DESC Meetings and Conference Sessions
Most links on this page are accessible to members only.
Upcoming Meetings
- 2025 July Collaboration meeting held in-person at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, with full support for remote participation (July 21-25, 2025)
Past Meetings
- 2025 February Collaboration Meeting held virtually (Feb 18-21, 24, 2025)
- 2025 January AAS 245 Splinter Meeting (January 14, 2025)
- 2024 Sprint Week at SLAC (October 28-November 1, 2024)
- 2024 July Collaboration Meeting at ETH Zurich (July 8-12, 2024)
- 2024 February Collaboration Meeting held virtually (Feb 26 - March 1, 2024)
- 2023 Sprint Week at Carnegie Mellon University (Oct 16-20, 2023)
- 2023 July Collaboration Meeting at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (July 24-28, 2023)
- 2023 February Collaboration Meeting held virtually (Feb 27-March 3, 2023)
- 2022 Sprint Week at the University of Michigan (Oct 17-21, 2022)
- 2022 August Collaboration Meeting at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago (August 1-5, 2022)
- 2022 February Collaboration Meeting held virtually (February 21-25, 2022)
- 2021 Sprint Week held in hybrid format: in-person hubs at APC (France), Princeton (US), and UIUC (US) and remote participation (Oct. 25-29, 2021)
- 2021 July Collaboration Meeting held virtually (July 19-23, 2021)
- 2021 February Collaboration Meeting held virtually (Feb. 1-Feb. 5, 2021)
- 2020 DESC Sprint Week held virtually (Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2020)
- 2020 July Collaboration Meeting held virtually (July 20-24, 2020) - originally to have been held at the University of Chicago
- 2020 Winter Collaboration Meeting at the University of Arizona (Jan 20-24, 2020)
- 2019 Sprint Week at Texas A&M (Nov 18-22, 2019)
- DESC Meeting at APC laboratory, Paris (July 15 - 19, 2019)
- DESC Meeting at the University of California, Berkeley (Feb 25 - Mar 1, 2019)
- DESC Sprint Week at the University of Edinburgh (Oct 22-26, 2018)
- DESC Meeting at Carnegie Mellon University (July 23-27, 2018)
- DESC Meeting at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Feb 5-9, 2018)
- DESC Hack Week at Argonne National Laboratory (Dec 4-8, 2017)
- DESC Meeting at Stony Brook U and Brookhaven National Laboratory (July 10-14, 2017)
- DESC Hack Week at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (April 3-7, 2017)
- DESC Meeting at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Feb 13-17, 2017)
- DESC Hack Week at Carnegie Mellon University (Nov 7-11, 2016)
- DESC Meeting at Oxford (July 18-22, 2016)
- DESC Meeting at SLAC (March 7-11, 2016)
- DESC Meeting at Argonne (Oct 2015)
- DESC Meeting at SLAC (Feb 2015)
- DESC Meeting at U. Penn (June 2014)
- Joint LSST-DES Meeting at Fermilab (March 2014)
- DESC Meeting at CMU (Dec 2013)
- DESC Meeting at SLAC (Jan 2013)