Source code for snat_sim.plasticc

"""The ``plasticc`` module provides data access for PLAsTICC cadence
simulations stored on the local machine. Data is accessible by specifying
the cadence name and model number used in a given simulation.

Usage Example

The ``PLAsTICC`` class is responsible for handling data access:

.. doctest:: python

   >>> from snat_sim.plasticc import PLAsTICC

   >>> # Get a list of cadences available in the directory printed above
   >>> print(PLAsTICC.get_available_cadences())  #doctest:+SKIP
   >>> [ 'alt_sched' ]  #doctest:+SKIP

   >>> # Count the number of light-curves for a given cadence and SN model
   >>> lc_data = PLAsTICC('alt_sched', model=11)
   >>> num_lc = lc_data.count_light_curves()

The class provides **basic** data access via the construction of an iterator
over the observed cadence for each simulated light-curve. The iterator returns
the unique Id, parameters, and cadecne used in each simulation.

.. note:: You should expect the first evaluation of the iterator to be slow
   since it has to load data into memory as chunks.

.. code-block:: python

   >>> lc_iterator = lc_data.iter_cadence(iter_lim=10, verbose=False)
   >>> snid, sim_params, cadence = next(lc_iterator)

The light-curve simulated by PLAsTICC for each cadence can optionally
be included with the iterator:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> lc_iterator = lc_data.iter_cadence(iter_lim=10, include_lc=True, verbose=False)
   >>> snid, sim_params, cadence, lc = next(lc_iterator)

Module Docs

from pathlib import Path
from typing import *
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import types
from .data_paths import paths_at_init
from .models import LightCurve, ObservedCadence
from .types import NumericalParams

YieldedWithoutLC = Tuple[int, NumericalParams, ObservedCadence]
YieldedWithLC = Tuple[int, NumericalParams, ObservedCadence, LightCurve]

[docs]class PLAsTICC: """Data access object for PLAsTICC simulation data"""
[docs] def __init__(self, cadence: str, model: int) -> None: """Data access object for PLAsTICC simulations performed using a given cadence and SN model Args: cadence: The cadence to load data for model: The numerical identifier of the PLAsTICC SN model used in the simulation """ self.cadence = cadence self.model = model
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_cadences() -> List[str]: """Return a list of all cadences available in the working environment""" return [ for p in paths_at_init.get_plasticc_dir().glob('*') if p.is_dir()]
[docs] def get_model_headers(self) -> List[Path]: """Return a list of file paths for all simulation header files""" return list(paths_at_init.get_plasticc_dir(self.cadence, self.model).glob('*HEAD.FITS'))
[docs] def count_light_curves(self) -> int: """Return the number of available light-curve simulations for the current cadence and model""" total_lc = 0 for header_path in self.get_model_headers(): with as _temp: total_lc += len(_temp[1].data) return total_lc
@overload @staticmethod def _iter_cadence_for_header(header_path: types.PathLike, include_lc: bool = False) -> Iterator[YieldedWithoutLC]: ... # pragma: no cover @overload @staticmethod def _iter_cadence_for_header(header_path: types.PathLike, include_lc: bool = True) -> Iterator[YieldedWithLC]: ... # pragma: no cover @staticmethod def _iter_cadence_for_header(header_path, include_lc=False): """Iterate over cadence data from a given header file Files are expected to be written in pairs of a header file (`*HEAD.fits`) that stores target meta data and a photometry file (`*PHOT.fits`) with simulated light-curves. Args: header_path: Path of the header file include_lc: Include the PLAsTICC simulated light-curve with iterator outputs Yields: - The supernova identifier (SNID) - The parameters used in the simulation - The cadence of the simulation """ # Load meta data from the header file with as header_hdulist: meta_data = pd.DataFrame(header_hdulist[1].data) # Load light-curves from the photometry file, This is slow phot_file_path = str(header_path).replace('HEAD', 'PHOT') with as photometry_hdulist: phot_data = Table(photometry_hdulist[1].data) # If using pandas instead of astropy on the above line you need to avoid # ValueError: Big-endian buffer not supported on little-endian compiler # by adding in the below code: # for key, val in phot_data.iteritems(): # phot_data[key] = phot_data[key].to_numpy().byteswap().newbyteorder() for idx, meta in meta_data.iterrows(): # Select the individual light-curve by it's indices lc_start = int(meta['PTROBS_MIN']) - 1 lc_end = int(meta['PTROBS_MAX']) lc_data = phot_data[lc_start: lc_end] params = { 'ra': meta['RA'], 'dec': meta['DECL'], 't0': meta['SIM_PEAKMJD'], 'x1': meta['SIM_SALT2x1'], 'c': meta['SIM_SALT2c'], 'z': meta['SIM_REDSHIFT_CMB'], 'x0': meta['SIM_SALT2x0'] } times = lc_data['MJD'] bands = ['lsst_hardware_' + f.lower().strip() for f in lc_data['FLT']] zero_point = lc_data['ZEROPT'] cadence = ObservedCadence( obs_times=times, bands=bands, zp=zero_point, zpsys='AB', gain=1, skynoise=lc_data['SKY_SIG'] ) if include_lc: lc = LightCurve( time=times, band=bands, flux=lc_data['FLUXCAL'], fluxerr=lc_data['FLUXCALERR'], zp=zero_point, zpsys='AB', phot_flag=lc_data['PHOTFLAG'] ) yield int(meta['SNID'].strip()), params, cadence, lc else: yield int(meta['SNID'].strip()), params, cadence @overload def iter_cadence( self, iter_lim: int = None, include_lc: bool = False, verbose: bool = True ) -> Iterator[YieldedWithoutLC]: ... # pragma: no cover @overload def iter_cadence( self, iter_lim: int = None, include_lc: bool = True, verbose: bool = True ) -> Iterator[YieldedWithLC]: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def iter_cadence(self, iter_lim=None, include_lc=False, verbose=True): """Iterate over available cadence data for each supernova Args: iter_lim: Limit the number of iterated light-curves include_lc: Include the PLAsTICC simulated light-curve with iterator outputs verbose: Display a progress bar Yields: - The supernova identifier (SNID) - The parameters used in the simulation - The cadence of the simulation """ max_lc = self.count_light_curves() total = min(iter_lim, max_lc) if iter_lim else max_lc i = 0 with tqdm(self.get_model_headers(), desc=self.cadence, total=total, disable=not verbose) as pbar: for header_path in pbar: for chunk in self._iter_cadence_for_header(header_path, include_lc=include_lc): pbar.update() pbar.refresh() yield chunk i += 1 if i >= total: return