions we scale the above equations in each pass band as:
where \(\lambda\) is taken to be the effective wavelength of the bandpass currently in use.
Validation Criteria:
Validation Results:
Relevant Project Team for input if any:
Release and approval log:
09/15/2022 - Initial version - Gerhard Bräunlich, Josh Meyers
11/10/2022 - Add field rotation to the spikes - Gerhard Bräunlich
04/03/2023 - Optimize algorithms - Gerhard Bräunlich
06/29/2023 - FFT mode - Gerhard Bräunlich