The dregs
The DESC data registry also comes with a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool,
, which can perform some simple actions.
See the tutorials section for a demonstration of its usage.
The data registry CLI interface
usage: dregs [-h] {show,ls,modify,register,delete} ...
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
dregs delete
usage: dregs delete [-h] {dataset} ...
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
dregs delete dataset
usage: dregs delete dataset [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
[--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--site SITE]
[--schema SCHEMA] [--prod_schema PROD_SCHEMA]
- dataset_id
The dataset_id you wish to delete
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --config_file <config_file>
Location of data registry config file
- --root_dir <root_dir>
Location of the root_dir
- --site <site>
Get the root_dir through a pre-defined ‘site’
- --schema <schema>
Which working schema to connect to
- --prod_schema <prod_schema>
Which production schema to connect to
dregs ls
usage: dregs ls [-h] [--owner OWNER]
[--owner_type {user,group,production,project}] [--all]
[--extended] [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--max_chars MAX_CHARS]
[--keyword KEYWORD] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
[--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--site SITE] [--schema SCHEMA]
[--prod_schema PROD_SCHEMA]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --owner <owner>
List datasets for a given owner
- --owner_type {user,group,production,project}
List datasets for a given owner type
- --all
List all datasets
- --extended
List more properties than the default
- --max_rows <max_rows>
Maximum number of rows to print (default 500)
- --max_chars <max_chars>
Maximum number of characters to print in a column (default 40)
- --keyword <keyword>
Keyword to filter by
- --config_file <config_file>
Location of data registry config file
- --root_dir <root_dir>
Location of the root_dir
- --site <site>
Get the root_dir through a pre-defined ‘site’
- --schema <schema>
Which working schema to connect to
- --prod_schema <prod_schema>
Which production schema to connect to
dregs modify
usage: dregs modify [-h] {dataset} ...
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
dregs modify dataset
usage: dregs modify dataset [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
[--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--site SITE]
[--schema SCHEMA] [--prod_schema PROD_SCHEMA]
dataset_id column new_value
- dataset_id
dataset_id of dataset to modify
- column
Column in the dataset table to modify
- new_value
Updated value
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --config_file <config_file>
Location of data registry config file
- --root_dir <root_dir>
Location of the root_dir
- --site <site>
Get the root_dir through a pre-defined ‘site’
- --schema <schema>
Which working schema to connect to
- --prod_schema <prod_schema>
Which production schema to connect to
dregs register
usage: dregs register [-h] {dataset} ...
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
dregs register dataset
usage: dregs register dataset [-h] [--relative_path RELATIVE_PATH]
[--creation_date CREATION_DATE]
[--access_api ACCESS_API] [--owner OWNER]
[--owner_type {user,group,project,production}]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--execution_id EXECUTION_ID]
[--location_type {dataregistry,external,meta_only,dummy}]
[--url URL] [--contact_email CONTACT_EMAIL]
[--old_location OLD_LOCATION]
[--execution_name EXECUTION_NAME]
[--execution_description EXECUTION_DESCRIPTION]
[--execution_start EXECUTION_START]
[--execution_site EXECUTION_SITE]
[--execution_configuration EXECUTION_CONFIGURATION]
[--input_datasets INPUT_DATASETS [INPUT_DATASETS ...]]
[--keywords KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS ...]]
[--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
[--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--site SITE]
[--schema SCHEMA] [--prod_schema PROD_SCHEMA]
name version
- name
Any convenient, evocative name for the human. Note the combination of name and version must be unique.
- version
Semantic version string of the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH or a specialflag “patch”, “minor” or “major”. When a special flag is used itautomatically bumps the relative version for you (see examples for moredetails).
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --relative_path <relative_path>
Relative path storing the data, relative to <root_dir>. If None, generated from the name and version_string
- --creation_date <creation_date>
Dataset creation date
- --access_api <access_api>
Describes the software that can read the dataset (e.g., ‘GCRCatalogs’, ‘skyCatalogs’)
- --owner <owner>
Owner of the dataset (defaults to $USER)
- --owner_type {user,group,project,production}
Datasets owner type, can be ‘user’, ‘group’, ‘project’ or ‘production’. (default=user)
- --description <description>
User provided human-readable description of the dataset
- --execution_id <execution_id>
Execution this dataset is linked to
- --is_overwritable
True means this dataset can be overwritten in the future
- --location_type {dataregistry,external,meta_only,dummy}
What is the physical location of the data? ‘dataregistry’ means the data is located within the <root_dir> and managed by the dataregistry. External means the data is not managed by the dataregistry, either because it is off-site or because it is stored outside <root_dir> therefore there is only a database entry (in this case a url or contact_email must be provided during registration). ‘meta_only’ is for a legitimate entry involving no actual data, but possibly referring to other entries which do directly reference managed data, as may happen for some GCRCatalogs entries, and ‘dummy’ is a dataset for internal testing purposes only. The data registry will only attempt to manage data created with this field set to ‘dataregistry’. (default=dataregistry)
- --url <url>
URL that points to the data (used in the case of external datasets, i.e., location_type=’external’).
- --contact_email <contact_email>
Contact information for someone regarding the dataset.
- --old_location <old_location>
Absolute location of dataset to copy. If None dataset should alreadybe at correct relative_path.
- --execution_name <execution_name>
Typically pipeline name or program name
- --execution_description <execution_description>
Human readible description of execution
- --execution_start <execution_start>
Date the execution started
- --execution_site <execution_site>
Where was the execution performed?
- --execution_configuration <execution_configuration>
Path to text file used to configure the execution
- --input_datasets <input_datasets>
List of dataset ids that were the input to this execution
- --keywords <keywords>
List of (predefined) keywords to tag dataset with
- --config_file <config_file>
Location of data registry config file
- --root_dir <root_dir>
Location of the root_dir
- --site <site>
Get the root_dir through a pre-defined ‘site’
- --schema <schema>
Which working schema to connect to
- --prod_schema <prod_schema>
Which production schema to connect to
dregs show
usage: dregs show [-h] {keywords} ...
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
dregs show keywords
usage: dregs show keywords [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
[--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--site SITE]
[--schema SCHEMA] [--prod_schema PROD_SCHEMA]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --config_file <config_file>
Location of data registry config file
- --root_dir <root_dir>
Location of the root_dir
- --site <site>
Get the root_dir through a pre-defined ‘site’
- --schema <schema>
Which working schema to connect to
- --prod_schema <prod_schema>
Which production schema to connect to