Data Registry CLI Cheat Sheet


CLI Name: dregs
Version: 1.1.0
Date: February 2025
Description: A command-line tool for querying and managing datasets in a data registry.

Main Commands



dregs show

Show some properties

dregs ls

List your entries in the data registry

dregs modify

Modify an entry in the database

dregs register

Register a new entry to the database

dregs delete

Delete an entry in the database

🟦 Querying from the Command Line 🟦

Listing Datasets

The dregs ls command lists all datasets in the connected namespace owned by the current user ($USER). Note only columns from the dataset table are returned.



dregs ls

List all datasets owned by the current user.

dregs ls --owner none

List all datasets in the namespace.

dregs ls --owner user123

List datasets owned by user123.

Selecting Specific Columns



dregs ls --return_cols name version owner

Show only specified columns.

Limiting Rows and Characters



dregs ls --max_rows 100

Limit output to 100 rows.

dregs ls --max_chars 20

Limit column width to 20 characters.

Filtering by Keyword



dregs ls --keyword science

Filter datasets by the keyword science.

🟩 Registering a Dataset 🟩

Adding a New Dataset

To register a new dataset, use the following command:

dregs register dataset my_dataset 1.0.0 \
    --old_location /path/to/data \
    --owner myowner \
    --owner_type group \
    --description "My first dataset in the registry"

Description of Options




The name to register the dataset under.


The version of the dataset following semantic versioning.

--old_location /path/to

The absolute path to the existing dataset location. Data will be copied to the root directory.

--owner myowner

The owner of the dataset.

--owner_type group

Specifies that the owner type is a group.

--description "My first dataset"

A human-readable description of the dataset.

Additional Properties

There are many other properties that can be set when registering a dataset. You can use:

dregs register dataset --help

to see all available options. We recommend being as detailed as possible when providing metadata.

🟨 Modifying a Dataset 🟨

Updating Dataset Information

To modify an existing dataset, use the following command:

dregs modify dataset 1234 \
    --column description \
    --new_value "Updated dataset description"

Description of Options




The dataset ID of the dataset to be modified.

--column description

Specifies which column in the dataset to modify.

--new_value "Updated dataset description"

The new value to set for the specified column.

Additional Properties

There are additional fields that can be modified. You can use:

dregs modify dataset --help

to see all available options.

🟥 Deleting a Dataset 🟥

Removing a Dataset

To delete a dataset, use the following command:

dregs delete dataset my_dataset 1.0.0 \
    --owner myowner \
    --owner_type group

Description of Options




The name of the dataset to be deleted.


The version of the dataset to be deleted.

--owner myowner

The owner of the dataset.

--owner_type group

Specifies that the owner is a group.


Deleting a dataset is irreversible. Ensure you have the correct details before running the command. To see additional deletion options, use:

dregs delete dataset --help