Notebook SummariesΒΆ

Several Jupyter notebooks are included with the project source code. These notebooks were initially written by the developers as a means to answer specific scientific questions, and provide a detailed record of the findings of their analysis. The notebooks also act as in depth usage examples for the snat_sim package. Pre-rendered versions of the more interesting notebooks are made available with this online documentation. A summary of those selected notebooks is provided below.

Notebook Name


LSST Filters

Demonstrates the LSST filter set and the fiducial LSST atmosphere.

Effective PWV on a Black Body

Demonstrates how atmospheric water vapor fundamentally impacts astronomical observations of a theoretical Black Body.

PWV effects on SN Magnitude

Demonstrates how atmospheric water vapor fundamentally impacts astronomical observations of a Type Ia Supernova.

PWV Modeling

Outlines an approach for modeling time variable precipitable water vapor using real world, GPS weather data taken by the SuomiNet project.

Simulating Light-Curves with a Cadence

Simulates Type Ia Supernova observations using realistic cadences and atmospheric variability expected from LSST.

Parameter Accuracy

Examines the accuracy of fitted parameters generated by the analysis pipeline.