DESC Builders
The following members have been granted DESC Builder Status, in accordance with the LSST DESC Builder Status Policy, which states that DESC Builder Status is a recognition given by the LSST DESC to those members who have made significant contributions to building the collaboration, both its community and its simulation and analysis pipeline and infrastructure software.
- Michel Aguena da Silva (Trieste Observatory)
- David Alonso (Oxford)
- Catarina Alves (UCL)
- Camille Avestruz (U. Michigan)
- Humna Awan (U. Michigan)
- Rachel Bean (Cornell)
- Matt Becker (ANL)
- Rahul Biswas (OKC/Stockholm U.)
- Jonathan Blazek (Northeastern)
- Dominique Boutigny (LAPP/IN2P3)
- Pat Burchat (Stanford)
- Chihway Chang (U. Chicago/KICP)
- Jim Chiang (SLAC)
- Elisa Chisari (Utrecht)
- Johann Cohen-Tanugi (LUPM/IN2P3)
- Scott Daniel (U. Washington)
- Seth Digel (SLAC)
- Richard Dubois (SLAC)
- Eric Gawiser (Rutgers)
- Tom Glanzman (SLAC)
- Philippe Gris (LPC/IN2P3)
- Andrew Hearin (ANL)
- Katrin Heitmann (ANL)
- Renée Hložek (Toronto)
- Mustapha Ishak (UT Dallas)
- Bhuvnesh Jain (U. Pennsylvania)
- Mike Jarvis (U. Pennsylvania)
- Saurabh Jha (Rutgers)
- Shahab Joudaki (Waterloo)
- Heather Kelly (SLAC)
- Eve Kovacs (ANL)
- Simon Krughoff (Rubin Observatory)
- Danielle Leonard (Newcastle)
- Michelle Lochner (AIMS)
- Alex Malz (CMU)
- Rachel Mandelbaum (CMU)
- Phil Marshall (SLAC)
- Yao-Yuan Mao (Utah)
- Josh Meyers (LLNL)
- Jeffrey Newman (U. Pittsburgh)
- Andrina Nicola (AIfA Bonn)
- Hiranya Peiris (UCL/OKC/Stockholm U.)
- Andrés Plazas Malagón (SLAC)
- Marina Ricci (APC/IN2P3)
- Eli Rykoff (SLAC)
- Javier Sánchez López (Fermilab)
- Sam Schmidt (UC Davis)
- Erin Sheldon (BNL)
- Anže Slosar (BNL)
- Antonia Sierra Villarreal (SLAC)
- Tilman Tröster (ETH Zürich)
- Anja von der Linden (Stony Brook)
- Chris Walter (Duke)
- Michael Wood-Vasey (U. Pittsburgh)
- Tianqing Zhang (U. Pittsburgh)
- Joe Zuntz (Edinburgh)