Source code for snat_sim.models.reference_star

"""Models for the spectro-photometric flux of stars and their combination into
reference catalogs.

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import *

import as fits
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import LightCurve
from .pwv import PWVModel
from .. import constants as const
from .. import types
from ..data_paths import paths_at_init

[docs]class ReferenceStar: """Representation of modeled stellar spectra from the Goettingen Spectral Library"""
[docs] def __init__(self, spectral_type: str) -> None: """Load a spectrum for the given spectral type Flux values are returned in phot/cm2/s/angstrom and are index by wavelength values in Angstroms. Args: spectral_type: Spectral type (e.g., G2) """ self.spectral_type = spectral_type.upper() if self.spectral_type not in self.get_available_types(): raise ValueError(f'Data for spectral type "{self.spectral_type}" is not available.') # Load spectra for different spectral types path = next(paths_at_init.stellar_spectra_dir.glob(self.spectral_type + '*.fits')) self._spectrum = self._read_stellar_spectra_path(path)
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series: """Return the spectral template as a ``pandas.Series`` object""" return self._spectrum.copy()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_types() -> List[str]: """Return the spectral types available on disk Returns: A list fo spectral types """ return sorted(f.stem.upper() for f in paths_at_init.stellar_flux_dir.glob('*.txt'))
@staticmethod def _read_stellar_spectra_path(fpath: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.Series: """Load fits file with stellar spectrum from phoenix Fits files can be downloaded from: converts from egs/s/cm2/cm to phot/cm2/s/nm using Flux values are returned in phot/cm2/s/angstrom and are index by wavelength values in Angstroms. Args: fpath: Path of the file to read Returns: Flux values as a pandas Series """ # Load spectral data with as infile: spec = infile[0].data # Load data used to convert spectra to new units # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection with / 'WAVE_PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011.fits') as infile: lam = infile[0].data # angstroms angstroms_per_cm = 1e8 conversion_factor = 5.03 * 10 ** 7 # See ergs_per_photon = conversion_factor * lam # Evaluate unit conversion spec /= angstroms_per_cm # ergs/s/cm2/cm into ergs/s/cm2/Angstrom spec *= ergs_per_photon # into phot/cm2/s/angstrom indices = (lam >= 3000) & (lam <= 12000) return pd.Series(spec[indices], index=lam[indices])
[docs] @lru_cache() # Cache I/O def flux_scaling_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve pre-tabulated scale factors uses when calibrating flux values for PWV absorption Returns: A DataFrame indexed by PWV with columns for flux """ rpath = paths_at_init.stellar_flux_dir / f'{self.spectral_type}.txt' band_names = [f'lsst_hardware_{b}' for b in 'ugrizy'] column_names = ['PWV'] + band_names reference_star_flux = pd.read_csv( rpath, sep='\\s', header=None, names=column_names, comment='#', index_col=0, engine='python' ) for band in band_names: band_flux = reference_star_flux[f'{band}'] reference_star_flux[f'{band}_norm'] = band_flux / band_flux.loc[0] return reference_star_flux
[docs] def flux(self, band: str, pwv: Union[types.Numeric, np.array]) -> np.ndarray: """Return the reference star flux values Args: band: Band to get flux for pwv: PWV concentration along the line of sight Returns: The normalized flux at the given PWV value(s) """ reference_star_flux = self.flux_scaling_dataframe() if np.any( (pwv < reference_star_flux.index.min()) | (pwv > reference_star_flux.index.max())): raise ValueError('PWV is out of range') norm_flux = reference_star_flux[band] return np.interp(pwv, norm_flux.index, norm_flux)
[docs] def norm_flux(self, band: str, pwv: Union[types.Numeric, np.array]) -> np.ndarray: """Return the normalized reference star flux values Args: band: Band to get flux for pwv: PWV concentration along the line of sight Returns: The normalized flux at the given PWV value(s) """ reference_star_flux = self.flux_scaling_dataframe() if np.any( (pwv < reference_star_flux.index.min()) | (pwv > reference_star_flux.index.max())): raise ValueError('PWV is out of range') norm_flux = reference_star_flux[f'{band}_norm'] return np.interp(pwv, norm_flux.index, norm_flux)
[docs]class ReferenceCatalog: """A rudimentary implementation of a reference star catalog"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *spectral_types: str) -> None: """Create a reference star catalog composed of the given spectral types Args: *spectral_types: Spectral types for the catalog (e.g., 'G2', 'M5', 'K2') """ if not spectral_types: raise ValueError('Must specify at least one spectral type for the catalog.') self.spectral_types = spectral_types self.spectra = tuple(ReferenceStar(st) for st in spectral_types)
[docs] def average_norm_flux(self, band: str, pwv: Union[types.Numeric, Collection, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the average normalized reference star flux Args: band: Band to get flux for pwv: PWV concentration along the line of sight Returns: The normalized flux at the given PWV value(s) """ return np.average([s.norm_flux(band, pwv) for s in self.spectra], axis=0)
[docs] def calibrate_lc(self, light_curve: LightCurve, pwv: Union[types.Numeric, np.ndarray]) -> LightCurve: """Divide normalized reference flux from a light-curve Recalibrate flux values using the average change in flux of a collection of reference stars. Args: light_curve: Light curve to calibrate pwv: PWV concentration along the line of sight Returns: A modified copy of the ``light_curve`` argument """ if isinstance(pwv, Collection): if len(pwv) != len(light_curve): raise ValueError('PWV must be a float or have the same length as ``lc_table``') pwv = np.array(pwv) else: pwv = np.full(len(light_curve), pwv) light_curve = light_curve.copy() for band in set( band_indices = np.where( == band)[0] light_curve.flux.iloc[band_indices] /= self.average_norm_flux(band, pwv[band_indices]) return light_curve
[docs]class VariableCatalog: """A reference star catalog that determines the time dependent PWV concentration along the line of sight from an underlying PWV model """
[docs] def __init__(self, pwv_model: PWVModel, *spectral_types: str) -> None: """Create a reference star catalog composed of the given spectral types and a PWV model Args: *spectral_types: Spectral types for the catalog (e.g., 'G2', 'M5', 'K2') pwv_model: The PWV model to determine the zenith PWV concentration from """ self.catalog = ReferenceCatalog(*spectral_types) self.pwv_model = pwv_model
[docs] def average_norm_flux( self, band: str, time: Union[float, np.ndarray, Collection], ra: float, dec: float, lat: float = const.vro_latitude, lon: float = const.vro_longitude, alt: float = const.vro_altitude, time_format: str = 'mjd' ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the average normalized reference star flux Args: band: Band to get flux for time: Time at which the target is observed ra: Right Ascension of the target (Deg) dec: Declination of the target (Deg) lat: Latitude of the observer (Deg) lon: Longitude of the observer (Deg) alt: Altitude of the observer (m) time_format: Astropy supported format of the time value (Default: 'mjd') Returns: The normalized flux at the given PWV value(s) """ pwv = self.pwv_model.pwv_los(time, ra, dec, lat, lon, alt, time_format=time_format) return self.catalog.average_norm_flux(band, pwv)
[docs] def calibrate_lc( self, light_curve: LightCurve, ra: float, dec: float, lat: float = const.vro_latitude, lon: float = const.vro_longitude, alt: float = const.vro_altitude, time_format: str = 'mjd' ) -> LightCurve: """Divide normalized reference flux from a light-curve Recalibrate flux values using the average change in flux of a collection of reference stars. Args: light_curve: Yhr light-curve to calibrate ra: Right Ascension of the target (Deg) dec: Declination of the target (Deg) lat: Latitude of the observer (Deg) lon: Longitude of the observer (Deg) alt: Altitude of the observer (m) time_format: Astropy supported format of the time value (Default: 'mjd') Returns: A modified copy of the ``light_curve`` argument """ pwv = self.pwv_model.pwv_los(light_curve.time, ra, dec, lat, lon, alt, time_format=time_format) return self.catalog.calibrate_lc(light_curve, pwv)