
Currently the DESC data registry software can only be used at NERSC (i.e., PerlMutter).

Main installation steps

When installing the dataregistry package, it is recommended to work within your own Conda or Python virtual environment.

Creating a Conda environment

You can make a new Conda environment via

module load conda/Mambaforge-22.11.1-4
conda create -p ./datareg_env psycopg2

where ./datareg_env is the path where the environment will be installed (change this as required). To activate the environment do

conda activate <path to your env>

Creating a Python venv

or, you can work within a Python virtual environment via

module load python/3.10
python3 -m venv ./datareg_env

where ./datareg_env is the path where the environment will be installed (change this as required). To activate the environment do

source <path to your env>/bin/activate

Note the specific version of Python used above (3.10) is only an example, the dataregistry package is supported on Python versions >3.7.

Installing the dataregistry package

Now we can install the DESC data registry software. First clone the GitHub repository

git clone

then, navigate to the dataregistry directory and install via pip using

python3 -m pip install .

You can test to see if the dataregistry package has installed successfully by typing

python3 -c "import dataregistry; print(dataregistry.__version__)"

If you see the current package version printed to the console, success!

Authenticating with the database

A one-time setup is required in order to authenticate with the DESC data registry database. This is done via a YAML configuration file which stores the connection information to the database, and a .pgpass file, which stores user credentials.

First, make a dataregistry configuration file. We recommend a file named ~/.config_reg_access stored in your $HOME directory, containing the entry

sqlalchemy.url : postgresql://

Then (if you don’t have one already), create a file named ~/.pgpass in your $HOME directory, and append the entry

# data registry db<password>

where <password> is provided on demand by the DESC data registry admins. As a final step, the .pgpass file must only be readable by you, which you can ensure by doing

chmod 600 .pgpass