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Welcome to surveycodex

surveycodex is a tiny package containing useful parameters from main galaxy surveys (with units).

The goal of this project is to provide a Python library with minimal dependencies that centralises galaxy survey properties with adequate reference. Such information tends to be scattered in many places or is often copy/pasted without all of the relevant information like units or sources.

Command line interface

Pretty print the available surveys and associated filters in the terminal



  • -s <survey>: print information for a given survey
  • --refs: print the source for each parameter
  • --rich: use pretty printing for the terminal (needs the rich library installed)
  • -h, --help: get help


surveycodex -s LSST         # LSST info
surveycodex --refs          # all surveys info with refs
surveycodex --refs -s HSC   # HSC info with refs
surveycodex -s LSST --rich  # pretty print rich terminal output for LSST survey info


python -m pip install -U surveycodex

Optional installation


To run the Python scripts from the script folder, use the extra install

python -m pip install -U surveycodex[scripts]


The developer tools needed to perform tests and linting and compile the docs locally can be installed with

python -m pip install -U surveycodex[dev]

Rich display (new in v1.1)

For a better terminal experience, install the rich library and use it together with the --rich option from surveycodex

python -m pip install rich