"""Modeling functionality for Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) and related
observational effects.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import warnings
from typing import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sncosmo
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from pwv_kpno.defaults import v1_transmission
from pwv_kpno.gps_pwv import GPSReceiver
from pwv_kpno.transmission import calc_pwv_eff
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from snat_sim.utils.caching import Cache
from .supernova import VariablePropagationEffect
from .. import constants as const
from .. import types
from ..utils import time_series as tsu
# Todo: These were picked ad-hock and are likely too big.
# They should be set to a reasonable number further along in development
PWV_CACHE_SIZE = 500_000
[docs]class PWVModel:
"""Model for interpolating the atmospheric water vapor at a given date and time"""
[docs] def __init__(self, pwv_series: pd.Series) -> None:
"""Build a model for time variable PWV by interpolating from a given PWV time series
pwv_series: PWV values with a datetime index
self.pwv_model_data = pwv_series.tsu.resample_data_across_year().tsu.periodic_interpolation()
self.pwv_model_data.index = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(self.pwv_model_data.index)
self.calc_airmass = Cache(self.calc_airmass, TRANSMISSION_CACHE_SIZE, 'time')
self.pwv_los = Cache(self.pwv_los, PWV_CACHE_SIZE, 'time')
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_suominet_receiver(receiver: GPSReceiver, year: int, supp_years: Collection[int] = None) -> PWVModel:
"""Construct a ``PWVModel`` instance using data from a SuomiNet receiver
receiver: GPS receiver to access data from
year: Year to use data from when building the model
supp_years: Years to supplement data with when missing from ``year``
A PWV model that interpolates from data taken by the given receiver
all_years = [year]
if supp_years:
weather_data = receiver.weather_data().PWV
supp_data = weather_data.tsu.supplemented_data(year, supp_years)
return PWVModel(supp_data)
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def calc_airmass(
time: float,
ra: float,
dec: float,
lat: float = const.vro_latitude,
lon: float = const.vro_longitude,
alt: float = const.vro_altitude,
time_format: str = 'mjd',
raise_below_horizon: bool = True
) -> float:
... # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def calc_airmass(
time: Union[np.ndarray, Collection],
ra: float,
dec: float,
lat: float = const.vro_latitude,
lon: float = const.vro_longitude,
alt: float = const.vro_altitude,
time_format: str = 'mjd',
raise_below_horizon: bool = True
) -> np.array:
... # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod
def calc_airmass(
"""Calculate the airmass through which a target is observed
Default latitude, longitude, and altitude are set to the Rubin
time: Time at which the target is observed
ra: Right Ascension of the target (Deg)
dec: Declination of the target (Deg)
lat: Latitude of the observer (Deg)
lon: Longitude of the observer (Deg)
alt: Altitude of the observer (m)
time_format: Astropy supported format of the time value (Default: 'mjd')
raise_below_horizon: If true, raise a ValueError for an airmasses less than 1
Airmass in units of Sec(z)
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Astropy time manipulations raise annoying ERFA warnings
obs_time = Time(time, format=time_format)
observer_location = EarthLocation(
lat=lat * u.deg,
lon=lon * u.deg,
height=alt * u.m)
target_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg)
altaz = AltAz(obstime=obs_time, location=observer_location)
airmass = target_coord.transform_to(altaz).secz.value
if raise_below_horizon and np.less(airmass, 1).any():
raise ValueError(f'Invalid airmass ({airmass}) for ra={ra}, dec={dec}, time={time} ({time_format})')
return airmass
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def pwv_zenith(self, time: float, time_format: Optional[str]) -> float:
... # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def pwv_zenith(self, time: types.FloatColl, time_format: types.StrColl) -> np.array:
... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def pwv_zenith(self, time, time_format='mjd'):
"""Interpolate the PWV at zenith as a function of time
The ``time_format`` argument can be set to ``None`` when passing datetime
objects for ``time`` instead of numerical values.
time: The time to interpolate PWV for
time_format: Astropy supported format of the time value (Default: 'mjd')
The PWV at zenith for the given time(s)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
x_as_datetime = Time(time, format=time_format).to_datetime()
x_in_seconds = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(x_as_datetime)
return np.interp(
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def pwv_los(
time: float,
ra: float,
dec: float,
lat: float = const.vro_latitude,
lon: float = const.vro_longitude,
alt: float = const.vro_altitude,
time_format: str = 'mjd'
) -> float:
... # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def pwv_los(
self, time: Union[np.ndarray, Collection],
ra: float,
dec: float,
lat: float = const.vro_latitude,
lon: float = const.vro_longitude,
alt: float = const.vro_altitude,
time_format: str = 'mjd'
) -> np.array:
... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def pwv_los(
self, time, ra, dec,
) -> Union[float, np.array]:
"""Interpolate the PWV along the line of sight for the given time
The ``time_format`` argument can be set to ``None`` when passing datetime
objects instead of numerical values for ``time``.
time: Time at which the target is observed
ra: Right Ascension of the target (Deg)
dec: Declination of the target (Deg)
lat: Latitude of the observer (Deg)
lon: Longitude of the observer (Deg)
alt: Altitude of the observer (m)
time_format: Astropy supported format of the time value (Default: 'mjd')
The PWV concentration along the line of sight to the target
return (self.pwv_zenith(time, time_format) *
[docs] def seasonal_averages(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Calculate the average PWV in each season
Assumes seasons based on equinox and solstice dates in the year 2020.
A dictionary with the average PWV in each season (in mm)
# Rough estimates for the start of each season
fall = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(const.mar_equinox)
winter = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(const.jun_solstice)
spring = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(const.sep_equinox)
summer = tsu.datetime_to_sec_in_year(const.dec_solstice)
# Separate PWV data based on season
# THe cosed is based on southern hemisphere definitions for each season
# This means the summer spans the new year, hence the use of an | operator
winter_pwv = self.pwv_model_data[(self.pwv_model_data.index < spring) & (self.pwv_model_data.index > winter)]
spring_pwv = self.pwv_model_data[(self.pwv_model_data.index > spring) & (self.pwv_model_data.index < summer)]
summer_pwv = self.pwv_model_data[(self.pwv_model_data.index > summer) | (self.pwv_model_data.index < fall)]
fall_pwv = self.pwv_model_data[(self.pwv_model_data.index > fall) & (self.pwv_model_data.index < winter)]
return {
'winter': winter_pwv.mean(),
'spring': spring_pwv.mean(),
'summer': summer_pwv.mean(),
'fall': fall_pwv.mean()
[docs]class PWVTransmissionModel:
"""Models atmospheric transmission due to PWV at a fixed resolution"""
[docs] def __init__(self, resolution: float = None) -> None:
"""Instantiate a PWV transmission model at the given resolution
Transmission values are determined using the ``v1_transmission`` model
from the ``pwv_kpno`` package.
resolution: Resolution to bin the atmospheric model to
self.norm_pwv = 2
self.eff_exp = 0.6
self.samp_pwv = np.arange(0, 60.25, .25)
self.samp_wave = v1_transmission.samp_wave
self.samp_transmission = v1_transmission(
self._interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(
points=(calc_pwv_eff(self.samp_pwv), self.samp_wave),
self.calc_transmission = Cache(self.calc_transmission, TRANSMISSION_CACHE_SIZE, 'pwv', 'wave')
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def calc_transmission(self, pwv: float, wave: Optional[np.array] = None) -> pd.Series:
... # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
def calc_transmission(self, pwv: Collection[float], wave: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def calc_transmission(self, pwv, wave=None):
"""Evaluate the transmission model at the given wavelengths
Returns a ``Series`` object if ``pwv`` is a scalar, and a ``DataFrame``
object if ``pwv`` is an array. Wavelengths are expected in angstroms.
pwv: Line of sight PWV to interpolate for
wave: Wavelengths to evaluate transmission (Defaults to ``samp_wave`` attribute)
The interpolated transmission at the given wavelengths / resolution
wave = self.samp_wave if wave is None else wave
pwv_eff = calc_pwv_eff(pwv, norm_pwv=self.norm_pwv, eff_exp=self.eff_exp)
if np.isscalar(pwv_eff):
xi = [[pwv_eff, w] for w in wave]
return pd.Series(self._interpolator(xi), index=wave, name=f'{float(np.round(pwv, 4))} mm')
# Equivalent to [[[pwv_val, w] for pwv_val in pwv_eff] for w in wave]
xi = np.empty((len(wave), len(pwv_eff), 2))
xi[:, :, 0] = pwv_eff
xi[:, :, 1] = np.array(wave)[:, None]
names = list(map('{} mm'.format, np.round(pwv, 4).astype(float)))
return pd.DataFrame(self._interpolator(xi), columns=names)
[docs]class StaticPWVTrans(sncosmo.PropagationEffect):
"""Propagation effect for the atmospheric absorption of light due to time static PWV
The value of the ``pwv`` parameter reflects the total PWV concentration
along the line of sight. It is NOT scaled using the airmass through
which an object is observed.
Effect Parameters:
pwv: Atmospheric concentration of PWV along line of sight in mm
_minwave = 3000.0
_maxwave = 12000.0
[docs] def __init__(self, transmission_res: float = 5) -> None:
"""Time independent atmospheric transmission effect due to PWV
Setting the ``transmission_res`` argument to ``None`` results in the
highest available transmission model available.
transmission_res (float): Reduce the underlying transmission model by binning to the given resolution
self._transmission_res = transmission_res
self._param_names = ['pwv']
self.param_names_latex = ['PWV']
self._parameters = np.array([0.])
self._transmission_model = PWVTransmissionModel(transmission_res)
def transmission_res(self) -> float:
"""Resolution used when binning the underlying atmospheric transmission model"""
return self._transmission_res
[docs] def propagate(self, wave: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, *args) -> np.ndarray:
"""Propagate the flux through the atmosphere
wave: A 1D array of wavelength values
flux: An array of flux values
An array of flux values after suffering from PWV absorption
# The class guarantees PWV is a scalar, so ``transmission`` is 1D
transmission = self._transmission_model.calc_transmission(self.parameters[0], wave)
# ``flux`` is 2D, so we do a quick cast
return flux * transmission.values[None, :]
[docs]class AbstractVariablePWVEffect(VariablePropagationEffect):
"""Base class for building time-variable PWV propagation effects"""
[docs] def __init__(self, transmission_res: float = 5) -> None:
"""Time variable atmospheric transmission effect due to PWV
Setting the ``transmission_res`` argument to ``None`` results in the
highest available transmission model available.
Effect Parameters:
pwv: Atmospheric concentration of PWV along line of sight in mm
transmission_res: Reduce the underlying transmission model by binning to the given resolution
self._transmission_res = transmission_res
self._param_names = ['pwv']
self.param_names_latex = ['PWV']
self._parameters = np.array([0.])
self._transmission_model = PWVTransmissionModel(transmission_res)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def assumed_pwv(self, time: types.FloatColl) -> types.FloatColl:
"""The PWV concentration used by the propagation effect at a given time
time: Time to get the PWV concentration for
An array of PWV values in units of mm
def _apply_propagation(self, flux: np.ndarray, transmission: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Apply an atmospheric transmission to flux values
flux: Array of flux values
transmission: Array of sampled transmission values
if isinstance(transmission, pd.DataFrame): # PWV is a vector and transmission is a DataFrame
return flux * transmission.values.T
# Assume PWV is scalar and transmission is Series-like
elif np.ndim(flux) == 1:
return flux * transmission
elif np.ndim(flux) == 2:
return flux * np.atleast_2d(transmission)
# We don't actually expect this to ever be raised. The above conditionals should be sufficient.
# However, we put it here just in case the function is called in some creative un-anticipated fashion.
raise NotImplementedError('Could not match dimensions of atmospheric model to source flux.') # pragma: no cover
[docs] def propagate(self, wave: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, time: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Propagate the flux through the atmosphere
wave: An array of wavelength values
flux: An array of flux values
time: Array of time values to determine PWV for
An array of flux values after suffering from PWV absorption
pwv = self.assumed_pwv(time)
transmission = self._transmission_model.calc_transmission(pwv, np.atleast_1d(wave))
return self._apply_propagation(flux, transmission)
[docs]class VariablePWVTrans(AbstractVariablePWVEffect):
"""Propagation effect for the atmospheric absorption of light due to time variable PWV
The value of the ``pwv`` parameter reflects the total PWV concentration
at zenith. This value is scaled using the airmass as calculated using the
position of the observer (``lat``, ``lon``, and ``alt`` parameters) and the
object (``ra`` and ``dec`` parameters).
Effect Parameters:
ra: Target Right Ascension in degrees
dec: Target Declination in degrees
lat: Observer latitude in degrees (defaults to location of VRO)
lon: Observer longitude in degrees (defaults to location of VRO)
alt: Observer altitude in meters (defaults to height of VRO)
[docs] def __init__(self, pwv_model: PWVModel, time_format: str = 'mjd', transmission_res: float = 5.) -> None:
"""Time variable atmospheric transmission due to PWV
Setting the ``transmission_res`` argument to ``None`` results in the
highest available transmission model available.
pwv_model: Returns PWV at zenith for a given time value and time format
time_format: Astropy recognized time format used by the ``pwv_interpolator``
transmission_res: Reduce the underlying transmission model by binning to the given resolution
# Create atmospheric transmission model
self._time_format = time_format
self._pwv_model = pwv_model
# Define wavelength range of propagation effect
self._minwave = self._transmission_model.samp_wave.min()
self._maxwave = self._transmission_model.samp_wave.max()
# Define and store default modeling parameters
self._param_names = ['ra', 'dec', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt']
self.param_names_latex = [
'Target RA', 'Target Dec',
'Observer Latitude (deg)', 'Observer Longitude (deg)', 'Observer Altitude (m)']
self._parameters = np.array([0., 0., const.vro_latitude, const.vro_longitude, const.vro_altitude])
[docs] def assumed_pwv(self, time: types.FloatColl) -> types.FloatColl:
"""The PWV concentration used by the propagation effect at a given time
time: Time to get the PWV concentration for
An array of PWV values in units of mm
return self._pwv_model.pwv_los(
[docs]class SeasonalPWVTrans(AbstractVariablePWVEffect):
"""Atmospheric propagation effect for a fixed PWV concentration per-season
The value of the ``winter``, ``summer``, ``spring`` and ``fall`` parameters
reflect the total PWV concentration at zenith during those time periods.
These values are scaled using the airmass calculated using the
position of the observer (``lat``, ``lon``, and ``alt`` parameters)
and the object (``ra`` and ``dec`` parameters).
Season names are defined for an individual in the southern hemisphere.
Effect Parameters:
ra: Target Right Ascension in degrees
dec: Target Declination in degrees
lat: Observer latitude in degrees (defaults to location of VRO)
lon: Observer longitude in degrees (defaults to location of VRO)
alt: Observer altitude in meters (defaults to height of VRO)
winter: PWV concentration in the winter
spring: PWV concentration in the spring
summer: PWV concentration in the summer
fall: PWV concentration in the fall
[docs] def __init__(self, time_format: str = 'mjd', transmission_res: float = 5.) -> None:
"""Time variable atmospheric transmission due to PWV that changes per season
time_format: Astropy recognized time format used by the ``pwv_interpolator``
transmission_res: Reduce the underlying transmission model by binning to the given resolution
# Create atmospheric transmission model
self._time_format = time_format
# Define wavelength range of propagation effect
self._minwave = self._transmission_model.samp_wave.min()
self._maxwave = self._transmission_model.samp_wave.max()
# Define and store default modeling parameters
self._param_names = ['winter', 'spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'ra', 'dec', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt']
self.param_names_latex = [
'Winter PWV', 'Spring PWV', 'Summer PWV', 'Fall PWV',
'Target RA', 'Target Dec',
'Observer Latitude (deg)', 'Observer Longitude (deg)', 'Observer Altitude (m)']
self._parameters = np.array(
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., const.vro_latitude, const.vro_longitude, const.vro_altitude])
[docs] def assumed_pwv(self, time: types.FloatColl) -> types.FloatColl:
"""The PWV concentration used by the propagation effect at a given time
time: Time to get the PWV concentration for
An array of PWV values in units of mm
# Convert time values to their corresponding season
with warnings.catch_warnings():
datetime_objects = Time(time, format=self._time_format).to_datetime()
seasons = np.atleast_1d(tsu.datetime_to_season(datetime_objects))
return np.array([self[season] for season in seasons])
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_pwv_model(pwv_model: PWVModel):
"""Create a new instance using the averaged per-season PWV from a PWV model"""
trans = SeasonalPWVTrans()
return trans