Package Integrations

The snat_sim package is designed to automatically integrate with other Python packages commonly used in scientific research. This integration extends the functionality of various external packages and is performed automatically on import. A description of how snat_sim integrates with different packages is provided below. For a technical overview on the implementation of each integration, see the utils module documentation or follow one of the links below.


The pandas package is designed to support the manipulation of tabular data. In addition to providing an impressive collection of built-in data-analysis tools, the package also supports the implementation of custom accessors that can extend the capability of pandas objects. Importing the snat_sim package will automatically register custom accessors with the pandas package.

A summary of different groups of accessors is provided below, including links to detailed documentation of the accessible functions.

Time Series Utilities

Time series utilities are available for pandas.Series objects and are accessible via the tsu accessor name.


Linearly interpolate the series using periodic boundary conditions


Resample the series evenly from the beginning of the earliest year through the end of the latest year.


Return the supplemented subset of the series corresponding to a given year


The sncosmo package is used to analyze spectrophotometric observations of supernovae. The package includes a registry system that allows users to retrieve supernova models, filter profiles, and other information by name.

By default, the sncosmo package comes pre-packaged with a number of filter response curves from different astronomical surveys. The snat_sim package extends the number of available filter profiles by registering additional filters for the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). A summary of the registered filters is provided below:

Dark Energy Camera (DECam)

Registered Filter Name

Filter Description


DECam optical response curves


Fiducial atmosphere assumed for the optical response curves


DECam CCD Response curve

Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)

Registered Filter Name

Filter Description


Detector sensitivity defined in the LSST Science Requirements Document.


Fiducial atmosphere over a 10 year baseline.


Fiducial atmosphere likely for LSST at 1.2 airmasses.


Throughput of the <ugrizy> glass filters only.


Hardware contribution response curve in each band.


Total response curve in each band.


Response curve contribution from each mirror.


Response curve contribution from each lens.


Combined result from all mirrors.


Combined response from all lenses.


Throughput in each band without a fiducial atmosphere.