Source code for snat_sim.models.light_curve

"""Abstract representations of astronomical time-series data"""

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import *
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sncosmo.photdata
from astropy.table import Table

from .. import types

for column_name, alias_set in sncosmo.photdata.PHOTDATA_ALIASES.items():
    for alias in alias_set:
        SNCOSMO_ALIASES[alias] = column_name

# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyUnresolvedReferences,PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]@dataclass class ObservedCadence: """The observational sampling of an astronomical light-curve The zero-point, zero point system, and gain arguments can be a collection of values (one per ``obs_time`` value), or a single value to apply at all observation times. Args: obs_times: Array of observation times for the light-curve bands: Array of bands for each observation zp: The zero-point or an array of zero-points for each observation zpsys: The zero-point system or an array of zero-point systems gain: The simulated gain or an array of gain values """ obs_times: Collection[float] bands: Collection[str] skynoise: types.FloatColl zp: types.FloatColl zpsys: Union[str, Collection[str]] gain: types.FloatColl def __eq__(self, other: ObservedCadence) -> bool: attr_list = ['obs_times', 'bands', 'skynoise', 'zp', 'zpsys', 'gain'] return np.all(np.equal(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr)) for attr in attr_list) @property def skynoise(self) -> np.array: return self._skynoise.copy() @skynoise.setter def skynoise(self, skynoise: types.FloatColl): self._skynoise = np.full_like(self.obs_times, skynoise) @property def zp(self) -> np.array: return self._zp.copy() @zp.setter def zp(self, zp: types.FloatColl): self._zp = np.full_like(self.obs_times, zp) @property def zpsys(self) -> np.array: return self._zpsys.copy() @zpsys.setter def zpsys(self, zpsys: types.FloatColl): self._zpsys = np.full_like(self.obs_times, zpsys, dtype='U8') @property def gain(self) -> np.array: return self._gain.copy() @gain.setter def gain(self, gain: types.FloatColl): self._gain = np.full_like(self.obs_times, gain)
[docs] def to_sncosmo(self) -> Table: """Return the observational cadence as an ``astropy.Table`` The returned table of observations is formatted for use with with the ``sncosmo`` package. Returns: An astropy table representing the observational cadence in ``sncosmo`` format """ observations = Table( { 'time': self.obs_times, 'band': self.bands, 'gain': self.gain, 'skynoise': self.skynoise, 'zp': self.zp, 'zpsys': self.zpsys }, dtype=[float, 'U1000', float, float, float, 'U100'] ) observations.sort('time') return observations
def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover repr_list = self.to_sncosmo().__repr__().split('\n') repr_list[0] = super(ObservedCadence, self).__repr__() repr_list.pop(2) return '\n'.join(repr_list)
[docs]class LightCurve: """Abstract representation of an astronomical light-curve."""
[docs] def __init__( self, time: Collection[float], band: Collection[str], flux: Collection[float], fluxerr: Collection[float], zp: Collection[float], zpsys: Collection[str], phot_flag: Optional[Collection[int]] = None ) -> None: """An astronomical light-curve Args: time: Time values for each observation in a numerical format (e.g. JD or MJD) band: The band each observation was performed in flux: The flux of each observation fluxerr: The error in each flux value zp: The zero-point of each observation zpsys: The zero-point system of each observation phot_flag: Optional flag for each photometric observation """ phot_flag = np.full_like(time, 0) if phot_flag is None else phot_flag self.time = pd.Index(time, name='time') = pd.Series(band, name='band', index=self.time) self.flux = pd.Series(flux, name='flux', index=self.time) self.fluxerr = pd.Series(fluxerr, name='fluxerr', index=self.time) self.zp = pd.Series(zp, name='zp', index=self.time) self.zpsys = pd.Series(zpsys, name='zpsys', index=self.time) self.phot_flag = pd.Series(phot_flag, name='phot_flag', index=self.time)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sncosmo(data: Table) -> LightCurve: """Create a ``LightCurve`` instance from an astropy table in the SNCosmo format Args: data: A table in the sncosmo format Returns: A ``LightCurve`` instance """ # The sncosmo data format uses flexible column names # E.g., 'time', 'date', 'jd', 'mjd', 'mjdobs', and 'mjd_obs' are all equivalent # Here we map those column names onto the kwarg names for the parent class return LightCurve(**{SNCOSMO_ALIASES.get(col, col): data[col] for col in data.colnames})
[docs] def to_astropy(self) -> Table: """Return the light-curve data as an astropy ``Table`` formatted for use with sncosmo Returns: An ``Table`` instance formatted for use with sncosmo """ return Table.from_pandas(self.to_pandas().reset_index())
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the light-curve data as a pandas ``DataFrame`` Returns: A ``DataFrame`` instance with the light-curve data """ return pd.DataFrame(dict(, flux=self.flux, fluxerr=self.fluxerr, zp=self.zp, zpsys=self.zpsys, phot_flag=self.phot_flag ), index=self.time)
def __len__(self) -> int: """The number of observations in the light-curve""" return len(
[docs] def copy(self) -> LightCurve: """Return a copy of the instance""" return copy(self)
def __eq__(self, other: LightCurve): """Check whether both objects have the same observations and the same values""" return self.to_pandas().equals(other.to_pandas())