Source code for snat_sim.models.supernova

"""Modeling functionality for the spectro-photometric time-sampling of

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from typing import *
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sncosmo

from .light_curve import LightCurve, ObservedCadence
from .. import constants as const
from .. import types

[docs]class SNModel(sncosmo.Model): """An observer-frame supernova model composed of a Source and zero or more effects"""
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sncosmo(model: sncosmo.Model) -> SNModel: """Create an `SNModel`` instance from a ``sncosmo.Model`` instance Args: model: The sncosmo model to build from Returns: An ``SNModel`` object """ new_model = SNModel( model.source, effects=model.effects, effect_names=model.effect_names, effect_frames=model._effect_frames) new_model.update({p: model[p] for p in new_model.param_names}) return new_model
# Same as parent except allows duck-typing of ``effect`` arg def _add_effect_partial(self, effect, name, frame) -> None: """Like ``add effect``, but don't sync parameter arrays""" if frame not in ['rest', 'obs', 'free']: raise ValueError("frame must be one of: {'rest', 'obs', 'free'}") self._effects.append(copy(effect)) self._effect_names.append(name) self._effect_frames.append(frame) # for 'free' effects, add a redshift parameter if frame == 'free': self._param_names.append(name + 'z') self.param_names_latex.append('{\\rm ' + name + '}\\,z') # add all of this effect's parameters for param_name in effect.param_names: self._param_names.append(name + param_name) self.param_names_latex.append('{\\rm ' + name + '}\\,' + param_name) # Same as parent except adds support for ``VariablePropagationEffect`` effects def _flux(self, time, wave) -> np.ndarray: """Array flux function.""" a = 1. / (1. + self._parameters[0]) phase = (time - self._parameters[1]) * a restwave = wave * a # Note that below we multiply by the scale factor to conserve bolometric luminosity. # noinspection PyProtectedMember f = a * self._source._flux(phase, restwave) # Pass the flux through the PropagationEffects. for effect, frame, zindex in zip(self._effects, self._effect_frames, self._effect_zindicies): if frame == 'obs': effect_wave = wave elif frame == 'rest': effect_wave = restwave else: # frame == 'free' effect_a = 1. / (1. + self._parameters[zindex]) effect_wave = wave * effect_a # This code block is new to the child class if isinstance(effect, VariablePropagationEffect): f = effect.propagate(effect_wave, f, time) else: f = effect.propagate(effect_wave, f) return f # Parent class copy enforces return is a parent class instance # Allow child classes to return copies of their own type def __copy__(self) -> SNModel: """Like a normal shallow copy, but makes an actual copy of the parameter array.""" new_model = type(self)(self.source, self.effects, self.effect_names, self._effect_frames) new_model.update(dict(zip(self.param_names, self.parameters))) return new_model
[docs] def simulate_lc( self, cadence: ObservedCadence, scatter: bool = True, fixed_snr: Optional[float] = None ) -> LightCurve: """Simulate a SN light-curve If ``scatter`` is ``True``, then simulated flux values include an added random component drawn from a normal distribution with a standard deviation equal to the error of the observation. Args: cadence: Observational cadence to evaluate the light-curve with scatter: Whether to add random noise to the flux values fixed_snr: Optionally simulate the light-curve using a fixed signal to noise ratio Returns: The simulated light-curve """ flux = self.bandflux(cadence.bands, cadence.obs_times, zp=cadence.zp, zpsys=cadence.zpsys) if fixed_snr: fluxerr = flux / fixed_snr else: fluxerr = np.sqrt(cadence.skynoise ** 2 + np.abs(flux) / cadence.gain) if scatter: flux = np.atleast_1d(np.random.normal(flux, fluxerr)) return LightCurve( time=cadence.obs_times, band=cadence.bands, flux=flux, fluxerr=fluxerr, zp=cadence.zp, zpsys=cadence.zpsys )
[docs] def fit_lc( self, data: LightCurve = None, vparam_names: List = tuple(), bounds: Dict[str: Tuple[types.Numeric, types.Numeric]] = None, method: str = 'minuit', guess_amplitude: bool = True, guess_t0: bool = True, guess_z: bool = True, minsnr: float = 5.0, modelcov: bool = False, maxcall: int = 10000, phase_range: List[types.Numeric] = None, wave_range: List[types.Numeric] = None ) -> SNFitResult: """Fit model parameters to photometric data via a chi-squared minimization Fitting behavior: - Parameters of the parent instance are not modified during the fit - If ``modelcov`` is enabled, the fit is performed multiple times until convergence. - The ``t0`` parameter has a default fitting boundary such that the latest phase of the model lines up with the earliest data point and the earliest phase of the model lines up with the latest data point. Args: data: Table of photometric data. vparam_names: Model parameters to vary in the fit. bounds: Bounded range for each parameter. Keys should be parameter names, values are tuples. guess_amplitude: Whether to guess the amplitude from the data. guess_t0: Whether to guess t0. Only has an effect when fitting t0. guess_z: Whether to guess z (redshift). Only has an effect when fitting redshift. minsnr: When guessing amplitude and t0, only use data with signal-to-noise ratio greater than this value. method: Minimization method to use. Either "minuit" or "emcee" modelcov: Include model covariance when calculating chisq. Default is False. maxcall: Maximum number of chi-square iterations to evaluate when fitting. phase_range: If given, discard data outside this range of phases. wave_range: If given, discard data with bandpass effective wavelengths outside this range. Returns: The fit result and a copy of the model set to the fitted parameters """ try: fit_func = {'minuit': sncosmo.fit_lc, 'emcee': sncosmo.mcmc_lc}[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid fitting method: {method}') result, fitted_model = fit_func( data=data.to_astropy(), model=deepcopy(self), vparam_names=vparam_names, bounds=bounds, method=method, guess_amplitude=guess_amplitude, guess_t0=guess_t0, guess_z=guess_z, minsnr=minsnr, modelcov=modelcov, maxcall=maxcall, phase_range=phase_range, wave_range=wave_range, warn=False ) result = SNFitResult(result) result['apparent_bessellb'] = fitted_model.source.bandmag('bessellb', 'ab', phase=0) result['absolute_bessellb'] = fitted_model.source_peakabsmag('bessellb', 'ab', cosmo=const.betoule_cosmo) return result
[docs]class SNFitResult(sncosmo.utils.Result): """Represents results from a ``SNModel`` being fit to a ``LightCurve``""" def __eq__(self, other: SNFitResult) -> bool: if (not isinstance(other, self.__class__)) or (self.keys() != other.keys()): return False for key, val in self.items(): if not np.array_equal(val, other[key]): return False return True @property def param_names(self) -> List[str]: """The names of the model parameters""" return copy(self['param_names']) @property def parameters(self) -> pd.Series: """The model parameters""" return pd.Series(self['parameters'], index=self.param_names) @property def vparam_names(self) -> List[str]: """List of parameter names varied in the fit""" return copy(self['vparam_names']) @property def vparameters(self) -> pd.Series: """The values of the varied parameters""" vparameters = [self['parameters'][self['param_names'].index(v)] for v in self.vparam_names] return pd.Series(vparameters, index=self.vparam_names) @property def covariance(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """The covariance matrix""" if self['covariance'] is None: return None return pd.DataFrame.cov_utils.from_array(self['covariance'], param_names=self.vparam_names)
[docs] def salt_covariance_linear(self, x0_truth: float = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """The covariance matrix of apparent magnitude and salt2 parameters Will raise an error if the `x0`, `x1` and `c` parameters are not varied in the fit. Args: x0_truth: Optionally assert an alternative x0 value Returns: The covariance matrix asd a pandas ``DataFrame`` """ if not self.success: raise RuntimeError('Cannot calculate variance for a failed fit.') x0 = self.parameters.loc['x0'] if x0_truth is None else x0_truth factor = - 2.5 / np.log(10) # drop other parameters like t0 cov = self.covariance.copy() cov = cov.cov_utils.subcovariance(param_list=['x0', 'x1', 'c']) covariance = cov.cov_utils.log_covariance(param_name='x0', param_value=x0, factor=factor) covariance.rename(columns={'x0': 'mB'}, inplace=True) covariance['name'] = covariance.columns covariance.set_index('name', inplace=True) = None return covariance
[docs] def mu_variance_linear(self, alpha: float, beta: float) -> float: """Calculate the variance in distance modulus Determined using the covariance matrix of apparent magnitude and salt2 parameters (See the ``salt_covariance_linear`` method). Args: alpha: The stretch correction factor beta: The color excess correction factor Returns: The variance in mu """ if not self.success: raise RuntimeError('Cannot calculate variance for a failed fit.') arr = np.array([1.0, alpha, -beta]) _cov = self.salt_covariance_linear() sc = _cov.cov_utils.subcovariance(param_list=['mB', 'x1', 'c']) return sc.cov_utils.expAVsquare(arr)
def __repr__(self) -> str: # Extremely similar to the base representation of the parent class but # cleaned up so values are displayed in neat rows / columns with np.printoptions(precision=3): chisq_str = str(np.array([self.chisq]))[1:-1] params_str = str(self.parameters.values) errors_str = str(np.array(list(self.errors.values()))) if self.covariance is not None: four_spaces = '\n ' covariance_str = four_spaces + str(self.covariance.values).replace('\n', f'{four_spaces}') else: covariance_str = ' None' return ( f" success: {self.success}\n" f" message: {self.message}\n" f" ncall: {self.ncall}\n" f" nfit: {self.nfit}\n" f" chisq: {chisq_str}\n" f" ndof: {self.ndof}\n" f" param_names: {self.param_names}\n" f" parameters: {params_str}\n" f"vparam_names: {self.vparam_names}\n" f" errors: {errors_str}\n" f" covariance:{covariance_str}" )
[docs]class VariablePropagationEffect(sncosmo.PropagationEffect): """Base class for propagation effects that vary with time Similar to ``sncosmo.PropagationEffect`` class, but the ``propagate`` method accepts a ``time`` argument. """ # noinspection PyMethodOverriding
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def propagate(self, wave: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, time: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Propagate the flux through the atmosphere Args: wave: An array of wavelength values flux: An array of flux values time: Array of time values Returns: An array of flux values after suffering propagation effects """ pass # pragma: no cover